How do you listen to your music?
May 28, 2009 at 8:08 AM Post #2 of 34
If I am concentrating on the music, my eyes are closed...

But 95% of the time, I am doing something else while listening. Homework, surfing, chatting, and the like.
May 28, 2009 at 8:18 AM Post #4 of 34
^ Same as Erik.
Depending on the situation
May 28, 2009 at 8:50 AM Post #6 of 34

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^ Same as Erik.
Depending on the situation

^^^ X 3, depends on my mood and the music.

May 28, 2009 at 12:06 PM Post #10 of 34
If it's still light outside, I keep my eyes closed. If it's dark out, I close the curtains, put out the lights in the room, and keep my eyes open. I like that even better than keeping my eyes closed. So, what's the difference?

If I'm really relaxing with my eyes closed, I tend to fall asleep.
If I keep my eyes open, I remain fully awake to enjoy the music.

And in some funny way (which can probably be explained by some genuine scientific physiological-psychological phenomenon), I am more able to "perceive" the sound stage of a recording with my eyes open in the dark, than with my eyes closed.

Anybody else has that experience? If not, please give it a try. It works for me.
May 28, 2009 at 12:08 PM Post #11 of 34

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I'm reading or using the Internets, then eyes open.

If it's serious, focused listening, then eyes closed.

x4 unless I really like the song. I listen eyes closed regardless of what I'm doing if that's the case unless I'm walking.
May 28, 2009 at 12:10 PM Post #12 of 34
I usually do things while i am listening, internet ,tv etc.
when the eyes are closed,you can hear more things in the music because your mind is focoused only on that sense(the hearing...and the smell and touch ofcourse), that's why blind people usually hear better . it's no question that listening with the eyes closed is more enjoyable.

the problem with me, is that i simply can't close my eyes for purposes that are not sleeping. so i always do something while listening, even look at the booklets inside of my cd's. the last time i tried to close my eyes to listen to some classical piece...i fell asleep after 10 minutes
May 28, 2009 at 6:25 PM Post #13 of 34

Originally Posted by plonter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I usually do things while i am listening, internet ,tv etc.
when the eyes are closed,you can hear more things in the music because your mind is focoused only on that sense(the hearing...and the smell and touch ofcourse), that's why blind people usually hear better . it's no question that listening with the eyes closed is more enjoyable.

the problem with me, is that i simply can't close my eyes for purposes that are not sleeping. so i always do something while listening, even look at the booklets inside of my cd's. the last time i tried to close my eyes to listen to some classical piece...i fell asleep after 10 minutes

Yea i tend to doze off when I keep my eyes closed as I listen to the music. This helps me though. Just imagine yourself in the music beside the singer just dancing. You are putting your mind to work with this imagination so it's harder for you to go to sleep.
May 28, 2009 at 8:57 PM Post #14 of 34
50% I'm at my desk on the net with my desktop speakers

30% of the time it's at the gym or during a run

20% I'm on my bed/couch really absorbed into the music
May 28, 2009 at 9:09 PM Post #15 of 34
Mostly on my chair with my eyes open and doing something else

Sometimes with my eyes closed, then I generally drift off to sleep

Some other times with my eyes closed, focused on the music

So basically, it depends.

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