Holo Audio Bliss
Nov 27, 2022 at 12:10 PM Post #406 of 3,421
Don't forget to compare Bliss to the XLR1 outs of Serene :)
As a user of sensitive headphones, this is most interesting. I don't need a lot of power and if Serene would be as good as a headphone amp (ignoring power), it would be a good way to save some money.
Nov 27, 2022 at 12:56 PM Post #407 of 3,421
As a user of sensitive headphones, this is most interesting. I don't need a lot of power and if Serene would be as good as a headphone amp (ignoring power), it would be a good way to save some money.
I have the Serene KTE L3 and the XLR1 output is really good driving my Audeze LCD-5. Is better than my Benchmark HPA4 and Ferrum ORR/Hypsos. I will be keen to compare the Serene with the Bliss when I take delivery of the latter.
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:48 PM Post #409 of 3,421
Btw I was thinking about the stacking on top of May and airflow and came up with an idea: what if one would buy 4 of these, one under each leg of Bliss:


That would move it up like 2,5cm and pucks are big enough to make the structure stable. However they still should be small enough to let May breath. As a bonus: total cost below 10€/$.
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Nov 27, 2022 at 11:57 PM Post #410 of 3,421
I did it...
Hell ya! Welcome to the club of pre-orders and hopefully soon-to-be owners :)
Btw I was thinking about the stacking on top of May and airflow and came up with an idea: what if one would buy 4 of these, one under each leg of Bliss:

That would move it up like 1,5cm and pucks are big enough to make the structure stable. However they still should be small enough to let May breath. As a bonus: total cost below 10€/$.

When I was messaging them about stacking this on my Spring 3, they said it was recommended to have about 2 inches of gap between them and not to stack them just with the feet that comes on the Bliss but using an isopuck or something like this. As long as it has that much clearance to allow for airflow you should be fine stacking
Nov 28, 2022 at 12:23 AM Post #411 of 3,421
When I was messaging them about stacking this on my Spring 3, they said it was recommended to have about 2 inches of gap between them and not to stack them just with the feet that comes on the Bliss but using an isopuck or something like this.
Ok, that would then mean basically having 2 pucks on top of each other (and gluing them together maybe) as they are 1 inch thick.

EDIT: ditched the idea. Checked in a shop that they are not completely flat survaces.
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Nov 28, 2022 at 9:33 AM Post #412 of 3,421
We need the reviews to come out already, lol
Nov 28, 2022 at 9:49 AM Post #413 of 3,421
We need the reviews to come out already, lol

I’m beginning to suspect that I may get mine before I’m able to read about it
Nov 28, 2022 at 11:00 AM Post #416 of 3,421
Nov 28, 2022 at 11:58 AM Post #417 of 3,421
Just emailed with Magnahifi. I still got in to the first batch, but first batch was sold out today! I was among the very last ones :)
Nov 28, 2022 at 11:59 AM Post #418 of 3,421
Oh hell ya! I ordered three weeks ago so I gotta be in the first batch. Did they indicate when that first batch is shipping by chance?
Nov 28, 2022 at 12:02 PM Post #419 of 3,421
Oh hell ya! I ordered three weeks ago so I gotta be in the first batch. Did they indicate when that first batch is shipping by chance?

And, does the KTE version take longer? I got my May L2 shipped straight from Hong Kong, but I got the KTE version of the Bliss and I'm not sure if that needs to pass through Kitsune first for 'tuning'.
Nov 28, 2022 at 12:05 PM Post #420 of 3,421
Oh hell ya! I ordered three weeks ago so I gotta be in the first batch. Did they indicate when that first batch is shipping by chance?
They said that new orders from now on need to wait until the beginning of January...

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