Holo Audio Bliss
Feb 15, 2023 at 9:31 AM Post #1,396 of 3,333
I just placed an order for the KTE yesterday. These posts are killing me as I wait for production and shipping :cold_sweat:.
Posts like this?
Feb 15, 2023 at 9:33 AM Post #1,397 of 3,333
After having my gear in storage for 18 months I have finally got headfi rig setup and running:


Chain is: PC (Roon) -> LAN -> Metrum Amber -> I2S -> Metrum Pavane (upgraded to DAC2 modules) -> XLR -> Holo Bliss KTE.
Early days, but already the sound is very pleasant. A few more days for the NOS DAC to settle down and the Bliss to burn in and this rig should be singing.

I have been through a bunch of SS amps over the years - Simaudio 430HA, Violectric V281, Headamp GS-X Mk2, Auralic Taurus Mk2. None of them quite hit the spot, but I have high hopes for the Bliss.
Man, where ya been. That has to be a type of shock.
Feb 15, 2023 at 2:59 PM Post #1,400 of 3,333
I have arrived at the endgame of the endgame :
Key components : May L2 NOS -> (ofc XLR) -> Bliss KTE -> (pure copper XLR) -> 1266 TC + 2m AQ Blizzard -> AQ Niagara 1200 -> 1m AQ Blizzard -> Bliss

I will try to put some words together, but it will sound like total gushing over this setup, but holy $hit has it elevated my TC experience.
TC has amazing synergy with May, Bluss and AQ power conditioning. All elements are needed to get to the sound I'll try to describe.

- TC sounds natural and slightly warm from this setup. YES TC SOUNDS WARM OFF NEUTRAL, everyone who put some hours on the TC knows this is not something that happens often. In fact it sounds warmer than any tube amp I've tried, warmer than Ferrum. It's not warm warm, but it's really warm for TC.
- Treble is very controlled and smooth, it's very rarely sibilant and only when the track has sibilance issues.
- Treble is not grating nor tiring
- Mids are still down (it's a TC trait), but they are the most filled in I've heard from TC with lower mids having warmth
- Bass is super clean and punchy
- Clarity is awesome, but it's combined with smoothness
- Timbral accuracy is the best I've heard from TC
- Fully holographic sound, space between instruments is insane without sounding harsh or unnatural

If I take AQ power from this and just use standard high current IEC cables the sound loses smoothness and air between instruments aspect. It's still very very good, but loses I would say last 20% of the jaw dropping smoothness and space. And if you know TC you know that it is NOT a smooth headphone. Not sure if anyone ever described the TC as smooth and timbrally accurate. Now this stack is Susvara smooth but with trademark TC clarity and space.

I'm in ave ... time to wrap the system up with top notch interconnects, rest of power cabling, fuses etc. to make sure I'm getting full fat 100% ... but even now it is glorious!

This system has the endgame qualities : I never want to skip tracks (in fact I want to listen to the whole track practically every time), everything I throw at it sounds amazing.

Man, I am in tears right now.
Not by what you wrote.. but as I listen to mine...
Feb 15, 2023 at 6:02 PM Post #1,402 of 3,333
I have arrived at the endgame of the endgame :
Key components : May L2 NOS -> (ofc XLR) -> Bliss KTE -> (pure copper XLR) -> 1266 TC + 2m AQ Blizzard -> AQ Niagara 1200 -> 1m AQ Blizzard -> Bliss

I will try to put some words together, but it will sound like total gushing over this setup, but holy $hit has it elevated my TC experience.
TC has amazing synergy with May, Bluss and AQ power conditioning. All elements are needed to get to the sound I'll try to describe.

- TC sounds natural and slightly warm from this setup. YES TC SOUNDS WARM OFF NEUTRAL, everyone who put some hours on the TC knows this is not something that happens often. In fact it sounds warmer than any tube amp I've tried, warmer than Ferrum. It's not warm warm, but it's really warm for TC.
- Treble is very controlled and smooth, it's very rarely sibilant and only when the track has sibilance issues.
- Treble is not grating nor tiring
- Mids are still down (it's a TC trait), but they are the most filled in I've heard from TC with lower mids having warmth
- Bass is super clean and punchy
- Clarity is awesome, but it's combined with smoothness
- Timbral accuracy is the best I've heard from TC
- Fully holographic sound, space between instruments is insane without sounding harsh or unnatural

If I take AQ power from this and just use standard high current IEC cables the sound loses smoothness and air between instruments aspect. It's still very very good, but loses I would say last 20% of the jaw dropping smoothness and space. And if you know TC you know that it is NOT a smooth headphone. Not sure if anyone ever described the TC as smooth and timbrally accurate. Now this stack is Susvara smooth but with trademark TC clarity and space.

I'm in ave ... time to wrap the system up with top notch interconnects, rest of power cabling, fuses etc. to make sure I'm getting full fat 100% ... but even now it is glorious!

This system has the endgame qualities : I never want to skip tracks (in fact I want to listen to the whole track practically every time), everything I throw at it sounds amazing.
We'll go team TC. However far you want to take it.
WP_20200312_14_04_42_Rich (3).jpg
Feb 15, 2023 at 11:49 PM Post #1,403 of 3,333
I have arrived at the endgame of the endgame :
Key components : May L2 NOS -> (ofc XLR) -> Bliss KTE -> (pure copper XLR) -> 1266 TC + 2m AQ Blizzard -> AQ Niagara 1200 -> 1m AQ Blizzard -> Bliss

I will try to put some words together, but it will sound like total gushing over this setup, but holy $hit has it elevated my TC experience.
TC has amazing synergy with May, Bluss and AQ power conditioning. All elements are needed to get to the sound I'll try to describe.

- TC sounds natural and slightly warm from this setup. YES TC SOUNDS WARM OFF NEUTRAL, everyone who put some hours on the TC knows this is not something that happens often. In fact it sounds warmer than any tube amp I've tried, warmer than Ferrum. It's not warm warm, but it's really warm for TC.
- Treble is very controlled and smooth, it's very rarely sibilant and only when the track has sibilance issues.
- Treble is not grating nor tiring
- Mids are still down (it's a TC trait), but they are the most filled in I've heard from TC with lower mids having warmth
- Bass is super clean and punchy
- Clarity is awesome, but it's combined with smoothness
- Timbral accuracy is the best I've heard from TC
- Fully holographic sound, space between instruments is insane without sounding harsh or unnatural

If I take AQ power from this and just use standard high current IEC cables the sound loses smoothness and air between instruments aspect. It's still very very good, but loses I would say last 20% of the jaw dropping smoothness and space. And if you know TC you know that it is NOT a smooth headphone. Not sure if anyone ever described the TC as smooth and timbrally accurate. Now this stack is Susvara smooth but with trademark TC clarity and space.

I'm in ave ... time to wrap the system up with top notch interconnects, rest of power cabling, fuses etc. to make sure I'm getting full fat 100% ... but even now it is glorious!

This system has the endgame qualities : I never want to skip tracks (in fact I want to listen to the whole track practically every time), everything I throw at it sounds amazing.
Thank you for the impression.
Feb 16, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #1,405 of 3,333
Hey guys, I have been doing some A/B between Holo Bliss KTE and Luxman P-750u.

The Luxman is a bit of a lesser known amp, incredibly well built, refined and powerful. It’s a rare beast on this side of the world and I’m lucky enough to own one. For those who don’t know it: https://www.luxman.com/product/detail.php?id=7

Just to be clear, because it might introduce some level of bias, I'm using the Bliss as a pre (counting on the well known transparency of Holo PREs and Pre modules. Also the bliss doesn't have enough burn-in, just 50-70 hours so far.

This is the chain it’s been tested with:
Allo USBridge Signature > Furutech GT2-Pro USB cable > Holo May L2 > Balanced (MCC cables) > Holo Bliss KTE > Balanced (MCC cables) > Luxman P-750u

Headphones: Dan Clark Expanse
Cable: MCC 8-core silver plated 22awg litz with Aeco connectors and Hi-Rose (high-end version)

Tool - Forty, Six and Two

The Luxman has a more ethereal presentation, more airy overall. Bass is more defined and deeper on the Bliss. The Bliss has a warmer, holographic presentation, making it easier to position instruments and sounds in space. It sounds a bit more compressed, the stage is less wide than on the Luxman.
The part I always use as a test comes at around 4:20 when the crescendo starts, flowing into the finale: the Luxman is very open, percussions have their space and the drum rolls send shivers down your spine. Playing back that minute on the Bliss, the stage is more compressed, but there is more detail, you hear percussion details in the build up that you literally can’t hear on the Luxman. But the drum-roll doesn't have that visceral, shiver generating feel it has on the Luxman: everything is more closed-in. On the Bliss there is more detail and more power, but more compressed.
Luxman wins on points.

Alice in Chains - No Excuses (unplugged)
Here I start with the Bliss. The initial percussions send shivers down the spine. You can feel the strings of the acoustic guitar vibrate in your chest in every small detail. Percussions in the background are very easy to position in space, both in depth and width. Overall the stage is very precise, but relatively small.

Moving to the Luxman. Initial percussions have less dynamics, but the width of the stage is infinite. The strings of the acoustic guitar touch you, but they don't make you shiver. Percussions’ positioning in space is less defined. It's all broader, but less holographic. You can't put your finger on every sound.

Lyne's voice sounds better on the Bliss, is more natural and Jerry's is much easier to split from Lyne’s (on the Luxman they bled together more).
Overall I think I can report the same impressions I had on the Tool track: the Luxman has more air, but less definition. But in the intricate instrumental parts (like for Tool) it gives something more for some reason I can't quite define.

Massive attack - Angel
Bliss: in the intro the sub-bass makes your brain shake. My eyes literally vibrate as I write. On the Luxman they are deep and defined, but the comparison is unfair. Again, wider stage on the Luxman, but less defined sound placement. With the Bliss you really can give the exact coordinates of every single note. The impressive thing about the Bill is the bass decay. Immediate, no trail. Scary stuff.

The voice, again, is more natural and rounded on the Bliss, more defined.

On the Luxman, everything happens OUTSIDE your head. On the Bliss, only part of it. It's more intimate.

The note trail is drier on the Bliss, more natural in my opinion. On the Luxman, it stretches a little too much.

Testament - 3 Days in Darkness
Starting with the Luxman here. Immense stage. The voice is perhaps a little lost between the instruments and in the (obvious) general mess. Lombardo's double kick drum is a bit lost. James Murphy's rhythm is a thread mixed with percussion.
On the Bliss the stage is very small vs Luxman. The voice is perfectly defined. Percussions and guitars are on two completely different layers. Everything sounds bombastic, more in your face, yet perfectly defined. The double kick drum has its own space and position.

Another A/B, this time with ZMF Caldera (MMC 8-core silver and copper hybrid with full Furutech connectors).

Deftones - Digital Bath

Drum attack (in the silence) much more incisive on the Bliss. Sounds in general have more reverb on the Luxman, which still has a wider and more ethereal stage (I must say very suitable for this song). Chino's vocals are much closer on the Bliss, also sounding much more natural and present. Coming to the denser passages, with distorted guitars, drums, bass all together and then screamed vocals, the Bliss behaves much better, giving each instrument its space and well-defined position, to the detriment of a more limited stage.
Sampled (subtle) effects in moments of silence are much more audible on the Bliss, mostly because in moments of total silence it is FULLY silent. There is absolutely no rustling in the background, which can be heard in the Luxman, albeit distant and faint.

Opeth - Bleak
Let's start with the Luxman. Very spacious sound once again. There is no question, the instruments are more blended together than with the Bliss. Dynamics are also more compressed: the frequency gap between cymbals and kick drum is greater on the Bliss.
Things improve a lot by moving "sensitivity" on the Luxman from High to Mid, but on separation and positioning we are still a bit far from the Bliss.
At 5:00 there is a very atmospheric acoustic passage with solo and voice: o n the Bliss again the sound is more holographic, at this point there is no doubt. All notes have more space between them, even if the stage is more intimate.

On the Luxman, everything appears more in the background, more distant and on the same level.

In terms of sounds popping in different parts of the soundscape we are far (and quite so) between the two.

It’s the usual struggle: if you listen to the Luxman in isolation, it has a wonderful sound, incredibly elegant and refined, precisely because it is open and ethereal, but when you compare it to the Bliss, from a technical point of view (separation , depth of sound field, silence) there are some differences that are quite easy to notice for a trained ear.
Thanks for this comparison 🙏

These seem to be two excellent solid state amps. Currently using Ferrum stack and looking at future options 😂
Feb 16, 2023 at 6:44 PM Post #1,406 of 3,333
Thanks for this comparison 🙏

These seem to be two excellent solid state amps. Currently using Ferrum stack and looking at future options 😂
I’m going to sell the Luxman now… but you’re in Europe!
Feb 16, 2023 at 7:21 PM Post #1,408 of 3,333
Is Lo-Z and Hi-Z on this amp essentially low gain and high gain?
No lo-Z and hi-Z refers to low and high output impedance

Gain is automatically adjusted as you adjust volume
Feb 16, 2023 at 8:10 PM Post #1,409 of 3,333
No lo-Z and hi-Z refers to low and high output impedance

Gain is automatically adjusted as you adjust volume
Is that the impedance of the headphones? Under what conditions would lo-Z and hi-Z matter? I'm driving the Susvara so I assume I would use hi-Z.

Also, really looking forward to your review. I bought a Holo May lvl 2 partly because of you and I love it to death.
Feb 16, 2023 at 8:13 PM Post #1,410 of 3,333
Is that the impedance of the headphones? Under what conditions would lo-Z and hi-Z matter? I'm driving the Susvara so I assume I would use hi-Z.

Also, really looking forward to your review. I bought a Holo May lvl 2 partly because of you and I love it to death.
No with susvara you definitely want to use Lo-Z

Use Lo-Z by default and with any planars.
For some dynamic driver headphones you might like the way the frequency response is altered with Hi-Z

This doesn't affect planars the same way though and less power is available in Hi-Z so for stuff like susvara definitely use Lo-Z

Glad you're enjoying the May! It's a phenomenal DAC

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