HiFiMan Susvara
Mar 17, 2022 at 9:35 AM Post #14,986 of 26,386
Mar 17, 2022 at 9:36 AM Post #14,987 of 26,386
Mar 17, 2022 at 9:37 AM Post #14,988 of 26,386
……..15000 posts!!!!
Mar 17, 2022 at 10:41 AM Post #14,989 of 26,386
Mar 17, 2022 at 11:05 AM Post #14,990 of 26,386
I've gone through each and every page and post of this thread, that's a lot of online time spent. This headphone deserves the long conversations and discussions.
Mar 17, 2022 at 12:46 PM Post #14,991 of 26,386
1000 pages and still not a clue as what amp is best!
Mar 17, 2022 at 1:35 PM Post #14,992 of 26,386
Speaking of obsessing about amps, and especially amp-rolling, here's a little pop quiz (actually, this is more of a survey):

Are you more interested in

1. listening to your Susvara with the matching best-performing amp? or....
2. listening to your fancy uber-audiophile mega-mega-bucks amp (or rather your preferred not-so-expensive "fetish" amp, or speaker amp) with your susvara? or
3. listening to your music with the Susvara and any amp that can make the music come alive in the most optimal way for your ears and soul? or
4. some alternative configuration of preferences that is not represented in the three listed above?

In other words, which one comes first, and brings you the most satisfaction? The headphone, the amp, or the music?

I have always assumed I could take the answer that appears to be obvious (1. music. 2. headphone. 3. amp) for granted but I have been having second thoughts about that assumption lately, after contemplating the sheer weirdness and unpredictability of preferences and tastes in the hobby as demonstrated by the behavior and idiosyncrasies of sone head-fiers,

I'm not interested in targeting any particular head-fiers, or in putting anyone personally on the spot. This is just an open-minded "fact-finding" survey... Your honest input would be appreciated, as long as you're comfortable providing it. Many thanks, and God bless.
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Mar 17, 2022 at 1:39 PM Post #14,993 of 26,386
1000 pages and still not a clue as what amp is best!
According to a few reviewers: AHB2 / Monoblocks, or Ferum OOR, and a few die hard fans of the CFA3. EF1000 if you have the money. Tube pre-amp for both recommended.
Mar 17, 2022 at 1:41 PM Post #14,994 of 26,386
Mar 17, 2022 at 1:46 PM Post #14,996 of 26,386
According to a few reviewers: AHB2 / Monoblocks, or Ferum OOR, and a few die hard fans of the CFA3. EF1000 if you have the money. Tube pre-amp for both recommended.
Do you consider this to be an exhaustive list? If so then won't you make a few owners of the Bakoon 13r or the Enleum 23r pretty sad? Oh I forgot those of any number of speaker amp/speaker taps advocates who have weighed in more or less recently on the thread.

In other words, I hope you're joking, and if you're not, then accept my sincere apologies:)

PS: On the other hand, I suppose listing several amp options in response to the question "What amp is best," already provides a sort of tongue-in-cheek if ironic answer or non-answer, and it's all good... Humor is always great and welcome:):):)
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Mar 17, 2022 at 1:50 PM Post #14,997 of 26,386
Do you consider this to be an exhaustive list? If so then you'll make a few owners of the Bakoon 13r or the Enleum 23r pretty sad? Oh I forgot those of any number of speaker amp/speaker taps advocates who have weighed in more or less recently on the thread.

In other words, I hope you're joking, and if you're not, then accept my sincere apologies:)
Also don't forget the Trafomatic Primavera with the Riviera AIC-10 and the EF1000 (possibly all of equal standing) then possibly followed by the Woo WA33 Elite then the rest of the favourite choices for the Susvara i.e. the Bakoon 13R and top quality speaker amps !
Mar 17, 2022 at 2:32 PM Post #14,998 of 26,386
1000 pages and still not a clue as what amp is best!
Maybe not best, but what you like the most. I really enjoy the Chord Ttoby and Etude amps in my chain. But my chain is different than yours so.....You will probably have to experiment to find "your" best amp :wink: as everyone has "their own". I am sure this still doesn't help, but it often helps me rationalize.
Mar 17, 2022 at 2:45 PM Post #14,999 of 26,386
According to a few reviewers: AHB2 / Monoblocks, or Ferum OOR, and a few die hard fans of the CFA3. EF1000 if you have the money. Tube pre-amp for both recommended.

The Hifiman EF1000 for the Susvara !

Maybe not best, but what you like the most. I really enjoy the Chord Ttoby and Etude amps in my chain. But my chain is different than yours so.....You will probably have to experiment to find "your" best amp :wink: as everyone has "their own". I am sure this still doesn't help, but it often helps me rationalize.
Just joking. I know there are many options. I have no intention of traveling on this quest with some of you and I am perfectly happy with my setup. Good luck all!
Mar 17, 2022 at 2:46 PM Post #15,000 of 26,386
I left music playing overnight on the new Susvara and took a listen this afternoon. It’s like being given a warm and smooth hug of sound. Still sounds closed in compared to my well-used HE-1000SE, but i’ll keep the break-in going.

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