Hifiman HE6-SE
Sep 2, 2018 at 9:56 PM Post #46 of 3,954
I feel like I'm the only one on the planet that has absolutely no issues with inefficient headphones that require speaker amp levels of power.

Nah, you're not the only one. I don't mind inefficient headphones. The fact is, the HE6 is an inefficient headphone - so coming into the thread about the HE6 and complaining that it should be more efficient is like going into a Sennheiser thread and complaining that the headphones leak too much sound so they should be closed instead.

If you want a "more efficient HE6" - you want a different headphone. And that's fine, there's plenty of options out there for efficient headphones (from Hifiman themselves as well). At the end of the day, it's simple. You want a different headphone. Move along. This one is inefficient.
Sep 3, 2018 at 1:33 AM Post #48 of 3,954
Going back to the HE6, my main bug bear with it is the pathetic efficiency specs. It is nonsense to have to consider a speaker sized output from any amp to drive any headphone. It is simple poor design by HFM. No excuses Fang, get you efficiency up, and see more of a market for this model.

But I guess he sees a 'niche' in the old HE6 crowd, cash in on that? But to me the goal posts have moved, the world has moved on, so this is IMO a cash call, not any kind of realistic offer to compete with the better HPs out there today. Unless I am proved wrong and it does indeed sound amazing? Not holding my breath.

when it first came out, HE-6 was very good, a totl can (if amped well) for a reasonable price. but given the headphones you can buy today in the same (or even less) price range, if this HE-6SE will sound significantly closer to the original HE-6 I would not buy it even at the 1.2k original price.
so there are two options IMHO: this is a scaled down Susvara, but then the price tag makes no sense (a Susvara Jr cheaper than the oldie HEK??), or this is a strange hybrid using some new technologies (Susvara gold plated membrane?) to resemble somewhat the original HE-6 and squeeze some more cash from the HE6 fanboys (instead of having them buy 2nd hand, which brings no money in Fang's bottomless pocket).
honestly, I would bet on the latter one. a purely marketing proposal, no added value at all. just playing on the "HE-6" name fro some more cash.
Sep 3, 2018 at 2:25 AM Post #49 of 3,954
when it first came out, HE-6 was very good, a totl can (if amped well) for a reasonable price. but given the headphones you can buy today in the same (or even less) price range, if this HE-6SE will sound significantly closer to the original HE-6 I would not buy it even at the 1.2k original price.
so there are two options IMHO: this is a scaled down Susvara, but then the price tag makes no sense (a Susvara Jr cheaper than the oldie HEK??), or this is a strange hybrid using some new technologies (Susvara gold plated membrane?) to resemble somewhat the original HE-6 and squeeze some more cash from the HE6 fanboys (instead of having them buy 2nd hand, which brings no money in Fang's bottomless pocket).
honestly, I would bet on the latter one. a purely marketing proposal, no added value at all. just playing on the "HE-6" name fro some more cash.

You are reading into the scale down Susvara driver part too much!

What I heard and read is He6-SE is definitely a HE-6 version 2. Same sound and everything but more refine and better built. It is almost similar to a STAX 009 and 009S similarities.

HE6-SE is said to be just as hard to drive and with almost the same sonic quality as the original but more refine. Susvara on the other hand has a complete different sound signature than the original He6.



Weight: 502 grams/17.7 ounces
Frequency response: 8Hz-65kHz
Sensitivity: 83.5dB
Impedance: 50 Ohm

Accessories included with the HE6se:

HE Adapter for driving the HE6se
with a full-size power amplifier
OCC (single crystal copper) 4-pin XLR cable (2 meters/6 feet)
OCC XLR to 6.5mm headphone plug adapter (1 meter/3 feet)
Headphone cable connector
Spare earpad
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Sep 3, 2018 at 4:45 PM Post #51 of 3,954
I feel like I'm the only one on the planet that has absolutely no issues with inefficient headphones that require speaker amp levels of power. One reason is probably because my system is built around a speaker amp :wink:
The other reason is that I don't care much to have a price increase just so headphones can sound slightly more than abysmal from my phone. Most people who are into hi-fi (particularly headphones) have dedicated home systems built around a stationary setup; making things more efficient for the sake of portability is purely a marketing thing that I consider nonsensical.
For those who are upset about amping needs I understand to a degree, but big boy headphones tend to be notoriously power hungry or amp; those qualities are almost the mode de rigour of summit fi.
Electrostatics are the most obvious and arguably the worst of this trend .

If Fang had chosen to make the HE6SE less power hungry it may have changed the sound signature and definitely wouldn't have been the "slightly improved rerelease" he seems to be going for. It would have at that been pretty much a new headphone.

Hi kid vic,
No your not alone on the running of inefficient headphones from a speaker amp. I'm all for this set-up as it dismisses with a headphone amp thus saving money, space etc. The sound and music presentation I am getting from my hifi system and the He6's is amazing....far far better than my last hi-end system i.e. BHSE with 009's.
Sep 4, 2018 at 8:17 AM Post #52 of 3,954

So everywhere I see this for sale I don’t see this being advertised as limited to 700.

When it was announced I did hear that. It was kinda the justification for the price.

Is this still the case or did they really walk that back?
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Sep 4, 2018 at 8:33 AM Post #53 of 3,954
Neither is it written nowhere that is there any Susvara technology in these. Only the Insidious Dr. Fu-Bian-Manchu knows :sunglasses:
Sep 9, 2018 at 9:58 PM Post #54 of 3,954
Well, I put in an order just now for a pair of HE6-SE. I really hope I like them :) Will report back with my findings when they arrive!
Sep 10, 2018 at 4:00 PM Post #55 of 3,954
Well, I put in an order just now for a pair of HE6-SE. I really hope I like them :) Will report back with my findings when they arrive!

if you don't get a number confirmation that they are limited to 700 like they told us return them and buy a used pair.

you will thank me
Sep 10, 2018 at 4:04 PM Post #56 of 3,954
if you don't get a number confirmation that they are limited to 700 like they told us return them and buy a used pair.

you will thank me

??? I was going to buy a used pair but there are none available currently. Figured I'd give the new take on them a shot. Why does it matter if its limited to 700 or not? I'm confused.
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Sep 10, 2018 at 5:12 PM Post #57 of 3,954
??? I was going to buy a used pair but there are none available currently. Figured I'd give the new take on them a shot. Why does it matter if its limited to 700 or not? I'm confused.

Supply and demand curves set the price. If these are a standard production headphone, buyers are more likely to wait and buy them used when the 'frenzy' is over. If they really are limited, then the price will stay high for much longer and may only drop to a certain point and stay there.
Sep 10, 2018 at 6:48 PM Post #58 of 3,954
Supply and demand curves set the price. If these are a standard production headphone, buyers are more likely to wait and buy them used when the 'frenzy' is over. If they really are limited, then the price will stay high for much longer and may only drop to a certain point and stay there.

Not always true, the limited Stax L300 for instance has been dropping in price on the used market even though its still quite new.
Sep 14, 2018 at 5:19 PM Post #59 of 3,954
I'm just finding out about this "se" version of the HE-6. Pretty smart of Fang..... I'm sure he had to keep producing the magical drivers for these things just to keep up with the blowouts... I'm thankful because I'm on my 3rd pair. Bravo! Since I'm sure these are the SAME drivers repackaged in a lighter housing (why waste $ on RD and design in this case when the original is nearly unmatched given enough high quality juice).. If I had neck issues I guess I'd be interested since I LOVE my original HE-6's. Even the price increase in justified (to keep up with artificial hifi inflation) based on the CRAZY (REAL SPEAKER) digits being spent on headphones over the last few years. I have yet to hear another headphone (regardless of price and HEADPHONE amp applied) smoke (or even match) mine, driven off a speaker amp. -I must admit that I have never heard a $50k headphone rig.. -But I don't feel like I'm missing much.. From what I know, that same 50 (or even much less, including room treatment) can purchase a KILLER 2 Channel rig that will have those phones collecting dust forever more... I digress.. -I am just happy that it doesn't seem like the day when I can no longer get my HE6 drivers repaired is approaching anytime soon....
Sep 14, 2018 at 8:22 PM Post #60 of 3,954
I'm just finding out about this "se" version of the HE-6. Pretty smart of Fang..... I'm sure he had to keep producing the magical drivers for these things just to keep up with the blowouts... I'm thankful because I'm on my 3rd pair. Bravo! Since I'm sure these are the SAME drivers repackaged in a lighter housing (why waste $ on RD and design in this case when the original is nearly unmatched given enough high quality juice).. If I had neck issues I guess I'd be interested since I LOVE my original HE-6's. Even the price increase in justified (to keep up with artificial hifi inflation) based on the CRAZY (REAL SPEAKER) digits being spent on headphones over the last few years. I have yet to hear another headphone (regardless of price and HEADPHONE amp applied) smoke (or even match) mine, driven off a speaker amp. -I must admit that I have never heard a $50k headphone rig.. -But I don't feel like I'm missing much.. From what I know, that same 50 (or even much less, including room treatment) can purchase a KILLER 2 Channel rig that will have those phones collecting dust forever more... I digress.. -I am just happy that it doesn't seem like the day when I can no longer get my HE6 drivers repaired is approaching anytime soon....

I contacted Hifiman a few months ago about repairing an original HE-6. They basically luaghed at me saying the product was ancient and they didn't have any extra drivers on hand.

Don't assume manufacturers actually support products several years after they are discontinued because a lot of them don't.

Nobody knows if they are using the original driver and HiFiMan will not tell you if they are because that will open them up to repairing old HE-6 cans versus selling new ones.

Just my experience..

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