Apr 11, 2012 at 4:24 PM Post #3 of 23
I would stay away from the HE300 unless you're willing to tweak/equalize.. It's wonky. Weird mids. I feel like it's missing lower mids the most. The rest is fine, it has good bass response, good treble, and it's light and comfortable. But the lower mids lacking is weird, it sounds like there's a missing depth to vocals and a lot of mid-heavy music. When you equalize up the lower mids, it starts to sound great. So if you're ok with equalization, then go for it, get a used one if you want a nice open-air headphone. You can get them around $180~220 usually used. Come in a nice box. The Denon is just right, right out of the box, no tweaks needed with incredibly range and phenomenal sub-bass and impact, also comfortable and light. The Fiio E10 matches both perfectly. Instead of the HE400, if you want open, maybe save up a touch more and go for the HE400 instead. I find it a lot closer to what the Denon does. It would also be great with the Fiio E10. I have tried it, by the way:
Very best,
Apr 11, 2012 at 4:33 PM Post #4 of 23
it's a bit a question of price. because i'm writing from italy and the lower price i've found for the denon's is 300 euros. whereas hifiman are at 250 euros. bd dt770 at 200 euros. on your own opinion, which would you suggest more to a student novice in the audiophile world? yes i know it's an awful question :)!
Apr 11, 2012 at 4:39 PM Post #5 of 23

it's a bit a question of price. because i'm writing from italy and the lower price i've found for the denon's is 300 euros. whereas hifiman are at 250 euros. bd dt770 at 200 euros. on your own opinion, which would you suggest more to a student novice in the audiophile world? yes i know it's an awful question :)!

I'd get the DT770's over the HE300. Also great with the Fiio E10. And if you can find the HE400's go with that even more. If you can find a used Denon, I'd go that route overall though. But if cost is really limiting, the DT770 is a great way to go.

Very best,
Apr 11, 2012 at 4:53 PM Post #8 of 23
I like the d2k for you. Like Mal says, it's great out of the box with no tweaks and is very efficient and comfortable. 
Apr 11, 2012 at 5:56 PM Post #9 of 23
The new HE-300 revision is much better, which is what they're currently shipping. I have a pair in front of me right now. They fixed the missing mid range wonkiness, from my perspective.

Originals: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/HiFiMANHE300.pdf
Rev B: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/HiFiMANHE300Rev2.pdf

I sort of bought them out of curiosity, but I'm digging them. My ears are really big, and they don't quite cover them perfectly, but most people don't have radar dishes attached to their heads. :wink: Aside from that, they're a smoking bargain at $250US.

Edit: As an aside, you can't go wrong either way, IMO.
Apr 11, 2012 at 6:45 PM Post #11 of 23
Same I've been curious to learn more about Denon as well as HiFiMan, the Denon 7k and HifiMan HE-500 both sound awesome but I'd love to get some insight into thier lower models!
Apr 25, 2012 at 3:25 PM Post #13 of 23
For me, my preference: Denon D5000 -> Denon D2000 - > HE400 -> DT770 -> HE300 (requires tweaks/equalization).
Very best,

What makes you like the D2000 over the HE-400, Mal?  Is the gap between HE-500 and HE-400 large enough?
Apr 25, 2012 at 4:16 PM Post #14 of 23
What makes you like the D2000 over the HE-400, Mal?  Is the gap between HE-500 and HE-400 large enough?

Simply preference. They're so similar, but the HE400 has better mids. The Denon however has better sub-bass. I also find the Denon to be more comfortable. I think the gap between the HE500 and HE400 is rather small. Sure, the HE500 is more resolving, less directly warm (at least in mid bass), but at twice the cost, plus the higher amplification requirements, the HE400 is the better overall value out of Hifiman I'm thinking. I love my HE500, it's my main. But had I not already had it, I'd probably be content with the HE400 for an open air headphone. The HE500 has that natural sound to it. The HE400 has a touch of fun, but still has that high quality sound to it that you'd expect from something that costs a mint. Again, my preference for the D2000 is only slight, even then, it's really the D5000 that I prefer. The D5000 is warmer than the HE400, and directly priced near it when looking at used. I look at the D5000 and HE400 as pretty much near perfect headphones for not being high-ends. But it comes down to comfort and preference. I get lost in low, textured sub-bass. So Denons tend to pull my strings. The HE400 is the open air headphone that comes close to that (while maintaining excellent mids and a slight sparkle of treble) before going high-end.
Very best,

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