HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread
Jul 13, 2020 at 12:27 PM Post #1,936 of 12,150
Had the same problem. Can't stand the ear cups, and I get inner ear discomfort because of the sound pressure. Like you a real torture. But I love my Aryas so I MODDED it to get close to the Abyss Phi Style. I took a 1/4 threaded rod with rod couplings. Now I can fine tune the clamp force, and it's so much better. I don't feel any pressure anymore. Sound has improved too ( try it, with your hands, lets the air pass and you will feel more subbass rumble without affecting the overall sound)
If you try this mod, be careful to not damage your headband and cups.
And if someone find a better system, tell me please. This is the version 1.0 :)
Really nice mod. I'm sure the bass and bass rumble are improved with this mod a la the pictured Abyss. For anybody else wanting to hear this, try holding the ear cups a several mm from your ears on a bass-heavy track.

Did you weld those hooks on the rod couplings, or are the hooks inserted inside of them? Got a link for the hooks?
Jul 13, 2020 at 12:43 PM Post #1,937 of 12,150
Usually, One of the most common cause for a compressed sound is inadequate power supplied to the device. For me, the Midrange is perfectly placed in the mix, right in the middle of the low and upper end, sounding full and smooth.
Not a problem with power here. I was listening to the Arya with Hugo TT 2 and my feelings were similar.
Upper mid and treble is problematic on Arya.
Jul 13, 2020 at 12:48 PM Post #1,938 of 12,150
Not a problem with power here. I was listening to the Arya with Hugo TT 2 and my feelings were similar.
Upper mid and treble is problematic on Arya.
Alright. With my Hugo 2, I do feel the treble to be a tiny bit sharp, but not harsh or sibilant. But my headphone is very much new, I'll burn in for the recommended 150 hours and then reassess.
Jul 13, 2020 at 1:06 PM Post #1,939 of 12,150
It can also be improved with some EQ such as upping 2kHz and lowering 8.5kHz

That's pretty much the HFM numbers. If someone said this new can from HFM was coming between the Ananda and the HEK v1/2 in techmology/cost, and you were than asked to suggest the most likely two places for EQ, it would be 2k and 8-9k, The 3rd turns out to be in the 4-5k - it needs to lose a bit there.
Jul 13, 2020 at 1:25 PM Post #1,940 of 12,150
Had one of these (left) built for Ananda and find it works fabulously with Arya, as well. Seems to tamp down the area between 8-9K just enough to take the edge off.


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Jul 13, 2020 at 1:32 PM Post #1,941 of 12,150
That's pretty much the HFM numbers. If someone said this new can from HFM was coming between the Ananda and the HEK v1/2 in techmology/cost, and you were than asked to suggest the most likely two places for EQ, it would be 2k and 8-9k, The 3rd turns out to be in the 4-5k - it needs to lose a bit there.

Yep, plus some bass boost if you like (I do). I'm getting an absolute sublime sound out of my Arya's EQ'ed out of my Chord Electronics Hugo TT2, which outputs single-ended a maximum of 7.3w at 8 Ohms. At the Arya's 32 Ohms, I estimate it's receiving about 3 wats.
Jul 13, 2020 at 1:51 PM Post #1,942 of 12,150
Usually, One of the most common cause for a compressed sound is inadequate power supplied to the device. For me, the Midrange is perfectly placed in the mix, right in the middle of the low and upper end, sounding full and smooth.

Not really a power problem I think, tried Arya in balance with CMA 12 Master (2 watt), and hugo tt2 + violectric v281 (around 4 watt). Don't worry, I already make peace about it. Arya is a nice headphone, but for some reason it simply not synergy with my eardrum.
Jul 13, 2020 at 5:57 PM Post #1,944 of 12,150
Somehow i prefer Arya with high gain setting, idk if it has anything to do with it being planar? Is this placebo or does it just like gain?

Constantly under impression there is slightly more bass/engagement/fun with Violectric V200 if i use hier gain (+6db). Dont get that with HD800,HD6xx and gain switching.
Jul 13, 2020 at 6:16 PM Post #1,945 of 12,150
Yep, plus some bass boost if you like (I do). I'm getting an absolute sublime sound out of my Arya's EQ'ed out of my Chord Electronics Hugo TT2, which outputs single-ended a maximum of 7.3w at 8 Ohms. At the Arya's 32 Ohms, I estimate it's receiving about 3 wats.

I've only heard them for about 2 1/4 hours, and I'm sold. I'd say they are the cheapest new planars with a shot at nirvana, just change the cable, get a digital EQ, and you're good.

Bet they sound great w/ the v281. Sound pretty good with the Rag 1 and Rag 2 too.
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Jul 13, 2020 at 6:35 PM Post #1,946 of 12,150
Ditto on Rag 1. No experience on Rag 2.
Jul 13, 2020 at 8:07 PM Post #1,947 of 12,150
Ditto on Rag 1. No experience on Rag 2.

Yeah I somehow managed :50 at a meet in the Fall with the Rag 2 and Arya, then I had the Rag 2 & LCD-4 for about the same time (excellent too), my HE-500's (outclassed) w/ Rag 2 for about :15, and an 800S for :20 (best bass ever for an 800S, but the treble was a little zingy). I sold my Alera's and a cable too, all in all a nice afternoon.... oops, also Abyss Phi for about :20 on the Rag 2 - the 2nd best I ever heard - after the Voce/HFM Jr
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Jul 13, 2020 at 11:57 PM Post #1,948 of 12,150
Yeah I somehow managed :50 at a meet in the Fall with the Rag 2 and Arya, then I had the Rag 2 & LCD-4 for about the same time (excellent too), my HE-500's (outclassed) w/ Rag 2 for about :15, and an 800S for :20 (best bass ever for an 800S, but the treble was a little zingy). I sold my Alera's and a cable too, all in all a nice afternoon.... oops, also Abyss Phi for about :20 on the Rag 2 - the 2nd best I ever heard - after the Voce/HFM Jr

Was the HE-500 outclassed by both the LCD-4 and Arya?
Jul 14, 2020 at 3:52 AM Post #1,949 of 12,150
I've had the Arya for a few weeks now. I feel mixed about these headphones. Clearly they're a good headphone and do many things really well. But the upper midrange and peaks in the top end might be a deal breaker for me. I listen to a lot of electronic music and hip hop and while the low end is really nice, the mids (for the most part) are very good, the overall presentation of the highs I think take away too much for me on a headphone at this price point. High hats especially sound unnatural and are too forward.

I really enjoy the clarity, sound stage, imaging, and sound separation on these. Maybe I'll try an LCD 3 next.

What are you driving the Arya with? You might be able to buy a warmer amp for less than an LCD-3 ( I love my LCD-3 but prefer my HE500 for rap).
Jul 14, 2020 at 8:37 AM Post #1,950 of 12,150
Was the HE-500 outclassed by both the LCD-4 and Arya?

By all of them. It stood its ground with soundstage, and that rich thick midrange, but point for point it simply got beat. I love mine, and will never sell it, but, against the new wave of high end cans it's quaint, but topped.

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