HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread
Jul 21, 2021 at 6:22 AM Post #4,307 of 12,049
Yeah I was a non believer too, until my Ananda went through burn in and actually sounded worse to my ears :sweat_smile: Luckily the Arya had the opposite effect. I have heard though that the V1 are said to have a more expansive soundstage though. Keep us posted!
Burn in is basically the same as normal listening, so are you saying the ananda gets worse over time just by playing music? That's scary
Jul 21, 2021 at 7:25 AM Post #4,311 of 12,049
This is wrong, the arya don't need much power or class A amp's without EQ or incredible quiet source. Something around 0.2-0.3W is sufficient enough, for example, the Ifi HipDac can drive them to the owner hearing limit easily.

This can all be calculated, measurements of devices can be found in the internet for many interesting amps and i can even back this up, because i did blind tests with all of this with a switch box, multioutput to all devices at the same time with arya, 1000v2, susvara, heddphone, zmf auteur and verite as well audeze lcd-2.

Solid state Amps, if measured flat, otherwise most likely sound all exactly the same, as long as they can provide the needed power. Only tube hybrid's or tube sound different, which can be pick easy in blind test level matched, but not SS amps.

You can even drive the hifiman susvara off an xduoo XD-05 BAL and it sounds exactly the same like a questyle twelve master. But in this case, the mobile amp is operating at its limit, if you like to listen very very loud (past 90dbA), otherwise its save without EQ.

If you want to be absolutely safe, you could buy for example the ifi signature and used it for on the way or at home as desktop amp, anywhere you want and you got enough power for pretty much every headphone that dosn't require more power then the hifiman susvara.
Can you hear any differences between class A , AB and or D?
Jul 21, 2021 at 9:51 AM Post #4,312 of 12,049
Based on this comment,I’m assuming you are a girl. it has been scientifically proven than women have better hearing than men.

It was a straight no from my girlfriend, but i wanted to listen at least once, because i have heard many good things and i found them pretty good, but thats just my subjective 2 cents. They had more details to offer compared to the arya while being much more relaxed and not sibilant at all. The susvara was very impressive in that area as well.

I have no clue if women have better ears, but my girlfriend is pretty sure to have better taste then me :scream:

Can you hear any differences between class A , AB and or D?

I have compared for example RME ADI-2 DAC FS + HeadAmp GS-X Mini (Class A) againts ifi Hip Dac (probably Class D) or Sabaj D5 (i believe Class D) and there is no audible difference between these devices with fullsize headphones. I never tested IEM's, so not sure about hiss.

All of them including the ifi hip dac could drive ZMF Verite/Auteur, Heddphone, Hifiman arya/1000V2 or some audeze i know for example.
Jul 21, 2021 at 11:26 AM Post #4,314 of 12,049
Solid state Amps, if measured flat, otherwise most likely sound all exactly the same, as long as they can provide the needed power. Only tube hybrid's or tube sound different, which can be pick easy in blind test level matched, but not SS amps.
Spits out coffee lol
Jul 21, 2021 at 2:43 PM Post #4,316 of 12,049
Spits out coffee lol

A few people spit already coffee, so to speak, because of no audible difference.

You can not bypass the dac section of the hipdac so what you are listening to is not just the amp so there is a clear distinction comparing the hipdac to say a 789.

You don't have to, because it doesn't matter. You could compare and mix

- 3x same DAC + 3x different AMP
- 3x different DAC + 3x same AMP
- 3x different DAC + 3x different AMP

The result will be the same, no audible difference aside from hiss/noisefloor.

If you have an Amp that can produce 0.8-1.5W and output up to 6V and the DAC measure flat and got a somewhat okay SINAD, this device will be enough to drive pretty much any headphone on the market including the hifiman susvara, one example would be the ifi micro signature. It's Endgame for Transistor, there is nothing beyond this. Another example would be, hmm lets say Topping EX5.

And FX Audio DAC X6 or ifi iDSD, ifi hip dac and the like are able to drive most headphones as well with no audible difference to big desktop amps and dac's. And i can prove that live anytime at my place for anyone, who is interested to try it out. PM me, if you're from germany, or somewhere around visiting our country.
Jul 21, 2021 at 4:06 PM Post #4,318 of 12,049
With the best of intentions
I think you get too involved in proving how you hear different amps.
People detect sound differently. If you continue to convince others, you will never get satisfaction.
I hope I wasn’t too rude
What we need to do T 1000, is repent of our misguided (evil?) ways, get the cheapest amp and DAC with somewhat okay SINAD and live happily ever after

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