Hi~~ I wanna know, should I spend 150$ on Bose Tripod?!?!
Jan 1, 2003 at 5:54 PM Post #16 of 48

Originally posted by Trounce
Why not get some Beyer phones? I'm not sure of the model number, but there is a great closed phone.

I think you are refering to the Beyer 250-80, very nice set of cans in this price range.

Jan 1, 2003 at 6:09 PM Post #17 of 48

Originally posted by satoonxtreme
I'm a noob, and trying to find a newyear gift of myself.... please recommend me ya'll... thanks

usually around christmas / new years time, the most suicides occur...

dont let urself be the one that has to take his life to the knife!

Jan 1, 2003 at 6:27 PM Post #18 of 48
True, the beyer 250-80s would be a fantastic pair of headphones for him. . . closed, relatively easy to drive. . . I'm just curious about the AT A900s, though I haven't heard them.
Jan 1, 2003 at 6:40 PM Post #19 of 48

Originally posted by andrzejpw
True, the beyer 250-80s would be a fantastic pair of headphones for him. . . closed, relatively easy to drive. . . I'm just curious about the AT A900s, though I haven't heard them.

The A900s are a lot cleaner sounding than the Beyer DT250s.. with a much smoother bass, calmer mids... and a way more extended treble (not to excess, but lets remember that the DT250s are very dark sounding)...

People who say that the bass is good on the DT250s... I emplore them to try the A900s
Jan 1, 2003 at 6:48 PM Post #20 of 48
Don't forget about the Sony V6. They are much cheaper than the Bose, which is a plus. They are easily driven by sound cards. They work very well for positional audio. I play sounter strike with them and people have accused me of cheating because I could hear the direction they were coming from.

Odds are you can do better for the money than the Bose.
Jan 1, 2003 at 6:52 PM Post #21 of 48
They're much easier driven than the DT250, which I felt was quite hard to drive along with the Grados, certainly harder than the HD280 or the MDR-7506, for portable use... Sorry for running contrary to everyone's opinions

The DT250's are a lot more 'transportable' though, although it is possible to carry the A900's around... I have definitely done so for my meets with Duncan!

Just a word about the DT250 which seem to be the most recommended headphone here at Head-Fi.
I don't know why so many people like the DT250's. I really had a fight with myself about letting go of the ATH-A900 (although I calmed myself down with "you have the A1000, why do you need an A900 as well?"), but I had no qualms about selling the DT250. Great vocal/drum monitors and great for masking inferior sources (maybe that's the reason why they are so popular?), but I can't help but feel that that's not what head-fi is about. Grados maybe going too far but something inbetween is what real head-fidelity is about in my thinking. it's all very well blowing your budget on a DT250-80 but I can't help feeling that a V6 or HD280 with a JMT amp is a much better way to spend your money for 'real' head-fidelity.
Jan 1, 2003 at 6:55 PM Post #22 of 48
If you check out www.audiocubes.com , the A900s are $200. . . ouch. Not sure if you want to spend that much. Personally, I loath the Senn 280s, and would much prefer the beyer 250-80s. Would you consider a small amplifier, such as the JMT?
Jan 1, 2003 at 7:41 PM Post #24 of 48
i tried the bose "triport" when i was auditioning new headphones. compared to the similarly priced grado sr125, the triport is a huge joke. the bose was peaky and echoey, with little bass and a collapsed soundstage. you could do better with a pair of $30 sony cdXXX cans than the triport. save your money for some real headphones.
Jan 2, 2003 at 2:49 AM Post #27 of 48
Ya, if you like it, use it. I didn't like it either though. They had them at tweeter when I went to try 590s. I think I would rather have the dreaded V600s or HD570s. They didn't hold a candle to the 590s. IMO.
Jan 2, 2003 at 3:21 AM Post #28 of 48
mariowar -

Listen to their advice. They are not talking because they "hate" Bose. They just don't want anyone here to spend more money than they have too, or become a victim of the "morning after" affect.

I tried the Triport recently too. If comfort were king, then these would be the best cans on the market. They are just the right size to be circumaural around my ears, without being too big. They are light, but with just enough mass to let you feel secure that they will not fall off. And they exhibit just the right amount of pressure on the side of my head to seal in the sound, feel secure, yet not be uncomfortable in the least.

That is where the praise stops. These cans merely sounded "ok" at low volume levels, like a pair of decent $30 cans sound "ok". At moderate to high volume levels, they quickly break up. Simply not worth the bucks. For $150 you have no shortage of world-class cans to choose, and we just don't want you to miss out. Nuff said.

Jan 2, 2003 at 4:01 AM Post #29 of 48
From a guy who tested them out at BestBuys and The GoodGuys. They are comfortable, they do take away alot of outside noise. Very light weight. And they did not look cheaply made. But the Sennheiser's (I happen to test the 580's 500's & 570's) felt far far more comfortable and the sound was much better. Now I happen to like open air i feel that my ears can breath better and the sennheisers were extreamly light as well.

The Triports felt like rubber, the Sennheiser's felt almost like soft worn in leather. As far as looks goes, the 580's looked really nice in person, there much darker then in the photos. Sennheiser also has the HD 25's which you might like if your looking to cut out background noise.

Really depends when your looking for in a pair of headphones. I agree with all the people who stated over and over again that when you buy Bose, your paying a huge fee just for the Bose name.

I can't stand close air, specially when i'm on the computer. I can just imagine me sitting at my computer, getting real into my music, and then my sister comes from behind and asks me a question, taps me on the shoulder and scares the **** out of me. That's not what I want. lol. With the open air, you can bearly hear outside noise, but yes you can still kinda hear. SO when your mother/wife/girlfriend shouts Christopher! or your name... you can hurry and take off your headphones and run to them before their pms really kicks in.

Hell in the store my father and the sales dude were having a conversation right next to me, along with all the background noise from people listing to the radios, tv's, etc. Listing to them on my panasonic portable, and decent listening levels, I couldn't hear them. I was to busy enjoying the music. I'd image that if i was to take them home and listen to them in a non-noisy envirnment, I would be even more impressed.

Find a local Good Guys store, it's much quiter then bestbuys and the sales team are far more knowlegdable. BestBuys only had a few display models and their hooked up to some unseen reciever with a demo sound clip. At the good guys you can bring in your portable and they'll let you listen to them on your portable with the cd of your choice. Plus GoodGuys has a much larger selection for testing, the HD 580's weren't even on display, the guy went back talked to the manager and asked if he could take them out of the box and let me demo them. If your going to be listening to a pair of headphones for long periods of time, and you don't live in a real noisy envornment, why not go with open air. Let your ears breath, they feel very light in most cases.

I could barly feel the HD 580's on my head. They look heavier then what they are. Plus they don't touch your ears, so they feel even lighter. The Triports feel like little suction cups over your ears, feels weird when you take them on and off.

Sennheisers man, go with sennheisers, find a model that suits you. There are the most comfortable headphones.

Honestly, I really wanted the Triports before I tested them and learned about the Sennheiser's HD 5xx series.
Jan 2, 2003 at 6:01 AM Post #30 of 48
First recomendation: step away from the Bose!!!

Second: try and find someone who sells headphones near you, or someone who owns a couple of pairs, and listen to a few and let us know what you think of them. That way we can try to keep you in the same ballpark sound wise, and within your budget!!

Please, don't buy the Bose!!!!!!

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