Help me name my new amp. [Balanced Peter McAlister Design]
Oct 20, 2006 at 1:17 PM Post #16 of 48
Expanding on what coolshot said, if you can think of any 'full names' that you think are cool, let me know.

A couple other details about the amp to get your imagination flowing:
- Peter is making a custom wound transformer for it.
- My good friend Steve will likely be making a nice bloodwood front panel for it, unless I REALLY like what Peter does. [Steve does not know this yet, though I am sure he expects it]
- Also thinking about acquiring Steves services for a nice wooden transformer cover to fit over the metal one that Peter uses.
- I ordered these awesome tube socket thingies which will be used for all 9 tubes... Pic #1 | Pic #1

Now, some ideas of my own on this new slant:
McAlister Audio Jotun [Norse mythology... giant]
McAlister Audio Cerberus [not sure what it's three heads are, but...]
McAlister Audio Orthrus [also called Orthros, Orthos, Orthus, Orth and Orphus] - He's Cerberus' two headed brother.
McAlister Audio Typhoeus
McAlister Audio Chimera
McAlister Audio Phoenix
McAlister Audio Tarrasque [ok, this one's from D&D] - Basically, it's a huge and vicious unique creature in the Forgotten Realms that goes on a rampage killing everything in his path once every year or so. Oh, and if he is slain the world is destroyed.
Oct 20, 2006 at 1:58 PM Post #17 of 48
Phoenix and Orphus sounds cool.
Here's some more ideas.
Aeon (or Aeon-1)

Or maybe some viking god names like Odin?
If you like the idea you could maybe spell them with their original swedish/scandinavian spelling.
Tor (thor)
Oden (Odin)
Asgård (Asgard)
Ragnarök (Ragnarok)

Just a thought.

Apollo is another good name. (or the Apollo-1)

Or maybe some planet names like

Edit: Came up with to more names from the Egypt mythology.

Osiris - "He is regarded as the dead king that watches over the nether world and is rejuvenated in his son Horus. As the symbol of eternal life he was worshipped at Abydos and Philae."

Serapis - "He was mainly worshipped in Alexandria and was later worshipped by the Greeks as Zeus. He was never fully accepted by the Egyptians in the Ptolemaic period."
Oct 20, 2006 at 2:38 PM Post #18 of 48
Some nice ideas there, I like Aeon. Not going to use a Norse god name as I have some 'bad' past experiences which sort of relate to the Norse pantheon.

Planet names are out as they are already used by Rega... and I'm not a big Rega fan.

Osiris is out since his penis was eaten by a crab.

Of the egyptian gods, I am partial to Thoth, but his name doesn't really work all that well.

I was thinking that I could use a band name as well. DJ Spooky and Theivery Corporation don't really work, but...

The McAlister Audio Massive Attack

...that sounds pretty good.
Oct 20, 2006 at 2:42 PM Post #19 of 48
Ha HA! The Tarrasque is a great idea - especially if the amp is as big as 9 tubes would likely require. Plus, if the amp runs those beautiful 340s as well as you think it will, your outside world will surely come to an end!

Personally, I'd call it the Harpy since, if I were to drop any more coin on gear in the near future, I'd never hear the end of it and likely have my eyes ripped out.

Because it's made by McAllister, I'd suggest a name from Celtic mythology, rather than Norse. Maybe "Taranis", meaning Thunderer?
Oct 20, 2006 at 2:55 PM Post #20 of 48

Originally Posted by GlendaleViper
Personally, I'd call it the Harpy since, if I were to drop any more coin on gear in the near future, I'd never hear the end of it and likely have my eyes ripped out.

hehe... I am actually getting the amp for a steal considering the parts I have contributed to it myself and my infinate patience in the length of the project.

Originally Posted by GlendaleViper
Because it's made by McAllister, I'd suggest a name from Celtic mythology, rather than Norse. Maybe "Taranis", meaning Thunderer?

I like the sound of Taranis.

This is a hard decision.
Oct 20, 2006 at 3:48 PM Post #22 of 48
Well, assuming I can work out the transportation details I don't see why not.

Also assuming that I have it by then... if I don't, I might not make the meet either as I will likely be hanging from a rope.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:07 PM Post #23 of 48
do you want a fun name or a serious name? For a fun name it can be called "Big Boy" for a more serious name it can be called "APEX'
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:11 PM Post #24 of 48
More good ideas... I might have to start a new poll here.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #26 of 48

Originally Posted by Alucard
Why don't just call it Philodox

Nah, I don't think Philodox would want such a lame name for his BFA
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:28 PM Post #27 of 48
Well, I wouldn't give it MY name, but I could use the same source. [Werewolf: The Apocalypse]

'Philodox' is the name of a spritual auspice associated with a phase of the moon [Crescent moon if I remember correctly]. They are supposed to be wise and introspective. ie. philosophers

I could use 'Ahroun', which is another auspice [Full moon] that is more tied to strength and rage. ie. warriors Quote:

Originally Posted by DieInAFire
Nah, I don't think Philodox would want such a lame name for his BFA

HA! Why don't you go die in a... ummm, nevermind.
Oct 20, 2006 at 5:55 PM Post #28 of 48
I give you MA'AT, goddess of truth, balance and order:


The name in ancient Egyptian actually means balance, which is the same word for truth as well. What more could you want in a namesake for a balanced amp? Plus, you've got the MA for McAllister and the amp section is All Tubes.

The McAllister MA'AT (or MA-AT if you want to go conventional) sounds pretty cool, IMHO.
Oct 20, 2006 at 6:09 PM Post #29 of 48
Well, seeing as it's gonne be on bloodwood, i'd be inclined to use the name of Khorne in there somewhere... "Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!" Sorry, played a little too much Warhammer 40K back in the day.

McAllister Audio BFA-340 Khorne Edition *shrugs*
Oct 20, 2006 at 6:20 PM Post #30 of 48
How about

Sinfonia I

from the Italian for symphony.


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