Heed CanAmp
May 5, 2007 at 1:40 PM Post #1,891 of 2,784
Thanks Asr; it's always nice to have well-written reviews. Looking forward to reading your further impressions. I'm curious to find out more on how the Heed stacks up against other amps.
May 5, 2007 at 2:17 PM Post #1,892 of 2,784
Why, thank you Gregg!


Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As a painter and a writer, I appreciate the above posts.

It also makes me look kindly upon the Heed, based upon the company it keeps!

=Gregg Fedchak=

May 5, 2007 at 2:26 PM Post #1,893 of 2,784
Thanks for the reviews ASR. though I don´t really understand head fi lingo I maybe understood some parts at least lol.
May 5, 2007 at 2:37 PM Post #1,894 of 2,784
the can amp is a great amp for the money and in the sub $500 category shares top honors with the ECSS IMHO but in no way is it better than some of the higher end SS amps out there. I'd take a used dynahi over the can amp any day.
May 5, 2007 at 2:45 PM Post #1,895 of 2,784

Originally Posted by jp11801 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the can amp is a great amp for the money and in the sub $500 category shares top honors with the ECSS IMHO but in no way is it better than some of the higher end SS amps out there. I'd take a used dynahi over the can amp any day.

Well, now you do seem to have heard quite a few DIY amps then. Perhaps would you please share your opinion of the Heed vs. a Pimenta w/steps P.S. perhaps?

Didn't I just see two used Dynahi in the F/S subforums for $650-$750.... Or perhaps they were dynalos(SP?)

May 5, 2007 at 3:01 PM Post #1,896 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Hi-Finthen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, now you do seem to have heard quite a few DIY amps then. Perhaps would you please share your opinion of the Heed vs. a Pimenta w/steps P.S. perhaps?

Didn't I just see two used Dynahi in the F/S subforums for $650-$750.... Or perhaps they were dynalos(SP?)


I do understand that the CanAmp uses very little components and built on an old topology, and certainly i would like to know how it fairs with DIY amps like pimeta, PPA, PPAv2, m3 etc.
May 5, 2007 at 3:07 PM Post #1,897 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Hi-Finthen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, now you do seem to have heard quite a few DIY amps then. Perhaps would you please share your opinion of the Heed vs. a Pimenta w/steps P.S. perhaps?

Didn't I just see two used Dynahi in the F/S subforums for $650-$750.... Or perhaps they were dynalos(SP?)


I'm not sure where you got I had heard many DIY amps, I have heard some but not a pimeta.... I do stand by the can amp being great at the price point but not a giant killer in any away. BTW there is no shame in being a great performer in a price category.
They were dynahi's in the forum recently.
May 5, 2007 at 4:54 PM Post #1,898 of 2,784

Originally Posted by jp11801 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not sure where you got I had heard many DIY amps, I have heard some but not a pimeta.... I do stand by the can amp being great at the price point but not a giant killer in any away. BTW there is no shame in being a great performer in a price category.
They were dynahi's in the forum recently.

Thaks for the quick reply,

Honestly, I'm just trying to get a firm handle on where exactly the CanAmp fits into the widest spectrum of amplifiers available based upon opinions of the experienced...

Thanks for the valuable imput in this regard
May 5, 2007 at 5:43 PM Post #1,899 of 2,784

Originally Posted by yrh0413 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I do understand that the CanAmp uses very little components and built on an old topology, and certainly i would like to know how it fairs with DIY amps like pimeta, PPA, PPAv2, m3 etc.

Hi yrh0413

I had a chance to compare my Heed



to my M^3 / tread, using HD650s and DT880s

in this set up


and found the sound to be consistent with Asr’s review, before, during and after the “run in” period.

The M^3 is a very good amp, but until you do a direct one to one comparison, it’s hard to tell just how good the M^3 really is.

I have since sold my Heed and replaced it with a GS-1.

May 5, 2007 at 5:54 PM Post #1,900 of 2,784

I must say, your unbiased review of the CanAmp is to the point and concise, and I appreciate that. It also shows me what a trained ear can distinguish and how much more I need to learn in order to grow.

I'm still a newbie to the audiophile world, but the essential gist I'm getting from this thread is that for the "money", the CanAmp is an exceptional mid-priced SS amp, and obviously has a very strong following.

Truthfully, I have never heard the GS-1 and from what I've read I would most definitely earmark it as an option for a home amp. One of the pluses for me with the CanAmp was it's portability, it's small enough for me to take to work and back with easy setup.

Nice review.
May 5, 2007 at 6:07 PM Post #1,901 of 2,784
Very informative review.. and I'm glad there's a different angle on this thread. Going from a simple CMOY to a Heed would seem like you just walked through the gates of heaven. But, coming from the viewpoint of someone who's heard higher end gear the writing becomes more factual. From the information presented initially, the Heed semed like a great option, at its price point. But, with a lot of the hyperbole from the FOTM, it started becoming bigger than life, the "giant killer" and all objectivity flew out the window. Thanks ASR for bringing things back into perspective! Perhaps, this will help others to make a more objective decision.
May 5, 2007 at 6:32 PM Post #1,902 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Very informative review.. and I'm glad there's a different angle on this thread. Going from a simple CMOY to a Heed would seem like you just walked through the gates of heaven. But, coming from the viewpoint of someone who's heard higher end gear the writing becomes more factual. From the information presented initially, the Heed semed like a great option, at its price point. But, with a lot of the hyperbole from the FOTM, it started becoming bigger than life, the "giant killer" and all objectivity flew out the window. Thanks ASR for bringing things back into perspective! Perhaps, this will help others to make a more objective decision.

Yes it's always informative when a new amp gets into the hand of of folks comparing it to other amplifiers which cost more, though only then shows the flaws of the former.

For instance, the opera, now said to have run out of power for demanding cans such as the k701s on demanding passages to fully appreciate dynamic peaks in certain Classical recordings vs the GSX which cost 40% more.

In contrast, this is one of the great strenths of the CanAmp IMO, is its power in reserve with the volume pot @ 12 o'clock driving the k701s while extracting with it better than average bass response. Similarly with other difficult to drive cans (think: k340s) all without the etched digital glare of other S.S. amps promoting longer listening sessions.

May 5, 2007 at 6:48 PM Post #1,903 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Hi-Finthen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes it's always informative when a new amp gets into the hand of of folks comparing it to other amplifiers which cost more, though only then shows the flaws of the former.

For instance, the opera, now said to have run out of power for demanding cans such as the k701s on demanding passages to fully appreciate dynamic peaks in certain Classical recordings vs the GSX which cost 40% more.

In contrast, this is one of the great strenths of the CanAmp IMO, is its power in reserve with the volume pot @ 12 o'clock driving the k701s while extracting with it better than average bass response. Similarly with other difficult to drive cans (think: k340s) all without the etched digital glare of other S.S. amps promoting longer listening sessions.


Hehehe, very funny!

F W I W, Dr. Meier can increase the gain setting on the Opera (at your request during ordering). A gain of 11 decibels on the Heed is a minor strength, when you're comparing ALL the dynamics at work. As a side note, the bass response on my former K701s was anything but lacking (speaking from experience)... it's just the can as a whole had no life to it...
I hear NO lack of details or bass response with my DT990s! FWIW!
May 5, 2007 at 7:20 PM Post #1,904 of 2,784
well initially when i just upgraded from my SR80 (with LD2+) to K701, the immediate impression was: geez, where's the bass? After months listening to my K701 and finally i got used to the "bass-less" sound signature...

Until i got my CanAmp: "Holy cow!"
May 5, 2007 at 7:24 PM Post #1,905 of 2,784

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hehehe, very funny!

F W I W, Dr. Meier can increase the gain setting on the Opera (at your request during ordering). A gain of 11 decibels on the Heed is a minor strength, when you're comparing ALL the dynamics at work. As a side note, the bass response on my former K701s was anything but lacking (speaking from experience)... it's just the can as a whole had no life to it...
I hear NO lack of details or bass response with my DT990s! FWIW!

Oh...Not at all an effort at trying to be 'cute"...

No doubt, you are favorably impressed with the Opera specifically, not having heard anything costing twice its price, perhaps. I believe the example fits particularly well with folks here in the Heed thread being quite well taken with the preformance of perhaps their first entry to high quality amplification.

After all, least we fall to the depths that all amps sound the same, I fully expect there to be qantatative as well as qualitative difference amongst all amps we have to choose from.

Is compromise meaningful when juxtaposed against actual cost?

Is the preformance a deal breaker or is the cost the deal breaker for improvements and fewer compromises?

I fully expect to get something more, and or better for twice or three times the price.

However, even at that threshold, compromises can be found again to be made. Unless you haven't heard anything better, of course

All very good points you make there morph I'm sure, but those referances of mine are the opinions of folks who have heard better in A/B tests and are not speaking hyperboil from a recent purchace, as we all know can happen

Good stuff all~

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