Hearyourself.com custom IEM discussion thread
Jul 28, 2009 at 7:04 AM Post #1,427 of 1,734
Here's some photos of my new C3's.

Here's the case they came in. Better than expected so i can hold off getting something crush proof for awhile:


L and R:


L artwork, my inititials on a vintage drum shield logo:


R artwork, cross:


C3's and ipod touch, hp out, looking to get an LOD and small amp soon:


Still really into these phones! Still a little painfull taking them out, does anyone have a link to that post that showed the proper way to take them out? Don't remember where it's at.
Jul 28, 2009 at 10:41 AM Post #1,428 of 1,734

Originally Posted by Danny Q /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still really into these phones! Still a little painfull taking them out, does anyone have a link to that post that showed the proper way to take them out? Don't remember where it's at.

Twist opposite direction of how you put them in. Putting them in is turning the earphone towards the back of your head, when taking them out to turn them away and towards the front of your head.
Jul 28, 2009 at 1:09 PM Post #1,429 of 1,734

Originally Posted by Danny Q /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...does anyone have a link to that post that showed the proper way to take them out? Don't remember where it's at.

I remember there was a post on head-fi that suggested removing customs by "pressing" the soft area behind your ear, i.e. essentially "popping" the customs out. It works for me, but I guess the technique depends on how tight the lock of your customs are.
Jul 28, 2009 at 7:17 PM Post #1,430 of 1,734
Why won't they reply to mail?
He said on 17-7 that he would send me a paypal request for the upgrade to C3 (I've got a C2, I was disapointed by it's sound) haven't received anything yet
And he also told me that he would ask or it was possible to change the faceplate.
I have mailed three times since then and no reply
Jul 29, 2009 at 1:44 AM Post #1,432 of 1,734

Originally Posted by MindfluX /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you think they can fix it without sending new impressions?

How do your impression fit?.. Do they block out more sound than the IEM's ?
Andre will most often ask these questions to confirm a bad shell or bad impression. If the impressions are OK but the IEM's are not Andre will ask you to return them with the impressions as well. And he will let you know if he feels you need new impressions.
Jul 29, 2009 at 2:21 AM Post #1,433 of 1,734

Originally Posted by boomy3555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How do your impression fit?.. Do they block out more sound than the IEM's ?
Andre will most often ask these questions to confirm a bad shell or bad impression. If the impressions are OK but the IEM's are not Andre will ask you to return them with the impressions as well. And he will let you know if he feels you need new impressions.

I guess you're asking Saintkeat.

But if you ask me this a doubtful method since impressions change within a short time of period. Where somebody on this forum recently reported of an audiologist that said one month, my audiologist keeps a maximum of two weeks.

So I guess it's even useless to send the impressions back and forth.

Hopefully 3d earscanners will change this in the near future. Then everything will be much faster and more accurate, especially when there's about 5000km of ocean between the lab and the customer like in my case.
Jul 29, 2009 at 4:39 AM Post #1,434 of 1,734
yea the impressions don't block out sound at all now... but thats because they shaved down too much in the moulding process!!! i couldn't hear a single thing when i first had them and now i hear everything! i'm real frustrated because it seems it takes much longer for me to get mine and get mine proper.. and it costs me much more! i have to book another appointment with the audiologist shell out money and then ship them express that costs more money.. when i'm pretty sure i handled things right on my end!
Jul 29, 2009 at 4:46 AM Post #1,435 of 1,734

Originally Posted by Saintkeat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yea the impressions don't block out sound at all now... but thats because they shaved down too much in the moulding process!!! i couldn't hear a single thing when i first had them and now i hear everything! i'm real frustrated because it seems it takes much longer for me to get mine and get mine proper.. and it costs me much more! i have to book another appointment with the audiologist shell out money and then ship them express that costs more money.. when i'm pretty sure i handled things right on my end!

Just tell them you screwed up on your Impressions. See if they can do anything about it maybe upgrade you to a higher end model, or have them pay for the Impressions..if they don't admit it was their fault, then they have pretty bad service...
Jul 31, 2009 at 1:12 PM Post #1,437 of 1,734
I have been reading many articles (including scientific) today about making ear impressions. I conclude that many things can go wrong during the process. Viscosity of the material, open/close mouth, shrinkage of the material, force applied during removing, final hardness time, forces during shipping, etc.. all impact the final result of the earmold.

A very interesting and easy to read article with some advices is at:Ear Impressions: Art or Science? Chester Pirzanski and Brenda Berge, AuD March 2002 Audiology Online

They advice to take open jaw impressions.
Aug 1, 2009 at 1:59 PM Post #1,439 of 1,734
i'm waiting to see what boomy thinks seeing how hes tight with andre and all..

i totally understand that bad fitting is part and parcel of customs.. but accepting no responsibility for shaving down my moulds and blaming it on the audiologist instead is going a bit far in my opinion. seeing as how particular i was about the impressions. yes i did them open mouth too..
Aug 1, 2009 at 3:28 PM Post #1,440 of 1,734

Just as with anything else there are good and bad outcomes. I have had excellent communications with Andre as have most of the posters here in this thread. There are so many variables in the construction of customs that I think that we've all been rather lucky in the overall quality of our customs. Andre is simply a salesman. He entices us to buy and then he places an order with the labs at Fisher. Ultimately, he has little or no control on the QA process.
When we email him he then has to investigate with several people in the lab to track down an equitable resolution to the problem. Most often we are left returning our customs for a re-do as sucky as that can be, especially for international customers.
Personally I cannot speak on Andre's responses or lack thereof, as Andre and I are not as "Tight" as it may seem. I was simply one of the first customers back in Sept. 08, before the recent madd rush and develope a good reporte with Andre. but I can say that from my personal experience, The C/S at HY/AE has been excelent. Keep trying.... I'm sure Andre will make it right for you. I know it's hard to be patient, but I can say that my C-3's are still my go to cans. Full sized or IEM's.

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