Headwize or headfi?
Nov 26, 2001 at 5:03 PM Post #16 of 19

Originally posted by andrzejpw
Wow, thanks jude! I am a little surprised though. I don't mean any disrespect, but I thought that once headwize's problems were ironed out, everyone would flock back, and head-fi would well, be pretty baren(yeah, yeah, sorry).

So, I guess I'll keep on coming back here. Now, a lot more frequently, since my CMOY HAS JUST BEEN BUILT! YAHOO. Pics should be up later today. Gotta love radiohead with my hd580s.


There was one primary problem that HeadWize had, and that was the funding associated with the growing bandwidth needs. Currently, HeadWize is operating on donated bandwidth (and I believe donated hardware), which, though generous of the donor, is not something I would feel comfortable counting on in the long run (particularly in terms of accommodating growth needs going forward). I still feel strongly that the best way to assure the continued growth and stability of the forums is to welcome sponsors to the fold, and to do so in ways that don't harm the integrity of the forums.

For stability and speed even under high load, bandwidth with a solid service level agreement is needed -- again, we're already over 1.2 million page impressions per month, and trending up. Do you think this community will eventually be reaching two million page impressions monthly? Three million page impressions monthly? I'm almost certain of it. At these levels, it's very expensive -- in terms of hardware and bandwidth -- to assure reliable, fast performance even under peak loads.

So taking into consideration future growth -- and maybe even the current traffic levels here -- I don't know that I'd be comfortable saying that HeadWize is ready to accept that load. I've said it before in many debates about these topics that occurred back in June and July: given the ability to do so, this community's activity and active membership will grow.

I'm glad you'll keep coming back here too, andrzejpw.
Nov 26, 2001 at 5:38 PM Post #17 of 19
Headwize is still good for their news, FAQs, and their great DIY projects and forum, if you are into that sort of thing.

But, for the rest of the forums, Head-fi is just so much better, and by quite a lot, I think.

Can't wait until head-fi can host images and all that good stuff
Nov 26, 2001 at 9:12 PM Post #18 of 19
HeadWize was great until the increase in traffic made it unreliable and shut it down for quite a while. Head-Fi is great because it found a way to handle the traffic while also adding a lot more features. The way I see it, by taking a bulk of the forum traffic, Head-Fi has allowed HeadWize to stay viable. Thanks Jude for coming to the rescue and providing an outstanding forum.

For some reason the quality of the membership on this forum seems to be on a much higher level than I've seen on most other forums, which seem to have their share of rude know-it-alls and name-calling idiots. This place feels like a well knit community here, which is nice.
Nov 27, 2001 at 3:54 PM Post #19 of 19

headwize's forums bore me... it's mostly newbie questions now that could be answered by reading the FAQs and articles

I found that to be more the case here. If you are away for a day or two it takes about 3 hours to wade through all the new topics along the lines of "I ordered new ETYS!" or "I saw picture of HD600 in a magazine" or "I listened to Mozart while I ate an apple fritter" or "What colour should I paint my listening room to match my headphones?" or "Should I stop buying headphones and become a Monk?. True, I could bypass the threads but threads change topic very often as they progress.

I also find quite often there is a cool topic/question with 40 postings, so I check it out only to find 25 of the posts are 2 or 3 members guffawing over some humor. Which is fine, I mean, I love humor, but I love valid info on the subject too without the topic getting watered down.

I also find it to be a bit "clique-ish" here at times, a lot of ass-kissing. Certain members can make others buy anything without hearing it.

OK, having said that, compared to what is great about Head-Fi, the above are minor quibbles. I could name at least 20 people here that seem to hear exactly the way I do, and if this were to be the case for everyone here, we have many people we all can trust. At least to steer us in the right direction, to allow us to choose.

I love the fact that people take the time to share information and ideas, people who love music and understand why someone else would want to hear it as accurately and in the most fun way as possible. I think it's great that people share DIY knowledge, especially harmless tweaks and modifications.

It's a wonderful community and I must thank jude for setting it up and maintaining it. I would also like to thank those who have not deserted HeadWize and still contribute to it. It's still the original, y'know!

OK, now I must start a thread on how frustrating headphones are!

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