Headwize or headfi?
Nov 26, 2001 at 1:38 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


May one day invent Bose-cancelling headphones.
Jun 25, 2001
Well, I'm back from a short hiatus(not too much listening, too much studying!!!
), and I just finished my cmoy!!!(Pics very, very soon, let me just get a digital camera!!! )

Anyway, is headwize or headfi the dominant forum now?
Nov 26, 2001 at 2:21 AM Post #3 of 19
Yah, Head-Fi has the edge for the forums, but Chu has the projects database. It's like having a main home and a vacation home.
Nov 26, 2001 at 3:08 AM Post #6 of 19
Well maybe,just maybe ,the DIY forum at headWize is still more hard core.Hard to be really sure and there IS a lot of crossposting but the DIY library is there and it would be natural to ask at the source.
Other than that both forums are valid resources.
Nov 26, 2001 at 3:12 AM Post #7 of 19
I remember when it was simple. Headwize only. Argh! So, u guys are saying headfi is more active?

Ofcourse headwize has the projects. That doesn't really have to do with the forums though. hmmm
Nov 26, 2001 at 3:43 AM Post #8 of 19
I did a comparison last night. Way more posts on Head-fi. Headwize has been waning for some time. Fewer posts across the board. You'll note alot of familiar names from headwize are spending more time here at head-fi.
Nov 26, 2001 at 3:44 AM Post #9 of 19
that's sort of my impression too, Jon. Every time I check out headwize these days I get bored quickly. Almost all of the discussions are ones that I've had dozens of times before. I'll start to post and then say to myself, "what's the point?" The discussions on head-fi on the other hand keep me interested. Not that I'm intending to start a flame war, but it's something I've noticed personally.
Nov 26, 2001 at 4:29 AM Post #10 of 19

Originally posted by andrzejpw
I remember when it was simple. Headwize only. Argh! So, u guys are saying headfi is more active?

Ofcourse headwize has the projects. That doesn't really have to do with the forums though. hmmm


Forums constitute the bulk of the traffic generated by the community, and Head-Fi was started to meet the needs of that traffic, as well as its inevitable growth.

The last measured 30-day period showed Head-Fi page impressions at over 1.2 million, with an ongoing upward trend. If we're not exceeding 2 million page views per month by the end of 2002, I'd be shocked (in fact, I'd be surprised if we didn't hit that level in six months).

Since the day Head-Fi went up (June 20, 2001), the total forum downtime has been approximately four hours, none of it caused by bandwidth outage, all of it caused by admin error (read: me), or brief, planned take-downs for quick maintenance.

I don't view the forums competitively -- I just want to do my best to make sure we have forums for as long as we want them, regardless of growth, server breakdowns, upgrade needs, etc.
Nov 26, 2001 at 6:11 AM Post #11 of 19

Originally posted by rickcr42
Well maybe,just maybe ,the DIY forum at headWize is still more hard core.

I have to agree with this.


Originally posted by Jon Beilin
headwize's forums bore me... it's mostly newbie questions now that could be answered by reading the FAQs and articles.

I've noticed this in both forums. It's something that can't be avoided since both sites are drawing in new members as as they become more widely known.
Nov 26, 2001 at 8:17 AM Post #12 of 19

For what it's worth, I think you're doing a wonderful job with this forum. There are plenty of nifty features, I've never seen it down and everything works well. You've got excellent corporate sponsors and lots of engaging discussion. I have spent over 10 years in different forums on the internet and your's is certainly a first-class operation. Granted it's only as good as it's members, content-wise and people will surely come and go, but it seems like you'll have a good run. Let's all hope it that it never stops being fun for you....because then we're all in trouble. Thanx!
Nov 26, 2001 at 9:03 AM Post #13 of 19
I have to chime in here. Head-Fi is one of the best forums I've ever been involved with or participated in. Not only is it reliable and fast, but it's well-run, and the "community" feel here is unsurpassed. I really look forward to visiting each day!
Nov 26, 2001 at 9:31 AM Post #14 of 19
Thanks for the nice comments. As roll-man pointed out, the most important thing is the quality of the members and their posts, and this community absolutely excels in that regard. The moderators are also a great help, and they've been doing a great job maintaining the place.

Don't worry, roll-man, I can't imagine this hobby ever not being fun for me.
Nov 26, 2001 at 12:25 PM Post #15 of 19
Wow, thanks jude! I am a little surprised though. I don't mean any disrespect, but I thought that once headwize's problems were ironed out, everyone would flock back, and head-fi would well, be pretty baren(yeah, yeah, sorry).

So, I guess I'll keep on coming back here. Now, a lot more frequently, since my CMOY HAS JUST BEEN BUILT! YAHOO. Pics should be up later today. Gotta love radiohead with my hd580s.

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