Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Jul 5, 2017 at 5:32 PM Post #7,801 of 12,359
Thanks guys for the IEM rec's. Great stuff. I'm going to throw it into a file and revisit some of these guys. This fall, here in the D.C. area we have The Capital Audio Fest-hopefully they'll be some of the companies there.
Jul 5, 2017 at 7:13 PM Post #7,802 of 12,359
I'm using the V-Moda Zn as my everyday IEM. They sound great with metal. And I use them on my hour commute, very comfortable under a motorcycle helmet. Probably the most expensive IEM's I will ever buy, for the same reasons you list. ($180)

Pretty good at noise isolating I assume since you're on a motorcycle?
Jul 6, 2017 at 10:19 AM Post #7,804 of 12,359
Yes, they are pretty decent at isolation. Not as good as the ER MK5, but sound 3x better.

It's good to have a metalhead give the thumbs up. I saw it was on Jude's IEM Buying Guide, but I always want to know how these recommended products are with "our music"-so thanks for that.
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Jul 6, 2017 at 10:24 AM Post #7,805 of 12,359
I agree the SE425 are the sweet spot in the Shure lineup, they are really great IEM's, and do rock and metal very well.

I also have the Hifiman RE2000 and the RE800, both do rock and metal well, but the RE800 has the edge, it is slightly leaner and quicker.

I wouldn't recommend the UM Pro30 for metal, it is a dark sounding IEM, non fatiguing but definitely on the thick side of sound, not very airy in presentation.

Have you heard the 215 by chance? On their Amazon 425 page of the 425, a couple of the reviewers said that they liked them, but the improvements from the 215 was marginal and might not be worth the money. I'd like a bit more resolution overall and extension in the highs-their description sounds like that's what they offer above the 215, but it would be good to hear from someone whose heard both.
Jul 6, 2017 at 10:26 AM Post #7,806 of 12,359
It's actually probably the best time possible to be in the market for a mid-priced IEM. There has been a flood of great flagship stuff in the past couple of years, but not much excitement in the more accessible $200-$300 range. I feel that has really changed this year.

I just reviewed the Periodic Beryllium a couple of months ago, I feel like that one is a big-time contender at $299:


FWIW, I know Jude is a big fan of it as well, he and I were chatting about it at CanJam SoCal. I find the Periodic Be is a strong choice for prog, death, metalcore, thrash - basically the faster and more demanding genres.

Another impressive entry into this new school of affordable IEMs is the 1MORE Quad Driver ($199), which I also just reviewed:


I feel the Quad is a bit better suited for sub-bassy stuff - it destroys with industrial. If you happen to like EDM, it's obviously killer for that, too. For most of my metal listening I would prefer the Periodic Beryllium.

There is also a new IEM being introduced by Acoustic Research in the next month or two called the AR-E10, which is priced at $199. That one has 1 balanced armature and 1 beryllium dynamic driver and may turn out to be the best out of all of them. I've heard it on a couple occasions now and was floored by the performance both times I heard it... I'm anxiously awaiting the final version, as I have a feeling it has the potential to be a giant killer.

Great reviews Hasotek. Your blog looks great. I couldn't find Periodic Beryllium for sale on Amazon. I was curious if they're not being widely distributed at this point. Figured, you'd probably know the status.
Jul 6, 2017 at 10:52 AM Post #7,807 of 12,359
Have you heard the 215 by chance? On their Amazon 425 page of the 425, a couple of the reviewers said that they liked them, but the improvements from the 215 was marginal and might not be worth the money. I'd like a bit more resolution overall and extension in the highs-their description sounds like that's what they offer above the 215, but it would be good to hear from someone whose heard both.

Yeah, I have compared the SE215 with the SE215 Blue ltd, and reviewed the SE425 and SE535, out of them the SE425 was my favourite.

The SE535 is too warm and lush, the SE215 has quite large bass and not very good definition or detail. The SE425 whilst lacking extension on both ends, was the better balanced and quicker sounding of the bunch.

SE535 Ltd might be good, although you can change the normal one to the Ltd by changing the filter.
Jul 6, 2017 at 2:41 PM Post #7,808 of 12,359
Great reviews Hasotek. Your blog looks great. I couldn't find Periodic Beryllium for sale on Amazon. I was curious if they're not being widely distributed at this point. Figured, you'd probably know the status.

They only sell direct and through a couple of dealers. That's not really unusual in high-end audio. You can buy them here:

Thanks, but I can take no credit for Enjoy the Music, they've been doing hifi reviews since 1995. I only started writing for them last year when they expanded their coverage of headphones and personal audio gear.
Jul 6, 2017 at 3:16 PM Post #7,809 of 12,359
They only sell direct and through a couple of dealers. That's not really unusual in high-end audio. You can buy them here:

Thanks, but I can take no credit for Enjoy the Music, they've been doing hifi reviews since 1995. I only started writing for them last year when they expanded their coverage of headphones and personal audio gear.

Ah, OK, but you still put a lot of time and effort into your reviews I can tell. Kudos! Is the Beryllium your preference over the other IEMs I've been asking about in that price range (Shure, VModa, etc.)?
Jul 6, 2017 at 3:32 PM Post #7,810 of 12,359
I need to win the lotto...

Jul 6, 2017 at 5:03 PM Post #7,811 of 12,359
Ah, OK, but you still put a lot of time and effort into your reviews I can tell. Kudos! Is the Beryllium your preference over the other IEMs I've been asking about in that price range (Shure, VModa, etc.)?

I'm fairly certain it would outclass them, but I haven't compared them directly, no. I feel like the Shures were probably a better value a couple of years ago. The rate of technological improvement in ear gear really moves at a pretty stunning pace. It's very hard for a product to stay competitive in it's price point for more than a year or two.

Moedawg or HiSoundFi might be able to make a more direct comparison.
Jul 9, 2017 at 9:41 PM Post #7,812 of 12,359
Yeah, I have compared the SE215 with the SE215 Blue ltd, and reviewed the SE425 and SE535, out of them the SE425 was my favourite.

The SE535 is too warm and lush, the SE215 has quite large bass and not very good definition or detail. The SE425 whilst lacking extension on both ends, was the better balanced and quicker sounding of the bunch.

SE535 Ltd might be good, although you can change the normal one to the Ltd by changing the filter.

Thanks. What kind of sources were you/do you use with your IEMs. I'm hoping to use them at the gym with an Ipod and at work with a desk amp/DAC. I'm guessing a lot of you guys are using higher end DAPS. Just curious. Also do the the nicer IEMS come with ends for
I'm fairly certain it would outclass them, but I haven't compared them directly, no. I feel like the Shures were probably a better value a couple of years ago. The rate of technological improvement in ear gear really moves at a pretty stunning pace. It's very hard for a product to stay competitive in it's price point for more than a year or two.

Moedawg or HiSoundFi might be able to make a more direct comparison.

How about amplification for IEMs? I'm planning on using an Ipod and Galaxy phone and from my work desktop I've got an old Nuforce Icon DAC/AMP. I'm thinking it will be too noisy for an IEM. One of these days, I might get a DAP.
Jul 10, 2017 at 2:34 AM Post #7,813 of 12,359
How about amplification for IEMs? I'm planning on using an Ipod and Galaxy phone and from my work desktop I've got an old Nuforce Icon DAC/AMP. I'm thinking it will be too noisy for an IEM. One of these days, I might get a DAP.

On DAPs, it really depends on what you value the most. A&K has the best interface and best user experience, but their stuff is also insanely expensive. The new Sony DAPs aren't far behind on UI and sound as good, better or not far behind... depending on who you ask. The Questyle QP1R sounds fantastic and the price is solid, but the UI is pretty clunky and there's no wifi. The Acoustic Research M2 sounds great and has a good UI, but it's too loud for IEMs and basically only for full size headphones. The Opus 2 is pretty solid, but my experience with it is limited, so I can't say much. Same with the Pioneer and Onkyo players, but the sheer number of them up for sale on the sale/trade forum is somewhat concerning. Fiio X5 III pretty much has everything, but the wifi card sucks and I hear it can be a little finicky with some memory cards (though I haven't personally had an issue with it).

Mojo + Poly is a interesting alternative to a standard DAP - stream off the computer, server or phone w/ DLNA or APT-X Bluetooth, or play files from an onboard memory card (that you can control with your phone... so MojoPoly never has to leave your pocket). Considering Mojo sounds better than most DAPs, both pieces can probably realistically be had for under $1K combined, and the convenient/flexible options it provides, IMO, it's VERY compelling.

Of course there's always the iFi iDSD Black Label - not super pocket friendly, but it's a well priced DAC/Amp that sounds good and is portable. Probably not great for lugging to the gym, but a nice solution at work.

If you need the cheapest possible solution, the Cayin N3 is like $150 and it sounds really, really good (certainly much better than the Fiio X3 II) - the UI is just ok, but it's quiet and sonically on-point.

As for more amplification specific stuff... the Oppo and Cayin portable amps are well-proven and well-loved in the more budget-fi arena. The Continental V5 is pricey, but sounds spectacular. The Cavalli Liquid Spark sounds incredible - like better than a lot of desktops, but it might be pricey and who knows when it's coming out - there have been so many delays on it already. The Ray Samuels portable stuff is supposed to be good, but I've only heard one of the amps one time for a very brief listen on an unfamiliar headphone two years ago... so I can't be much help there.

I think those are most of your options. There are some notable pros and cons for each. Again, it's really about what you value most.
Jul 10, 2017 at 5:49 AM Post #7,815 of 12,359
Thanks. What kind of sources were you/do you use with your IEMs. I'm hoping to use them at the gym with an Ipod and at work with a desk amp/DAC. I'm guessing a lot of you guys are using higher end DAPS. Just curious. Also do the the nicer IEMS come with ends for

How about amplification for IEMs? I'm planning on using an Ipod and Galaxy phone and from my work desktop I've got an old Nuforce Icon DAC/AMP. I'm thinking it will be too noisy for an IEM. One of these days, I might get a DAP.

They run fine out of an iPod, the scale up a little with a better source but nothing you would notice at the gym.

I used them with some budget Fiio amps at the time.

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