Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:27 PM Post #2,041 of 12,359
Which amp are you using? Are the headphones modified? If so, which mods?

No mod. Audio-gd nfb 10.33, balanced mode. Plenty of power, halfway through the volume pot with high gain is the loudest I could go, and I listen to my music quite loud. No clipping if I go louder, my eardrums just can't stand it. Low gain sounds a little muddy. 
Keep in mind this is my first high-end headphone, the highest I had before was Beyer DT 990 premium. The wow factor is working its charm. Everything is just so much more forward, be it treble, bass or vocals. Just put on Iron Maiden's Phantom of the Opera (the super fast live version, forgot from which show), for the first time I could isolate all the bass notes!
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:38 PM Post #2,042 of 12,359
Found it, sorry for multiple posts and a bit OT, I am way too excited lol

Aug 14, 2015 at 9:43 PM Post #2,043 of 12,359
  No mod. Audio-gd nfb 10.33, balanced mode. Plenty of power, halfway through the volume pot with high gain is the loudest I could go, and I listen to my music quite loud. No clipping if I go louder, my eardrums just can't stand it. Low gain sounds a little muddy. 
Keep in mind this is my first high-end headphone, the highest I had before was Beyer DT 990 premium. The wow factor is working its charm. Everything is just so much more forward, be it treble, bass or vocals. Just put on Iron Maiden's Phantom of the Opera (the super fast live version, forgot from which show), for the first time I could isolate all the bass notes!

Oh, cool. The reason I ask is because I heard the HE6 on a MOON Neo 430HA (a $4,000+ amp/DAC with even more output power than your amp) and was underwhelmed...yet some who hear it from speaker amps are blown away...so I was wondering how good it could sound out of normal headphone amps...but I suppose we can't do a proper comparison just by comparing thoughts.
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:47 PM Post #2,045 of 12,359
Speaking of the HE6, anyone here have experience driving it from vintage receivers?  I asked over in the "amps for HE6" thread, but didn't get any response.
I have a Marantz 2245 that I will be restoring and my plan was to use that to drive it off the speaker taps.
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:48 PM Post #2,046 of 12,359
Oh, cool. The reason I ask is because I heard the HE6 on a MOON Neo 430HA (a $4,000+ amp/DAC with even more output power than your amp) and was underwhelmed...yet some who hear it from speaker amps are blown away...so I was wondering how good it could sound out of normal headphone amps...but I suppose we can't do a proper comparison just by comparing thoughts.

I see from your signature you have experienced  a lot of high end gears, so this is understandable. I suppose if I went with any other reputed high-end cans I would have been awestruck the same way. I am in love that's for sure lol. 
Aug 14, 2015 at 9:55 PM Post #2,047 of 12,359
  I see from your signature you have experienced  a lot of high end gears, so this is understandable. I suppose if I went with any other reputed high-end cans I would have been awestruck the same way. I am in love that's for sure lol. 

My signature only contains my current inventory. Read my profile for past and wanted gear. (And when I auditioned the HE6, I also heard the Abyss AB-1266, HE1000, and HD 800.) Anyway, the HE6 is generally regarded as one of the greatest headphones, and definitely one of the greatest headphones for metal in this thread. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be as impressed with certain other high-end headphones as you are with the HE6.
Now if someone can tell us how that Audio-GD amp compares to speaker amps with the HE6, that would be helpful!
Aug 15, 2015 at 12:01 AM Post #2,049 of 12,359
No mod. Audio-gd nfb 10.33, balanced mode. Plenty of power, halfway through the volume pot with high gain is the loudest I could go, and I listen to my music quite loud. No clipping if I go louder, my eardrums just can't stand it. Low gain sounds a little muddy. 

Keep in mind this is my first high-end headphone, the highest I had before was Beyer DT 990 premium. The wow factor is working its charm. Everything is just so much more forward, be it treble, bass or vocals. Just put on Iron Maiden's Phantom of the Opera (the super fast live version, forgot from which show), for the first time I could isolate all the bass notes!

Oh, cool. The reason I ask is because I heard the HE6 on a MOON Neo 430HA (a $4,000+ amp/DAC with even more output power than your amp) and was underwhelmed...yet some who hear it from speaker amps are blown away...so I was wondering how good it could sound out of normal headphone amps...but I suppose we can't do a proper comparison just by comparing thoughts.

I really gotta hear this SimAudio Moon Neo... It is possible to get the HE-6 up to unlistenably loud levels without getting enough current to optimize the dynamic range. I was topping out at about 1:00 or 2:00 on the HA-160's attenuator, and it was very ho-hum sounding with low dynamic range. I topped out between 2:00 and 3:00 on the Rag (which is obviously more powerful) and while the overall volume was similar, the improved dynamics really transformed the headphone. Not really sure how all that works from an engineering perspective, but the difference was very obvious. I know the Neo is pretty powerful, so I'm left wondering what's up with all this.

Rockin_Zombie, glad to hear the 10.33 is working out! I gotta give that one a try!
Aug 15, 2015 at 12:08 AM Post #2,050 of 12,359
lol, now I'm listening to "Valhall Awaits Me" on my STAX SR-207. Sounds pretty good...but "Death In Fire" sounds much more epic!
I really gotta hear this SimAudio Moon Neo... It is possible to get the HE-6 up to unlistenably loud levels without getting enough current to optimize the dynamic range. I was topping out at about 1:00 or 2:00 on the HA-160's attenuator, and it was very ho-hum sounding with low dynamic range. I topped out between 2:00 and 3:00 on the Rag (which is obviously more powerful) and while the overall volume was similar, the improved dynamics really transformed the headphone. Not really sure how all that works from an engineering perspective, but the difference was very obvious. I know the Neo is pretty powerful, so I'm left wondering what's up with all this.

Refer to my post where I shared the power requirements for the HE6. It includes current and voltage requirements, so perhaps it is just due to insufficient current levels.
Aug 15, 2015 at 1:05 AM Post #2,052 of 12,359
Woo! Getting a Sennheiser HD 650 and Little Dot I+ in a CD trade. The first time I owned an HD 650, I only drove it from a Schiit Fulla. This tube amp has more than three times as much power, and while it isn't the best amp for it, I should be able to get better sound. Probably won't bother with tube rolling at this point.
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:06 AM Post #2,054 of 12,359
  Woo! Getting a Sennheiser HD 650 and Little Dot I+ in a CD trade. The first time I owned an HD 650, I only drove it from a Schiit Fulla. This tube amp has more than three times as much power, and while it isn't the best amp for it, I should be able to get better sound. Probably won't bother with tube rolling at this point.


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