HeadFi Holiday Exchange - "WHADJAGET?"
Dec 24, 2003 at 4:12 PM Post #31 of 52
Because it IS Christmas somewhere...I decided to open my gift from Lisa. It arrived yesterday and I was stoked.

The cd is called K's Choice - Paradise In Me and it is a band from Belgium. It is a fantabulous disc with an Indigo Girls sound mixed with some hard edges from Transistor. I love it! Never heard of them before but am glad I have been introduced. The remarkable thing is that I think my wife likes it more than I do! She is a massive Indigo Girls fan and because the lead vocalist sounds so much like one of the IG's she has scooped it away from me. I hope I can have another listen when I get home from work. I'll have to wrestle my wife for it

Thank you ever so much Lisa! I hope you have received your package from me, and if not, shortly

Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 2003 at 6:48 PM Post #33 of 52
Andrew Pielet sent me the buena vista social club cd. the reason this gift exchange is so great is that you will almost always get a taste of music which you wouldn't get for yourself, and once again i was astounded at what i was missing. not only a great recording but also music in which i really enjoyed getting lost in, great guitar work by Ry Cooder and a combo of what i would guess is traditional cuban music and rock makes this a truly great listen. awesome choice Andy!
Dec 24, 2003 at 8:59 PM Post #34 of 52
hey pinkfloyd...

i'm very happy right now. that's after all why i write music--just to share.
by the way, i've listened to your CDs a million times already--everytime i get in the car since i received them actually! heh he. very good electronica. i will definitely buy their stuff if i can find it in the future (when i have more money, heh he.)

hey, i posted a picture of your "CD" too in your thread, sleeping at its new home. looks sweet


welp, enjoy your christmas!... hope every one of your christmas's will be as "sweet!"
Dec 24, 2003 at 11:03 PM Post #35 of 52
I got an absolutely awesome box of goodies from my swap buddy kentamcolin. Ken sent me the Appalachia Waltz CD with Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer and Mark O'conner which is stunning. He also sent me Fernando Ortega' "The Breaking of the Dawn" which is so beautiful and uplifting, and right up my alley, I have played it 4 times today.

And just to prove he is an Uber-Santa Supreme...he sent along a nice bottle of merlot and a real cuban cigar to enjoy it all with.

Thanks Ken...I cannot wait to play this Ortega CD for my mom when I see her tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 25, 2003 at 12:09 AM Post #36 of 52
I had just received a PM from Fred not 2 hours after opening my gift. This was such a wonderful experience for me. Two cd's (Lizz Wright and a "custom" digital extraction from the LP "She's Gotta Have It" original motion picture soundtrack. But wait there's more...A three disk set of "The Essential Stan Gets". OMG

Lizz Wright is in the player now and wants to invite you to a one on one as well. Very Smooth

Thank you again Fred, you made this holiday extra sweet.

Dec 25, 2003 at 2:10 AM Post #37 of 52
I am enjoying my new disc from Binary Digit as well. He sent me the fabtastic California Guitar Trio-"First Decade" and it is great. The sound quality is great and the music is stellar.

Thanks B_d and I hope that you have a great holiday. This was such a great thing and I can't wait til next year.
Dec 25, 2003 at 10:37 PM Post #38 of 52
Right now I'm listening to Jeff Beck's Blow by Blow, which bong sent me. Great stuff, even better than Wired!

Thanks, bong!
Dec 25, 2003 at 10:59 PM Post #39 of 52
Lando sent me Tubeway Army's debut album... very cool! This is great post punk stuff, and now i've got Gary Numan's first three consecutive CDs. his progression from "Tubeway Army" through "Replicas" up to "The Pleasure Principle" is nothing short of amazing.

thanks much Lando!
Dec 27, 2003 at 7:06 AM Post #40 of 52
JMedeiros sent me two CD's, one which I was familiar with and another I was not. The first, John Doan "Isle of the Saints, a Celtic Odyssey" I first heard at an Irish store I was at with my wife. I was very happy to get this because when we heard it we liked it a lot, but the store did not have a copy to sell. We wrote down the name with the intention of getting it but never did. What a nice suprise to see it when I opened up the package! The second is Nils Lofgren "Acoustic Live". Now anything titled acoutic live is right up my alley, and the guitar playing on this CD is fantastic, and the recording is first rate. I've not had a chance to listen through my headphones yet, only speakers. I'm sure it will sound even better on HD650's.

Thanks John!
Dec 30, 2003 at 6:22 PM Post #41 of 52
I received DanG's cds today.

In the package there were :

- Sibelius, symphonie N°2 and Berlioz, Marche Hongroise de la damnation de Faust. By George Szell.

- Ravel, Sheherazade, Rapsodie espagnole, Valses nobles et sentimentales, Ma mere l'oie. By Pierre Boulez.

- Schubert, Symphonie inachevee and Dvorak, Symphonie N°8. By Bruno Walter.

I'm listening to Ravel right now. Dang promised me some good stuff and I definitly got it. These are certainly not "background music" cds and require some attention when listening.

Thanks a lot DanG.
Dec 30, 2003 at 6:24 PM Post #42 of 52
Finally got a chance to pop in the two CDs 2 channel had sent me.

I love 'em both. Been a big fan of some of the modern punk but everyone's always screaming at me to go back to it's roots. Think these two albums cover that really well

First one is Bauhaus' In The Flat Field, having not explored early punk i've not heard of them nor of the second band. A real surprise, a lot more smoother than I expected earlier punk to be.

Second, my favorite of the two is Los Angeles' X Los Angeles. It's so rare to find female vocals in punk, at least for me, and even more rare to find one that's so darned awesome. I'm definitely going to have to look into this band more.

Thanks a lot, 2 channel
Dec 31, 2003 at 4:52 PM Post #43 of 52

Originally posted by Zanth

Thank you ever so much Lisa! I hope you have received your package from me, and if not, shortly

And shortly came today

Glad you and your wife liked K's choice!

Zanth send me two discs from Canadian bands. One is a live CD from The Tragically Hip - Live Between Us and the other is Yanqui U.X.O by Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

Because I've never heard from the latter I, of course, had to listen to that one first.
I was VERY plesantly surprised. The album is completely instrumental rock which just pulls you in. I was reading posts at head-fi but the music demanded my full attention. So I didn't even mind head-fi going down. It puts you in several different moods. All with a dark feel to it.

As it turns out I never gave The Tragically Hip the attention it deserves. I've heard them on the radio, liked it, but never gave it another thought. Listening to Live Between Us I found out that I should have. It reminds me a bit of Midnight Oil. Normally I'm a bit hasistant of buying live albums. Always afraid the sounds of the croud overpower the band. This one doesn't have this problem. It just sounds very good.

Thank you Zanth for the gifts! And thank you for introducing me to Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I really really like it.
Jan 1, 2004 at 1:02 AM Post #44 of 52
You are very most welcome Lisa! I'm glad you enjoy two of Canada's most popular bands.

The Hip is the quintessential Canadian Rock Band and I was hoping that if you had not heard them before you would at the very least, appreciate the lyrics. Gord Downie is first a poet, second a lead vocalist. The reason I chose the live album is because it is a make-up of their greatest hits and I thought that perhaps this would suit you well. Also, I find that this is one of the better live rock recordings I have heard.

As for GYBE...yeah, they are really quite something. Yankqui U.X.O. was the first record I had been exposed to and I was hoping you would fall deeply into their level of seduction as I had. Glad you enjoyed it!

Lift your fists like antennas to Heaven is also a fantastic album...you may want to check that out, as well as the band Mogwai. Very similar stuff and quite excellent.
Jan 1, 2004 at 1:09 AM Post #45 of 52
Ken-you are very welcome! After reading your profile, I was afraid you might have the Celtic CD already...glad I made the right choice....and the Nils CD is simply one of my favorite live albums ever recorded.


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