Head-Fi Younguns Check-in!
Oct 29, 2007 at 2:18 AM Post #241 of 317
17 and I've spent about $120 on headphones, plus $200 on an mp3 player. Once I make some cash later on though, you guys are going to be reading about the guy who went bankrupt in one night buying a bunch of audio equipment and now lets others audition his headphones in exchange for food.

Oct 29, 2007 at 4:04 AM Post #242 of 317
I'm now 16.. for the third time, does that count?
Oct 29, 2007 at 4:34 AM Post #244 of 317
that depends, how young is young, because im 26, and i usualy scavange on sales and offers, i have a kenwood DAP becuase i found it cheap 2nd hand, and yea, i´ve probobly spent close to 2k taking in to account my minidisc, the PMX100, CX300, Mylarone X3, FS Atrio M5, sony NW-HD5, Cowon D2, Kenwood media keg 20gb,
Oct 29, 2007 at 2:27 PM Post #245 of 317
I'm 25, which is still pretty young to be getting into this hobby, in my opinion. My search for good headphones began two years ago, with my Sony MDR-G74SL's. It got good reviews from cnet.com (oh stop, I can hear you groaning from here) and it had pretty decent reviews from users as well. For $40, it was the best reviewed set of headphones out there. I picked it up, and it was a huge improvement over the $10 Panasonic cheapos I'd been using. They satisfied me for a while.

I've been wanting more for some time though, but there were other expenses I had to take care of first. I don't have much cashflow with the career I chose, so I have to be meticulous about how I spend my money. I guess the Sony's created the environment of change, because lately they've started to deteriorate and the mids are screeching quite a bit... or perhaps that's just my ears demanding more.

Necessity is the mother of invention. I would also like to submit that it is the father of change. As my headphones began to show their age, I started a more determined search for some real headphones....and ended up here.

My expenses started last night, with a nice little $132 purchase from Amazon. I am sure it is not my last. I might not end up with a huge room full of top-shelf equipment, but I will move up in the sound world, here and there. And for that, this site has my simultaneous thanks and scorn.
Oct 29, 2007 at 2:36 PM Post #246 of 317
This isn't the first time I've posted in this thread, but I'd like to say that at 19 years old I think I'm done purchasing headphone gear. I've got a pretty good home setup and though my portable setup is lacking in storage space, its sound quality is good. From here on out, my sole objective is to increase my music library. I see no reason to continue purchasing more hardware.

Now car audio..............Thats a whole 'nother story.

Edit: I was 14 years old when I registered here.............its been a LONG time.
Oct 29, 2007 at 8:47 PM Post #247 of 317
15 here... soon to be 16... spent about 400 ish since i joined. Reason i joined was because i just purchased some koss ksc 75s, and was looking for reviews, and unluckily, i stumbled into this place.
Oct 29, 2007 at 9:52 PM Post #248 of 317
17 Years old, but ill be 18 on Saturday. Ive probably spent something like $600 but i've got my eye on some new gear, so maybe $850?
Oct 30, 2007 at 7:35 AM Post #250 of 317
15, at least chronologically. My interests and opinions say otherwise... But that's another story for another thread.

I haven't spent anything yet, but I will, and soon. After I clear my $500AUD debt. On the cards are probably a set of Westone UM1s, then later on some Livewires (or maybe just going straight to the Livewires), and another set of cans to add to my 515s. I hate Head-Fi already.
Nov 2, 2007 at 7:02 PM Post #252 of 317
I'm 18. yep. been here for a year or so.

I'm in Indonesia btw, if you know where it is. I've spent ~$300 so far. It's so friggin hard to get some decent in-ears and amps out here. Soon, very soon, i think i'm gonna lose approximately, or at least, 700 bucks on audio equipments. Audio stuff are somehow more addictive than blackberries. hahaha
Nov 5, 2007 at 3:07 PM Post #255 of 317
Hello all i am 20 and am in for about $100 since about june when i started lurking. it really shocked me that some teenagers have the setups they do!! if i was 15 and had a couple hundred to spend i would have started looking for a car!! hahaha to each his own i guess. its reassuring to see some familiar names are younger, i was a little afraid of telling my age because i know some "grown-ups" dont like it when younger people give them advice, cause when they were your age they had to fight a bear for dinner after walking 20-miles to get to school and they were happy to get it!!

anyway keep it up Young-fi!!

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