Head-Fi Younguns Check-in!
Jan 26, 2008 at 11:22 PM Post #271 of 317
Maaaan... I just ran across this thread, and realized that both (edited..sorry confused the post with another) and 003... people who I talked to a bunch while I was working on my F1 clone last year, were like 14 or 15.

Sure makes you appreciate the prejudice many people wear in real life that disappears behind a keyboard.

Not that I am in real life (I'm 28 but I'm basically the same person I was at 16, just with more confidence). But a lot of people are, and it's sad. And, heh... the older people get, the worse it tends to get, and guess what? Old people rule the world.

Not to mention how hard it can be to hold any serious and geeky hobby in HS.

So, kudos to everyone <20 here... to hell with the anti-intellectualism so rampant in our societies.
Feb 1, 2008 at 4:25 AM Post #273 of 317
I'm 17 and in college, just spent another $150 on some Beyer DT770s.. Spent about $50 on a cheap CMOY, and that's in addition to the ~$250 I've spent on headphones up to this point.

But audio's nowhere near as much of a money drainer as my PC is...
Feb 1, 2008 at 4:43 AM Post #274 of 317
I'm 20 years young in college. Since I've joined Head-Fi, I have bought SF5 Pro, built two Cmoys, helped my girlfriend pick out SF3 Studio, got an SR225 for Christmas, and made some adapter cables. I also have some cheap Sennheiser (HD465) on the way (I know, I know.. it was an impulse buy due to a cheap price) and I plan on modding my Grados sometime in the near future. I'm also on the hunt for some cheap IEMs for a project I'm working on so if you have any, PM me please!

The first headphones I bought that were not the standard ones that came with walkman/discman type stuff were some Sony clip-ons. I actually bought two or three because they all died after about a year or so. Then I got a Sony MDR-CD180. Then I got a Sony EX-71. Then I got Shure E3c. Then I joined Head-Fi.
Feb 1, 2008 at 5:14 AM Post #275 of 317
17 years old here, about $340 dollars spent because of me reading here and more to come, planning on an amp soon.
Feb 3, 2008 at 2:48 AM Post #276 of 317
I'm 17, will be 18 in March. I have personally spent about $200 on headphones. Also have contributed to the purchase of three iPods (my own and gifts) and received an iPod Touch as a Christmas gift.
Feb 3, 2008 at 3:16 AM Post #277 of 317
joined right after my 21st birthday in september of 07.. am in the midst of spending around 3,200 (USD) on my (trans)portable audio rig and am already interested in spending perhaps another 1,000 on a USB DAC for this comp.. and i would also like to try out some more headphones to see what sonic alternatives are out there for me... and hell, i haven't even heard the tube sound yet! add that to the list. (hopefully some meets will help my wallet out in this manner)

also, another note.. on the whole, anti rich kids stuff

it really is jealousy- among other condescending and anger-related feelings - to be like that.. i mean, understand, i work for everything i've been spending on this, and at 8.40 an hour.. it isn't fun.

i don't think you should try to rail on people for their having the fortunate status of receiving that kind of money.. you can't justify it, even when you try to take them as being unappreciative.. and it just plain sounds silly when you say, in other words, that they should have to slave away like the rest of us... my cheers to them for the opportunity that some of us don't have.. i've enjoyed similar luxuries at times in my life.. for instance, i still live with my mother and don't have to pay for food and shelter.. I consider that to be extremely fortunate / relatively uncommon.. and I am very grateful for that
Feb 3, 2008 at 7:27 AM Post #278 of 317
19 now. Joined 2 years ago. Learned to DIY headphone amps after my HS exam to save money. Started with CMoy, Chaintech AV-710 and Philips SHP895. Went crazy with DIY amps while only upgraded my headphones once to this HD580, which I got second hand for RM600(~US$180).

Dad helped, but most purchases come from my own pocket. Worked for US$1 per hour and soon found selling amps a better deal.

Overall, I feel I own a kickass setup for peanuts. Only spent a few hundred USD so far. Head-Fi meets helped me make an easy decision on the headphones. Don't think I need to upgrade my headphones anymore other than a balanced recable. You can DIY your source and amps but headphones? I guess DIY saves alot of money if you have plenty of time to spare.

I feel like Ratatouille in an ocean of bad taste, and frugality. A few hundred USD is big money for teenagers here. My friends with their Sonic Gears will never appreciate my gear. My parents and older relatives will give me a scolding if they knew I have RM600 headphones. Sometimes I wonder What made me this way?

Oh, right its Head-Fi...
Feb 3, 2008 at 11:21 AM Post #279 of 317

My name is Pontus, I live outside Eskilstuna, Sweden. I am 16, turning 17 @ 12 October -08. I found Head-Fi on my own, don't remember how though, lol. My dad is an audiophile, just like me, but he is more into speakers than headphones.
I havent spent that much since joining Head-Fi, but I guess it will come, the only considerably expensive audio thing i have bought was my SR60's.
Dec 2, 2009 at 7:10 AM Post #280 of 317
Just turned 15 in September.
Dec 2, 2009 at 8:29 PM Post #285 of 317
I am 17. I have spent about $200 so far and plan on spending around another $50k by the time I get a speaker rig

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