Head-Fi is going to make me broke!
Mar 14, 2002 at 5:38 AM Post #16 of 30

Good thing we're all into headphones here. ;0)

If we were into speakers, we'd be in an even deeper pit of debt.
Mar 14, 2002 at 10:05 AM Post #17 of 30

Sennheiser HD600 +$225

MG Head OTL +$329
Sony D-25S + adapter $62
Beyerdynamic DT831 +$140
Corda HA-1 +$325
sold Sony D-25S -$62
sold MG Head OTL -$329 (+$30 shipping)
ART DI/O $138

AT W2002 $800
RKV Mk II $800
Power Cables $150
Spent so far $2598 :/

DIY Interconnect $100
Soldering stuffs $50
Cardas HD600 cable $150
Panasonic CT570? $70

ART DI/O upgrades $385
Etymotic ER-4P+S $330

BP-3 Balanced Power $800
More DIY Cables $500
Monarchy DIP 2496 $250
PC Audio Upgrade $500
SACD player $2000 (does it HAVE to be a Sony?)
Cary SEI $3000 (used)
Oris 150 horns/subs $3000-5000 (DIY, after hearing Nick's)
Stax Omega II $4000 (imported from Japan)

Looks like it only gets worse from here.
Mar 14, 2002 at 3:10 PM Post #18 of 30
Note: Kelly,

I'm selling a slightly used Pana CT570.
Pm me for details.
Mar 14, 2002 at 3:25 PM Post #19 of 30
K, I bought these crappy sony headphones. Im not giong to mention the model #, then I went to headwize and was converted to the cult of audiophilia. The first thing I did was buy some headphones,
Grado SR 225's

Then I bought a radioshack portable cd player

Then I bought a creek obh-11. ( I was in trouble at this point)

Then I went nuts and bought interconnects, denon cd changer, MSB link dac.

audio alchemy dti pro 32, better cables digital coax

Then I bought HD600's. Then I bought XCANV2, xpsu, new interconnects, clou cable. Later got some crappy ixos headphones.

Then I sold it all cept for the HD600's n clou.

Bought speakers.

bought mini disk player and disks

Then I bought JMT made CMOY altoids tin amp. Battery chargers, batteries were also purchased.

Bought A Bryston 2B-LP

BOught a MElos

Bought Pioneer DVD player

Was happy for a bout a week

Decided I need vinyl

Sold Bryston

Bought phono stage

Bought MMF-7(not arrived yet)

Bought bunches of records at ebay, cdnow, and local thrift-shops

Sold Clou cable, waiting for cardas to be released.

And thats where I stand right now.

I left a bunch of small things out, various koss headphones, denon headpohnes, antique headphones, various optical cables, various connectors/adapters etc. various tubes.


eh, who cares.
Mar 14, 2002 at 6:11 PM Post #20 of 30
I'm relatively new to Head-Fi (joined on Christmas,
), and I had already gotten my headphone rig prior to finding this cool place. But if I hadn't known about hi-fi headphones, I probably would have ended up in the same place I am in now. Post joining head-fi = I'm ready to spend upwards of $5000+ for the headphone system I'll most likely stick with for YEARS. Then comes speakers, my true love... God have mercy on my bank account.

I have been messing with the portable rig though. And of course, always looking for more music to add to my very small collection. I don't hold onto music that I don't listen to often. That might change in the future when I really get into the beautiful world of vinyl.
Mar 15, 2002 at 3:51 AM Post #21 of 30
It all started when my sound environment at work starting getting on my nerves. Having experienced some audiophile speaker setups in the past, it was kind of hard to live with the junk phones that came with the PCDP I bought for work, so I thought I'd get some decent ones.

Since I started reading this board for ideas I've bought:

3 headphones
DVD home source (maybe not the absolute top audiophile quality, but it's fun to watch movies too!)
JMT Cmoy amp (should be here soon)
MD player/recorder (in the mail)
and a bunch of CDs.


It's been great! I can't really say it has helped me much at work, but hearing [great] music 3-5 hours a day has made me much happier.

That's the point, isn't it?
Mar 16, 2002 at 9:31 AM Post #22 of 30
I joined last September and I'm already in the $1k - $2k range...OMG! That doesn't even begin to consider all the music I've bought since then.

(Hello, my name is OneMalt and I have a headphone jones...)
Mar 16, 2002 at 6:07 PM Post #23 of 30
Man, I just keep on looking at the poll results and think: How much is "More than I want to know" really?

Mar 16, 2002 at 6:30 PM Post #24 of 30
On the Contrary, Head-Fi saves me money by providing a great source of opinions and impressions. Discipline, Grasshoppa. (see avatar)

Headphone sys:

JMT--2 ea.
HD 580--130, (now happily living in NYC)
AKG 501--150

Speaker sys:

AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000--600
LW-1--500 (arrives in 2 weeks)
Silver Audio 4.0 IC--175 (arrives next week)
Assorted JR diy ICs--100

By summer:

Sony 9000 SACD, DVD player
Silver Audio Hyacinth IC
Pure Silver Sound Octet speaker cables
2 ea. ASC bass traps

The next couple of months are gonna be fun!
Mar 16, 2002 at 7:43 PM Post #25 of 30
Hey, pigmode, a little off-topic, how are you enjoying those Rogers's (how do you spell the plural of Rogers)? And what are you powering them with? I like my Spendor's, but that's not the original.
Mar 16, 2002 at 11:10 PM Post #26 of 30

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
Hey, pigmode, a little off-topic, how are you enjoying those Rogers's (how do you spell the plural of Rogers)? And what are you powering them with? I like my Spendor's, but that's not the original.

These speakers are great; they have a thoroughly enjoyable sound. Of all the speakers I've listened to, the LS3/5a has a midrange response that is exceptionally sweet. Put it this way, I've always had a hard time listening to Paganini's 24 Caprices till I got these speakers.

It's main limitation seems to be with classical music involving the full orchestra, where the its sound can become a bit compressed. A very minor fault, IMO, and they do very well with a medium to small ensemble.

Amps are the Quicksilver Mini Mite (or Mini Mono) 25w monoblocs with the Melos SHA pre.
Mar 17, 2002 at 9:08 AM Post #27 of 30
oh man, I hate to think about it...

SAC K1000
AKG K501
Senn HD-600
Etymotic ER4P/s adapt
Porta Corda
HeadRoom Max
more interconnects
more Pro Gold
way more CD's

Probably more stuff I've mentally blocked...

Sure sounds good though!!
Dec 20, 2019 at 12:19 AM Post #28 of 30
If you spend $300 on a good headphone, $300 on a good amp and $300 a good DAC, that’s around $900.

It’s relatively affordable and you will have an awesome audiophile rig that should last a long time or at least a good while. For cables Mogami or Blue Jeans are high quality and cost pretty cheap.

Alternatively, if you spend $1500 on maybe 2 or 3 headphones, $1000 on an amp, and maybe $800 on a DAC. That’s around $3300. In my opinion, that’s still relatively affordable for a serious hobby IF that’s all you’re gonna spend for maybe 20-30 years or more.

If you’re really on budget, a $100 amp and $100 DAC and $200 headphone still good enough to make you an audiophile.

So in the end, the headphone hobby or headphone enjoyment is not too bad price wise. It’s cheaper than many other hobbies.
Last edited:
Dec 20, 2019 at 12:23 AM Post #30 of 30
Anything that becomes a Hobby will cost you a lot.

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