Have $750.00 for new source.
Jan 5, 2004 at 6:58 PM Post #31 of 49
I would recommend buying in the US since you live in the US. The 588 usually goes for over $2000, so $1500 is a very good deal but may add a lot of risk since it's overseas (it kinda sounds too good to be true). The 507 is designed to replace the 506 while the 588 replace the 508, so given the price of the 507 at $1300 and the 508 at $1000, the 508 is definately the better buy. Again, don't rush into buying a Meridian because I said so, go read more reviews about the players you listed and decide for yourself.
Jan 5, 2004 at 8:06 PM Post #32 of 49

Jan 5, 2004 at 8:14 PM Post #33 of 49
How do you know I want it? You don't even have yours yet.

Jan 5, 2004 at 9:23 PM Post #34 of 49
I'm just kidding. No need to be an ASS.
I don't pretend to have any knowledge about this player other than what I've read. I was only making a joke.

Good luck with your search!
Jan 6, 2004 at 10:50 PM Post #40 of 49

What about a Philips DVD963SA ($370 new) modded up? I've seen mod packages for the Philips from $600 - $700. Doing this you get (supposedly) very good redbook PLUS very good SACD PLUS very good video performance (not of interest to me, but you might use it). Check out the forums on Audiogon to read reviews by some people who have modded the Philips, iand f you are interested you can then go to the Audiogon home page and click on "CD Player" in the "Quick Shop" column on the left side of the page. The list that comes up should include some mod packages. Is the Philips high-end "audiophile"? Hell no. But for the price it is supposedly very hard to beat and supposedly much better than many CDP's that sell for much more.

Just a thought,


PS I'm considering the purchase of a modded 963SA. A modded Pioneer DV-563a can be had for $700 new, including the player, but I like the Philips packages better.
Jan 6, 2004 at 11:27 PM Post #41 of 49
Or how about a modded Music Hall MMF-CD25? Brand new w/ mods for just $750? Of course, no SACD capability. There are lots of good reviews of this player in modded form floating about the web.



PS...Obviously, I tend towards what I "view" as "bang for the buck" options.
Jan 6, 2004 at 11:39 PM Post #42 of 49
After lots of thought I have pulled the trigger on a Meridian 588. A little more than I wanted to spend, but hopefully it will get me through upgradeitus for a while. I did purchace within the US not wanting any additional blood pressure problems.

I really want to thank you all for your input. This is what makes this forum such a great tool; learning from everyones past experiences and knowledge.

Jan 7, 2004 at 12:05 AM Post #43 of 49
It's ironic how you started the thread with "Have $750.00 for new source" and ended up with the Meridian 588. This is what Head-Fi is for

Please post your impressions once you got the player.
Jan 7, 2004 at 12:33 AM Post #44 of 49
Well, I decided that I wasn't going to be truely happy with what $750.00 was going to buy. I have lots of audio gear that I seldom use, so I figured I could make better use of those resources. I was able to up my budget to a little over $2100.00 by auctioning off the fat. I now have enough for the Meridian and new cables.

To top it off my wife and father went in together to buy me a new Bernhardt leather chair and ottoman for Christmas. I may never leave the house again.

Now if my HD650s would get here!
Jan 7, 2004 at 12:24 PM Post #45 of 49
Congrats Brad,

Enjoy. I hope to hear you thoughts on the player once it's burned in. I be sure to give my thoughts on the 555 Hot Rod in a few weeks. What kind of cables are you considering?

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