Has Anyone Own(ed)/Heard Any of These Players?
Sep 10, 2005 at 10:09 PM Post #31 of 43

Originally Posted by philodox
If you are going that low, why not lower?

The Eastsound CD-E5 does everything well and a few things exceptionally and it costs under $1k shipped.

I'll see if I can find one to demo on my trip. Thanks.
Sep 10, 2005 at 10:12 PM Post #32 of 43

Originally Posted by kuma
Oh sure.
All hi-end digital try to emulate that *analogue* sound whatever it maybe.

But not all record players sound the same.

There are many analogue set ups that I 'd rather live with my CD players!

There's definitely advantages digital has over analogue. It's just that analogue has always had that one defining thing over digital I simply like to call "the ability to play music".
The thing that got me interested in high end digital is that after hearing the fully modded DV-50 I finally realized that it's entirely possible that the best digital sources can concievably compete with the best analogue sources while maintaining the few advantages they already have.
Sep 10, 2005 at 10:44 PM Post #33 of 43

the best digital sources can concievably compete with the best analogue sources while maintaining the few advantages they already have.

Depends on which analogue sources you are talking.

And no such thing as universal *the best* as it might not be someone else's best.

If you like what an LP12 does, more likely you'll like Linn and Naim CD players.
Sep 10, 2005 at 10:51 PM Post #34 of 43

Originally Posted by kuma

Depends on which analogue sources you are talking.

Well, I did say "conceivably".


Originally Posted by kuma

And no such thing as universal *the best* as it might not be someone else's best.

This is something I know all to well. I definitely want the best *for me*.


Originally Posted by kuma

If you like what an LP12 does, more likely you'll like Linn and Naim CD players.

I loved the LP12 I heard, but still my player listening experience is limited so I have no idea if I would like one of the others I haven't heard more.
Sep 13, 2005 at 10:01 AM Post #35 of 43
Anyone have any opinions on the EMM Labs Meitner CDSD/Dac6? I think I remember reading that there were a few members on here who tried that combo and felt it was (one of?) the best out there...
Sep 13, 2005 at 12:20 PM Post #36 of 43
Over the years, I've heard a variety of Wadia players. My friend owns the Linn Sondek CD12 and to date, I'd say it's still the best CD playback I've ever heard - it put a Meridian upsampling DAC to shame with its ease and liquidity in a head to head, matched level comparison. You should definitely give it a listen.
Sep 13, 2005 at 3:20 PM Post #37 of 43
Man, lots of good deals up around the net... Like new Reimyo for $11k, Like new CDS3 for $1500 (on eBay though), Like new Meitner CDSD/Dac6 for $12.5k, Like new CD12 for $10.5k....

Wish I could decide now and skip the auditioning process.
Sep 15, 2005 at 6:32 AM Post #40 of 43

Originally Posted by kuma
A CDS3 for a 1500$?

I don't think so, or it's a scam.
Be careful.

No, It's an auction. It still has a while left so I imagine it will crack $5k before it's over (atleast). It doesn't include the power supply though - thought that was kind of strange.

Naim CDS3 eBay auction
Sep 15, 2005 at 2:12 PM Post #41 of 43
The auction doesn’t mention the separate power supply, which is needed for the CDS3 to operate.

The seller’s account has been dormant for 3 years and they only bought things previously so it’s not inconceivable the account was hijacked.

That auction looks suspicious to say the least.

Sep 15, 2005 at 3:21 PM Post #42 of 43

That auction looks suspicious to say the least.


I would never buy a Naim digital off an eBay.


Wait for a few months.

Naim is coming out with a new uber CD player and expect to see many CDS3s on the market as I suspect current CDS3 owners might be dumping them for the upgrade.
Sep 15, 2005 at 4:15 PM Post #43 of 43

Originally Posted by kuma

Naim is coming out with a new uber CD player and expect to see many CDS3s on the market as I suspect current CDS3 owners might be dumping them for the upgrade.

Yep. A friend of mine sells Naim players (among others) and he says the $30k+ uber player dubbed the CD555 is due out Spring of next year. I didn't ask him if he's heard it yet, but just from the description I imagine it's going to be among the truly elite out there.

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