Nov 25, 2008 at 2:21 AM Post #31 of 72
One album not mentioned yet but in my opinion kind of falls into this category is Iron Maiden- Seventh Son of Seventh Son.
Nov 25, 2008 at 4:12 AM Post #32 of 72

Originally Posted by scytheavatar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What Riverside album have you listened to anyway? I always recommend Riverside to those who want something like Porcupine Tree. They sound like Porcupine Tree with less acoustic guitar but darker, more edgy and more modern. With stronger metal influence. So I am not sure how you can perceive them to be a little cheesy, if you found them to be cheesy what prog band isn't cheesy? You are going to have a hard time if you want to convince me that King Crimson is less chessy.

If you had only listened to Rapid Eye Movement I recommend you to listen to their 2 other albums as Rapid Eye Movement is their weakest album.

I have Second Life Syndrome.
Cant put my finger on it but it has that Dream Theater type sound (which is super cheesy to me), but I could be totally off. Also, the singer's voice bothers me. I just listened to it and tried giving it another shot; the whole thing is just not my cup of tea. Not sure why people compare these guys to PT so much-like apples and oranges.


Originally Posted by I3eyond /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Off topic, but I'm curious. Just started listening to Jupiter, and I was wondering what gear you most enjoy this album on, particularly headphones.

Jupiter and all other rock only on Grados

Phenomenal album, enjoy.
Nov 28, 2008 at 10:37 AM Post #34 of 72
Nov 28, 2008 at 4:04 PM Post #36 of 72
Mastodon? Maybe that's too metal.

I pretty much recommend Mastodon to everybody.
Nov 29, 2008 at 1:43 AM Post #38 of 72
Thanks for all the help people.

Picked up Oceansize's "Everyone into Position" and I am impressed.
Surprised I havent heard of them before; would think a band this talented would have a bigger following?

Terriblepaulz-love Mastodon dont ont know if I would consider them prog tho.

Tridacnid-not sure what you are referring to?
Nov 29, 2008 at 3:34 AM Post #42 of 72

Originally Posted by scytheavatar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mastodon is progressive. How could you not consider them to be progressive?

Mastodon is not considered Progressive Rock. It is alternative-metal; more specifically sludge metal/post-hardcore.

If you wanna get technical, Mastodon do not meet a number of the criteria that are needed to be considered "progressive";

1) Long Compositions-Mastodon writes anything but long compositions; if anything, there songs are relatively short and with the exception of some on Remission, most fall into the 3 1/2 to 4 minute range.

2) Instrumentation-virtually zero use of any instrument other than those found in a traditional rock band (keyboards, mellotron, organ, synthesizer, piano, etc.)

3) Song Structure-nothing progressive here either.

4) Time Signatures/Shifts-there are a few quick time shifts but they are more related to those found in tech-metal, and are not comparable to those that are longer and more evident as found in your traditional progressive metal act (Opeth, Dream Theater, King's X, etc.)

Truth is, the term progressive has become blurred by the countless sub-genres that have emerged in rock and metal over the past decade. However, as for the traditional definition, Mastodon simply does not exhibit all or even most of the characteristics that traditionally define the genre.
Nov 29, 2008 at 4:27 AM Post #43 of 72
Do you like OSI at all? I just listened to one of their albums (Office of Strategic Influence) all the way through, and REALLY enjoyed it. In fact, I'm looking for more similar to them now...

And I found Jupiter way too brightly recorded for me. Maybe it's just my equipment...
Nov 29, 2008 at 5:04 AM Post #44 of 72

Originally Posted by I3eyond /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you like OSI at all? I just listened to one of their albums (Office of Strategic Influence) all the way through, and REALLY enjoyed it. In fact, I'm looking for more similar to them now...

And I found Jupiter way too brightly recorded for me. Maybe it's just my equipment...

Never of them; can you explain their sound?

Jupiter is a bit bright but otherwise produced quite well.
Give it another shot with your equipment toned down a bit-its one of my favorite albums of the last ten years.

EDIT: wait a sec; a Portnoy side project? Am not a DT fan at all-do they have similar sounds?
Nov 29, 2008 at 5:06 AM Post #45 of 72

Originally Posted by kwitel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mastodon is not considered Progressive Rock. It is alternative-metal; more specifically sludge metal/post-hardcore.

If you wanna get technical, Mastodon do not meet a number of the criteria that are needed to be considered "progressive";

1) Long Compositions-Mastodon writes anything but long compositions; if anything, there songs are relatively short and with the exception of some on Remission, most fall into the 3 1/2 to 4 minute range.

2) Instrumentation-virtually zero use of any instrument other than those found in a traditional rock band (keyboards, mellotron, organ, synthesizer, piano, etc.)

3) Song Structure-nothing progressive here either.

4) Time Signatures/Shifts-there are a few quick time shifts but they are more related to those found in tech-metal, and are not comparable to those that are longer and more evident as found in your traditional progressive metal act (Opeth, Dream Theater, King's X, etc.)

Truth is, the term progressive has become blurred by the countless sub-genres that have emerged in rock and metal over the past decade. However, as for the traditional definition, Mastodon simply does not exhibit all or even most of the characteristics that traditionally define the genre.

Using unconventional instruments is common for progressive rock but not exactly common for progressive metal. Long songs and unconventional song structures are common for progressive songs but not exactly a must-have or a defining feature. Mastodan's sound is very similar to Meshuggah and Gojira, and is full of odd time signatures that are more than what you can find in your typical metal. Most places consider them to be a progressive metal band, wikipedia does, lastfm does, rateyourmusic does, they themselves put in their myspace page that they are metal/hardcore/progressive. So while they might not fit the traditional definition of being progressive they are certainly a progressive metal band.

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