happy Birthday Wmcmanus
Sep 28, 2006 at 2:32 AM Post #31 of 64
Christmas in September? Happy bday wayne!
Sep 28, 2006 at 2:33 AM Post #33 of 64
Happy birthday Wayne! Does this mean you come out of your Santa suit and change into your birthday suit?
Sep 28, 2006 at 4:12 AM Post #36 of 64
OK - now that you are officially older than I am (again), I can wish you a real HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Sep 28, 2006 at 4:20 AM Post #37 of 64

Originally Posted by jpelg
Except he was both born, and currently lives in this side of the world! So there

Nice comeback, Batman!

HB, Wayne!
Sep 28, 2006 at 4:41 AM Post #38 of 64

Originally Posted by jpelg
OK - now that you are officially older than I am (again), I can wish you a real HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Well, still not quite yet! In Cayman, we don't observe daylight savings time. So when you guys 'spring forward' we stay back. At the moment we're still on Central time (or what I call Chicago time). When you reset your clocks back, we'll be on Eastern time (or what I call Miami time). These are the places that I like to go to as often as possible!

I'm not sure what is in store for tomorrow, but I really am quite tickled that this thread is already pushing page 3, even before I've officially conceded to being 44 years young! You guys are too kind.


Originally Posted by akwok
Hopefully you get your Singlepower goodies for your Birthday.

Which one? Nah, I've got no problem in a bit of a wait for what promises to be two of the most amazing headphone amps ever made! A maxed out ES-1 and a maxed out SDS-XLR. Yummy!
Sep 28, 2006 at 4:52 AM Post #39 of 64
OOops, sorry I missed it. Let me be the first to wish you a belated Happy Birthday, Wayne.
Sep 28, 2006 at 4:58 AM Post #40 of 64
lol, you're so technical Wayne. so now that it's officially midnight CDT going by the atomic clocks and all that... Happy Birthday Wayne!!! have a good one.
Sep 28, 2006 at 5:10 AM Post #41 of 64

Originally Posted by milkpowder
Happy Birthday!

Watcha get?

I've been 'talking' about getting in shape for so long now, and making some progress, but not enough. So tomorrow, I'll have the distinct pleasure of clearing some wonderful new toys from Customs here in Cayman.

The Vectra 1650 home gym with the optional leg press (of course):

The Versa Climber Sport model:

That, and a complete dumbbell set (5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 pounds) along with a rack to hold all of them. These are hexagon shaped dumbbells, and covered with rubber in case you were to drop one on your favorite head.

This exercise equipment thing has become my second favorite hobby! I've also got some cool cardio stuff from SportsArt (treadmill, elliptical, and recumbant bike) that I've been using to great effect for about 6 months now.


Add in a TotalGym, jump rope, and a basketball, and you're set. Well, almost. Still need the infra red sauna:

http://www.healthmatesauna.com/site.htm (Mine is the 2 person model, just in case I have company!)
Sep 28, 2006 at 5:14 AM Post #42 of 64

Originally Posted by Jahn
happy birthday, Santa! as a gift, i'll send you a roll of Saran Wrap!

I'm not getting it, and am afraid to ask. This wouldn't have anything to do with your sister whom you once promised to set me up with, would it?


Originally Posted by jp11801
Happy Birthday my man, if I had known we could have met in NYC and put sown a few pints at your favorite beer bar Hop Devil or Doc Holidays eith way next time I see you beers on me!!

I do love my beer, but you and tyrion are hard to run with! You guys get way out of hand...


Originally Posted by fishlips
Happy Birthday Wayne from your friend Fishlips!!!!!!!!!!

Paul, I feel extremely lucky to have scored one of your 22 posts! Apparently, you have more than doubled your prolific output since this thread:


Nice to know that you're still out there lurking, and I'm here to tell you, I've been giving a lot of thought to your invitaion to visit you one day in Maine. That's some gorgeous territory up there my man.


Originally Posted by pabbi1
... wish you God speed in the pursuit closest to your heart. There could be no greater gift given, nor received.

Al (& Randa)

Amen to that! If only, if only... or so I keep saying. Maybe one day. Say hi to Randa for me. She's a keeper.


Originally Posted by Oski
Happy birthday Wayne! Does this mean you come out of your Santa suit and change into your birthday suit?

Ray, even I'm not enjoyng that visual!


Originally Posted by erikzen
OOops, sorry I missed it. Let me be the first to wish you a belated Happy Birthday, Wayne.

Too funny! I'm only a half hour into this, my 44th annual, birthday. I think the thread is getting long because I'm acting like the parents of the bride, wanting to say hi to everyone.

Ok, no more of that Jahn-like posting... I'll just check in again after the candles have burned out.
Sep 28, 2006 at 5:34 AM Post #43 of 64
Happy Birthday, Wayne!!!

Are you gonna have eucalyptus in the sauna? Maybe a skilled attendant?

With all those healthy acquisitions, I expect you'll look like a young "Arnold" at the next meet!
Sep 28, 2006 at 5:41 AM Post #44 of 64
With all this hubbub about the exact time of your birthday, I forgot that your special day is also my wedding anniversary. 15 years tomorrow. One thing, though, I won't turn 44 for 6 more months, old man! Ha Ha Ha!

Cheers again.
Sep 28, 2006 at 6:28 AM Post #45 of 64
Happy Birthday Dude!!!! May all your wishes come true.

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