Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit
Dec 19, 2020 at 11:03 PM Post #4,351 of 4,621
Actually been a member here for a while but mainly just lurk and read and try to learn a little. Reading this thread as I have been thinking about picking up a Modi Multibit for a secondary bedroom system. I do know I like the Schiit products multibit sound paired with the tube/hybrid amps as in my main system I am using a Gungnir Multibit I have owned for about a year and a half. That is paired with a Mjolnir amp.

My bedroom system was a Valhalla 2 with a Modi Uber but I have since paired the Uber up with a Loki and an Asgard 3 as my computer gaming rig.
So now I was between the Modi Multibit and the Bifrost 2 to pair with the Valhalla 2 for the bedroom music system but I just could not seem to justify the additional cost of the Bifrost 2. I have no intentions of using the balanced outputs on the BF2 which is a major feature and adds to its cost.
I do not doubt there would be sound quality differences between those two but if I really want to get into a serious listening session I will just fire up my main system.

Well after reading many pages of this thread I did decide the Modi Multibit would fill my needs. I do want to thank you guys for talking about the AKM fire as I had heard about it but it never crossed my mind it could make the multibit not be available in the near future.
I was going to wait a few more weeks to order but due to this reminder I have already pulled the trigger while the product is still showing in stock and ready to ship. Just wanted to thank you guys from another Schiithead!
Dec 19, 2020 at 11:57 PM Post #4,352 of 4,621
Actually been a member here for a while but mainly just lurk and read and try to learn a little. Reading this thread as I have been thinking about picking up a Modi Multibit for a secondary bedroom system. I do know I like the Schiit products multibit sound paired with the tube/hybrid amps as in my main system I am using a Gungnir Multibit I have owned for about a year and a half. That is paired with a Mjolnir amp.

My bedroom system was a Valhalla 2 with a Modi Uber but I have since paired the Uber up with a Loki and an Asgard 3 as my computer gaming rig.
So now I was between the Modi Multibit and the Bifrost 2 to pair with the Valhalla 2 for the bedroom music system but I just could not seem to justify the additional cost of the Bifrost 2. I have no intentions of using the balanced outputs on the BF2 which is a major feature and adds to its cost.
I do not doubt there would be sound quality differences between those two but if I really want to get into a serious listening session I will just fire up my main system.

Well after reading many pages of this thread I did decide the Modi Multibit would fill my needs. I do want to thank you guys for talking about the AKM fire as I had heard about it but it never crossed my mind it could make the multibit not be available in the near future.
I was going to wait a few more weeks to order but due to this reminder I have already pulled the trigger while the product is still showing in stock and ready to ship. Just wanted to thank you guys from another Schiithead!

Heads up that Modi Multibit will ship only from Feb 4 and Modi 3+ can ship right now

Make sure you have selected the correct Modi
Dec 20, 2020 at 12:05 AM Post #4,353 of 4,621
Heads up that Modi Multibit will ship only from Feb 4 and Modi 3+ can ship right now

Make sure you have selected the correct Modi
Thanks you are right on the date, did not notice that a little to the right of "in stock ships in 1-3 days" but I have ordered the right one anyway.
Shipping date is fine really as I do not actually need the system as I have others up and running.
Thanks again for the heads up.
Dec 21, 2020 at 2:06 PM Post #4,354 of 4,621
Well after reading many pages of this thread I did decide the Modi Multibit would fill my needs. I do want to thank you guys for talking about the AKM fire as I had heard about it but it never crossed my mind it could make the multibit not be available in the near future.

The Modi Multibit was on its last run just before the AKM fire, but because of the fire the Modi Multibit got its fate postponed, at least for now. Presumably because it doesn’t use any AKM parts in the DAC (only the SP/DIF receiver is AKM but that’s easily replaceable I guess).

I was sad to hear about its pending demise as I have one myself and really like it. It’s going to leave big hole in entry level multibit for sure, at least if it’s not replaced by something else at the same or similar price point.
Dec 21, 2020 at 2:16 PM Post #4,356 of 4,621
The Modi Multibit was on its last run just before the AKM fire, but because of the fire the Modi Multibit got its fate postponed, at least for now. Presumably because it doesn’t use any AKM parts in the DAC (only the SP/DIF receiver is AKM but that’s easily replaceable I guess).

I was sad to hear about its pending demise as I have one myself and really like it. It’s going to leave big hole in entry level multibit for sure, at least if it’s not replaced by something else at the same or similar price point.
I have been wondering if they actually perhaps have plans to incorporate the multibit into the Modius making that the entry level into both multi bit packaged with balanced outputs for roughly in about half the price of the Bifrost.
No reason behind my thoughts except it would fit well into their product stack and most people utilizing multibit are probably using that product size amp so it would fit the "stack" concept for the product better.
Feb 6, 2021 at 7:26 PM Post #4,359 of 4,621
The Modi Multibit was on its last run just before the AKM fire, but because of the fire the Modi Multibit got its fate postponed, at least for now. Presumably because it doesn’t use any AKM parts in the DAC (only the SP/DIF receiver is AKM but that’s easily replaceable I guess).

I was sad to hear about its pending demise as I have one myself and really like it. It’s going to leave big hole in entry level multibit for sure, at least if it’s not replaced by something else at the same or similar price point.
Wait they were gonna end of life the Modi Multibit? Is it because they're replacing it with the next product? (Modi Multibit V3 or something) Or they just want it to be exclusive to higher end products like Bifrost and up?

I just bought one purely by chance and now I'm reading this. Kind of glad I bought one then.
Feb 6, 2021 at 7:39 PM Post #4,360 of 4,621
Wait they were gonna end of life the Modi Multibit? Is it because they're replacing it with the next product? (Modi Multibit V3 or something) Or they just want it to be exclusive to higher end products like Bifrost and up?

I just bought one purely by chance and now I'm reading this. Kind of glad I bought one then.

If they were to sunset it, it would be crazy that the price of admission for multibit would be $700.
Feb 6, 2021 at 8:19 PM Post #4,361 of 4,621
The Modi multibit is a $250 wonder. I'm sure a DAC of equal cost or maybe a slight bump up will take its place. With upgrades. I had a $500 Bifrost multibit and there was hardly any discernable difference between it and the Modi multibit. So much bang for your buck with the Modi multibit. I love my Modius and definitely put it up there with the multibit. But the Modi multibit will be going away eventually and I'm going to buy another one.
Feb 6, 2021 at 9:59 PM Post #4,362 of 4,621
I've just purchased a used "Modi Multibit 2" (p/n sch-08-m) and I wondered if anyone can confirm that this will definitely be V2 with the improved chip/firmware?
Open it up and look at the firmware chip. The picture below (sourced from the "other" forum) shows the v2 firmware. The v1 firmware chip does not have the MD218 label on it.
Feb 17, 2021 at 7:54 PM Post #4,364 of 4,621
I had a Modi multibit once and sold it for something else. I've been using a Modius for a while and it's a great DAC but I've always regretted selling the little multibit. I ordered another today and it's in the hands of FedEx now. I'm just happy that they're still being made and looking forward to owning another one. Happy as a pig in Schiit.
Feb 17, 2021 at 8:17 PM Post #4,365 of 4,621
I had a Modi multibit once and sold it for something else. I've been using a Modius for a while and it's a great DAC but I've always regretted selling the little multibit. I ordered another today and it's in the hands of FedEx now. I'm just happy that they're still being made and looking forward to owning another one. Happy as a pig in Schiit.

Would you say hands down the Modi Multibit is better than the Modius?

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