Grados utterly horrible customer "service"
May 12, 2009 at 10:19 AM Post #16 of 75

Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Op sounds like md1984? with alternate account..bashing Grado, praising Sennheiser.

No, i'm not md1984, although I have to say I'm starting to remember why I left in the first place... too many people attacking other users on this board when we should be coming together so we can all get better service from companies we invest so much of our time and money in. It's a discussion board, and I posted this not to "bash" Grado but simply to bring people's attention to their second-rate customer service. If I was a "grado basher" why would I have so many of their products?
May 12, 2009 at 10:21 AM Post #17 of 75

I don't think I'm making a big deal out of it honestly.

I think you are. Granted they shouldn't have asked you to email credit card details, but I don't expect a long winded boring reply. You asked about repairing it, they replied.

Most likely if you sent them a 100 page email about how great you and your life story they ignored that and just read your question.

I would.
May 12, 2009 at 10:23 AM Post #18 of 75
It was certainly not a great reply, with them going out of their way.
But it wasnt TERRIBLE. It was a bog standard quick reply from any company that just goes through the motions.

It's nice when you get a company that really stretches on their customer care side, but you gotta realise that thats the rarity.
End of the day they will fix it, and thats something. At least they replied. Imagine you have to wait one year for a reply (let alone any action)
Buy a Xin amp
May 12, 2009 at 10:32 AM Post #19 of 75

Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think you are. Granted they shouldn't have asked you to email credit card details, but I don't expect a long winded boring reply. You asked about repairing it, they replied.

Most likely if you sent them a 100 page email about how great you and your life story they ignored that and just read your question.

I would.

They didn't ask me to e-mail it, they asked me to physically post-mail it to them, which is unacceptably dangerous. Like I said I have years of customer service experience and any company I've ever worked for (Starbucks, Apple and a mom n' pop audio store) would never tolerate any of their employees degrading their name/reputation by letting a drone that is just trying to get through the thousands of e-mails they have handle a long time customer in this manner.

We, as customers, are worth more than a two second reply. As soon as people start realizing that, better customer service standards will need to be put in place otherwise people will stop buying their products. If you feel comfortable supporting a company that allows that, by all means, go ahead, but I personally don't think I will be buying another Grado product for some time.
May 12, 2009 at 11:43 AM Post #20 of 75
I don't think they did ask you to post your credit card details actually, just to 'send' - they probably meant e-mail, but all the same, if I was in your situation, I would just have phoned them and given the details over the phone.

I'm afraid I do think you're over-reacting, but of course everyone has their own tolerance threshold about things like this. Not trying to be funny, but do you often find levels of customer service inadequate or insulting? Personally, my expectations are of efficiency and a basic level of politeness, so I tend to find myself often surprised by good service and appreciating it, rather than often being disappointed...
May 12, 2009 at 11:44 AM Post #21 of 75
Grado isn't the only one who seemingly lacks a personal touch in dealing with customer's requests, etc. Recently had an incident with a prominent amp builder here. Ordered an amp which was a big layout of money for me. Not even a 'thank-you,' 'appreciate your business,' or even an acknowledgement he received the paypal funds. Seemingly lacked even courteous communication.

If it weren't for this community, Grado, the amp builders, and the associated companies would lose a great deal. A little courtesy, a thank-you, can go a long way in maintaining a loyal customer base and helping a customer's confidence and trust. This seemingly is sorely lacking in today's culture and is evident here too.
May 12, 2009 at 11:51 AM Post #23 of 75
I am genuinely surprised when I see people actually caring about formality in business dealings. Here I thought it was just the general decorum of conduct that everyone tacitly had to abide to but no one really cares about. Apparently not. I mean issues with sending CC details over mail aside, all that carefully worded language in PR is just absolutely useless fluff, especially when it's clear in most cases it's manufactured with no real sentiment and meaning behind it from the person writing it or copy pasting it. I have no idea why anyone gives two hoots about it.
May 12, 2009 at 11:52 AM Post #24 of 75
It took them over three weeks to fix my RS-1s. It wasn't even a complicated problem as the adjustable metal rod holding the earpad place was coming undone so it pretty much needed glue.
May 12, 2009 at 12:00 PM Post #25 of 75
My only direct customer service encounter with Grado was some time ago when I purchased the then FOTM phone, the iGrado. After two days, the band snapped in two. I emailed them and the reply was "send them in." That was it. Nada, nothing more in their response. I did send them in and then waited four weeks for a replacement. Received the replacement, but had already moved on to other phones. Still have them sitting in a drawer someplace...not Grado's best effort, in my opinion.
May 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM Post #26 of 75

Originally Posted by Germancub /img/forum/go_quote.gif
II don't think I'm making a big deal out of it honestly. After spending over a thousand dollars of my hard earned money on their products, they can't have the decency to write me a nice reply? Come on, and furthermore, would you send them your credit card info in the mail?

Yes, you are making a big deal out of nothing. Perhaps for your thousand dollars you feel that someone from Grado should call you a couple of times of month just to make sure you are getting on OK with your products.

May 12, 2009 at 12:20 PM Post #27 of 75
I don't think that some of you really understand his point. To me, customer service must be top notch, no less than that. It doesn't have to be that you get some replay where they are licking your asss, no, just keep it simple, but at professional, bu most important, customer friendly level, done.
May 12, 2009 at 12:26 PM Post #28 of 75

Originally Posted by Blackmore /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think that some of you really understand his point. To me, customer service must be top notch, no less than that. It doesn't have to be that you get some replay where they are licking your asss, no, just keep it simple, but at professional, bu most important, customer friendly level, done.

May 12, 2009 at 12:33 PM Post #29 of 75
Well to me bad customer service would be sending in my cans for repair and not getting them back after a six month wait. Or getting my cans back from repair and they don't work right or the original problem still exists.

I don't expect companies to kiss my butt or shower me with phony customer love crap. I just want to get my problem resolved in the most expedient manner possible. So I won't take offense at a tersely worded reply so long as it has the information I requested. If they said, "Go take a hike," or "We don't give a crap about your problem." then what would be a different story.

I agree the reply could have been a bit better worded (assuming for a moment that it is in fact the complete reply). But the OP is overreacting by posting it here and acting like Grado took his firstborn child.

May 12, 2009 at 12:56 PM Post #30 of 75
I think its pointless to make this thread going, cos if the level you are looking for aren't there, just don't buy their product, however its not the best choice I want to have either, cos I love Grado sound and even never had such issue, luckily, still think if ever...
To tell you the true, after PS1000 was announced, especially EU price tag of EUR 1999, I was done with it. Not because I am angry, no, simply if I cant effort the "best" of the line, I am done, so I did. If I were John, I would rebuild his look at the market and would keep like SR325i, RS1 and PS1000, but then at such price that people could easy live with it. Of course I would also expect some driver and construction upgrade in all models, so you can have SR325i sounds like HP1000, RS1 like PS1 and GS1000 like PS1000 maybe? Don't get me wrong, this all is just an example of possible changes, doesn't have to be like I suggest, but well in such direction. This way, because Grado a small company, they could concentrate way better on other things than on keeping production going only. I do believe if they keep just like 3-4 models, priced from EUR 350 up to EUR 1000, they would make a huge jump ahead of all other companies with no needs to grow really. I have some feeling that Grado have some serious management problem, not really up to date or something, but that's my thoughts and maybe I am wrong, so, no offense...

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