Gaming Headphones?
Mar 9, 2006 at 5:53 PM Post #31 of 48

Originally Posted by Xiode
Haha, so which ones? I'm getting mixed opinions here. A900's or DT770's?

Pro's/Con's of each would be helpful, both in gaming and music (but mainly gaming).

I think it's a total toss up on which one sounds better.... individual people are always going to prefer one over the other.

However, if you're only going to have ONE big can, I really think durability should come into play... and nothing aces the DT770 here. The little plastic "wings" on the ATH headphones CAN fail and break if not treated properly. The DT770 is impossible to damage, so it's much more able to throw in a big bag and take to a lan party or just wear around the street.
Mar 10, 2006 at 4:06 AM Post #32 of 48
Where's the best place to buy each, and for what price? I'm guessing Meier Audio for the Beyer's, although the wait time from Germany sucks.
Mar 10, 2006 at 4:41 AM Post #34 of 48
he'll come for the gaming headphones, stay for the music ones. I know i did with a500. Now after going to my first meet and listening to the orpheus,k1000,SA5k etc, i have ad2000s coming in
if i can find some a900ltd in good condition ill get those too along with a millet.
Mar 10, 2006 at 6:59 AM Post #35 of 48

Originally Posted by Xiode
Where's the best place to buy each, and for what price? I'm guessing Meier Audio for the Beyer's, although the wait time from Germany sucks.

Buy the 770s from Guitar Center, $199. A900's you'll need to order from AudioCubes or BlueTin. You really can't go wrong with either purchase.
Mar 11, 2006 at 5:32 AM Post #36 of 48
Thanks for all the helpful info thus far guys.

How do they compare in terms of comfort?
Mar 11, 2006 at 11:45 AM Post #37 of 48

Originally Posted by NotJeffBuckley
A900 Pros:

1. Angled driver offers more realistic sound presentation. Game music is generally mixed to be heard on speakers, and these have a more speaker-like presentation than the DT770.

2. Comfort. These are literally the most comfortable headphones in the pricerange, bar none.

3. More treble. These have more treble than the DT770, allowing you to hear things like footsteps, shots, etc. with more clarity.

4. And possibly most importantly, no need for an amp even out of a sound card. The A900 are among the easiest to drive headphones around, and I can tell you from personal experience that they don't benefit from an amplifier in the slightest. They will go as loud as you want without distortion and without mangling the waveform from a lack of power.

In music, they're more balanced than the DT770; the DT770 are bass monsters, and have great, tight, heavy bass but it does overpower the rest of the music. As such, they're well suited to bass-heavy genres such as hip-hop or house, but the bass is too much for anyone but a truly dedicated

ok, so i'm looking @ the a500/700/900 now (after owning only sennheiser stuff in the past, this is a BIG leap for me), and i really cant tell if its worth it to get the 900's......can anyone explain the benefit of the extra cash? the specs look pretty similar and i plan on using them almost exclusively with my computer for all related music/work and gaming.
Mar 11, 2006 at 1:26 PM Post #38 of 48
im in the same boat as this guy....

i am leaning more towards the a700 due tothe 900 being too expensive in australia.

i wish i could hear sum
but that aint possible
Mar 11, 2006 at 1:52 PM Post #41 of 48

Originally Posted by amking
but what is the actual difference between the 500-900?

Progressively better controlled bass and better treble response, with emerging mids as you go up the line. The A900 have somewhat mildly recessed mids, the A700 have a little bit less than the A900, and the A500 emphasize bass pretty strongly as I recall. The A700 and A900 sound very similar to one another, with the A900 having better earcup damping resulting in less reflection and less of an echo, which is almost unnoticable in the A700 but not quite. The A700 is a fine headphone, ESPECIALLY for the price you can get it in Japan, but the import series price is something like $280, ridiculous. You're best importing it through audiocubes or bluetin, because the official import puts the screws to you.

For $130US, the A700 is a competitive, quality closed headphone. For $190US, the A900 is a competitive, quality closed headphone. For $100US, the A500 is a competitive, quality closed headphone, but not as good of a deal as the A700.
Mar 11, 2006 at 2:08 PM Post #42 of 48
theres also an a900ltd which is even better than the a900 but you will have trouble finding that one
Mar 11, 2006 at 2:15 PM Post #43 of 48
^good points. -------yes, as )v(ajin_R_ mentioned the LTDs are even better (if you can find them) --------

But.... remember this...IT'S AN INVESTMENT. Especially since you'll be spending a lot of time with these things on you head playing games. If you do get the A700s, and you really like them, you will only wonder about the A900s and then want to upgrade to sooner or later.

So I say, if you can afford it... get the A900s instead of the A700s. You will be happier with yourself in the long run. Heck, even if you dislike the A900s for whatever reason (??) you won't have any problem selling them (plenty of people are after them).

I recently bought some DT770s and are buring them in right now. I don't have my amp yet so I can't comment on thier true sound. I can't seem to enjoy wearing them for long though (A900s are the kings of comfort IMO!)...Yes, they are built very strong... but so are the A900s... oh, I don't think the 'wings' could break on A900s with 'normal' use at all.. it would take a deliberate and silly act to break them.. The DT770s are a bit weak near the cups (where they attach to the headband)....but again, if you respect them and show care for them, they will NEVER break on you.
Mar 11, 2006 at 2:35 PM Post #45 of 48

Originally Posted by amking
looks like i'll be seriously looking @ investing in the a900's

i guess the only thing i'm really worried about is the earcups sticking to my head here in arizona....

Yeah they do get warm. Mine started to stick since it has been warmer here in Boston lately. Try to score some A900LTDs with the leather earpads maybe?

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