Funny thread on a message board 'troll' getting owned
Oct 12, 2003 at 11:31 AM Post #16 of 27
No Joe...

Its about a young kid who flame baited a forum that he apparently had no interest in...

Funny thing is I remember the story you're on about - that went around the internet like wild-fire - I wonder if the kid who raced the womans car whilst it was in for service ever managed to get another job, how far and wide that one went
Oct 12, 2003 at 10:22 PM Post #17 of 27
I am glad the kid got owned, but I am a little suprised and disgusted by the degree to which those car people are homophobes. Every other word was "fag" this and "gay" that. I would think NASCAR could use a few flamboyantly gay drivers...maybe if they won a few races these people would ease up on the anti-gay stuff. On the other hand, all these comments tend to indicate just how inadequate these mustang fantatics feel about their own masculinity. Pathetic really. Oh well, I am glad that none of that would fly on head-fi. At least not that much...I guess it did enough for us to lose scrypt...
Oct 12, 2003 at 11:22 PM Post #18 of 27
years ago on gardening forum i was an old timer on, some newbie claimed he had some huge marijuana grow going in his house and he proceeded to rip into my posts on soil mixes. we argued a bit, but he started trolling every damn post i made.

he then started registering names that were like 1 letter from my username, and posting all kinds of abusive stuff towards my friends.

my response was to register evey possible iteration of my username. the next time he tried his trick he got so frustrated he was like YOU M*THER*****ING SONOFOABITCH I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU!!!! or some such nonsense.

the other forum regulars could not belive this guy's anger towards me (unmodreated forum).

now remember, this guy had just admitted growing pot in his home.

don't ask me how, but i managed to track down the guy's name, address, and phone number (he lives in texas).

i warned him publically if he does not stop i will post his name, address, etc. there were a lot of regulars really pissed at this guy, and i would be essentially giving away his grow.

he didn't believe me, i warned him again, he kept it up.... i posted his name, address, phone number and e-mail address. i warned him.

never heard from him again. he just up and stopped posting.
Oct 13, 2003 at 5:04 AM Post #19 of 27
usc goose- I'll be sure to give recognition in the next round of updates

redshifter- Great story! I never understood why some people simply won't leave a peacefull and selfminding group alone.

Everyone- An excellent photoshop expert hops in on page 21
Oct 13, 2003 at 11:06 AM Post #20 of 27

Originally posted by st5150
Don't you hate it when people use fake aliases to join message boards just to stir up trouble? Finally someone sticks it to one of these kids:;f=1;t=013451

(Some foul words and borderline images) call those borderline images? Jude (the admin here at HeadFi) would not tolerate any of that for a minute. Nor the gay bashing....

I agree with stuartr. While the kid did do a very wrong act, I believe it is also wrong to jump to conclusions such as "he is gay". Even if he is gay, he should not be rediculed for his sexuality but rather for his act. To redicule him for his sexuality undermines what should be the focus of the thread - flaming behavior is not tolerated.

The thread should not be about "look he's gay! Kill em'" but rather "He tryed to start up trouble for troubles sake. That is why we should redicule him".

Let me send a word of caution to "CalFords". If jumping to conclusions like "he's gay" is the prefered method of showing displeasurement of "CalFords" posters, they are not advised to come here.

BTW, I am not some "wishy-washy" guy. I usually always rally against political correctness and my political beliefs are to the right of Attila the Hun.
Oct 13, 2003 at 12:23 PM Post #21 of 27
re: "he is gay" - they weren't here, they were there. We're not there, we're here. Why do we care what they do? I thought it was pretty funny, in context. I immediatley thought "drooling rednecks with suppressed homosexual inclinations" and thought their photoshop skills were lame, but I still laughed at the gumby picture
Oct 13, 2003 at 12:49 PM Post #22 of 27
The only problem is, the thread starter and the 'target' in question started the thread by calling everyone fags. So I won't have any problem with whatever they said in reply
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Oct 14, 2003 at 7:49 AM Post #23 of 27

Originally posted by Joe Bloggs
The only problem is, the thread starter and the 'target' in question started the thread by calling everyone fags.

Hit the nail on the head. Its just retaliation for the initial remark..... and with that said:;t=013451;p=23

Be SURE to check out the animated pictures on page 24 as well

Who would have thought it would get this crazy?
Oct 15, 2003 at 5:36 AM Post #24 of 27
Can I be honest with you, st5150? I did read the whole thread, and yes, some of it was funny, but I got quickly bored. I mean, how many variations of "teh ghey" and "LOL" can you get? Can't you guys come up with some better insults? I mean, it's not like there's anything wrong with that...

And don't even get me started with the photoshop. I saw better photoshop 15 years ago on fake nudes of Lara Croft.
Oct 15, 2003 at 8:18 AM Post #26 of 27

Originally posted by Dusty Chalk
And don't even get me started with the photoshop. I saw better photoshop 15 years ago on fake nudes of Lara Croft.

Hahahaha, that was great Dusty. Made me laugh more than that entire "u r teh gayz0rz" thread.
Oct 15, 2003 at 7:14 PM Post #27 of 27
Ha ha, very funny thread. BUT, I must tell you all that the joke, in the case of trollers, is always on the forum goers. Trolls don't care, they just fake it, thats the whole point, to think for a moment that you can hurt the feelings of a troll is delusional. Unless you know something personal about him or her there is really nothing you can do except entertain his or her madness.

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