FS: Sennheiser Orpheus
Aug 3, 2001 at 5:11 PM Post #31 of 115
That's not always the case. Many things you find for sale are _items_ you pick up while playing. If you play long enough and find the right items, then you can sell them for quite a bit of money. I've never seen a transaction done, but I think one way that items are sold are for the seller and buyer to meet up on an online server with their characters and exchange the item in-game. So it wouldn't be bypassing months of character development and level progression; it would be one gamer valuing an item he/she wants highly enough to pay real money for it.
Aug 3, 2001 at 7:03 PM Post #32 of 115
With RPG characters, you're paying for the time the seller has spent to develop it and find the items. So even though Tides didn't see that as "work" since he enjoyed playing those games, it is a perfectly valid time-for-money exchange that most of world population refers to as "job". Nowhere it sais that you can't enjoy "working".

As for Orpheus, for that kind of money I'd just take out a week or two of vacation and fly over to Switzerland and do the transaction in person. A person who can afford Orpheus can surely afford a week of vacation in Europe and the money "saved" would more than cover it anyway...
Aug 4, 2001 at 2:25 AM Post #35 of 115
Now we are going off topic a lot heh..

Stuff I made the 2200s from are all Phantasy Star online game for DC. ( if you look at my ebay id tides1 you see it mention on feedbacks)

I also do some Diablo2 EAST realm and WEST realm item sales

My PSO auctions only lasted about 20 days due to someone who hacked the game and found a way to get the items WITHOUT playing the game. later the method was released and a lot people were using the method and duplicating it ( which lowered the price of my LEGIT rare items

SO I stopped doing it and like shortly SEGA and Ebay had a deal where EBAY banned all PSO related character item sales. ( too late LOL, I had already cash in over 2200 bucks.)

But Diablo2 Auctions still are ok on ebay

It was so awesome during my mad item sales period. Peopel who saw my auction contacted me offebay and I did a HELLUVA sales off ebay as well as on ebay. Then word to mouth from my happy customers and I got even MORE sales off ebay..

IT was SO crazy, Good thing I have about 30 friends , who finds the rares they dont need and just give it to me
so I had a good amount of stock to sale hehe .. ( friends I made in the online game during playing)

I also quit the game shortly ( PSO) since I was getting pretty bored at it ( three level 90+ characters before mid march with over 380 hours logged) and cant cash in with my items no more

I now understand what * short n sweet* means

Aug 4, 2001 at 2:45 AM Post #36 of 115
oh and if you do have the time to play these games online. ( PC)

You can in a way cash in on a lot of good items that u find but dont need.

There are people who play with intend to cash in. There have been a LOT of auctions that goes easily over $1000 price tag. ( yes crazy people with too much money to burn)

like this guy who plays to cash in


THere are ebay sellers with over 1000 feedbacks JUST on diablo2 items.
here are a couple from Diablo2



( he did pay for this item at 550 dollars as feedback showed)

Everquest is also a HUGE money maker on Ebay. ( I have seen over 1500 dollars spent on 1 Everquest auction..)

Sometimes if the person is quitting the game, he puts his account for sale, like this



So you can quit with a bang
and enough cash to start next hobby or game.

Gotta love the internet. Get money from nothing hehe .. and the get PAID when u quit factor is great with these online multiplayer games. ( I couldnt believe it until I got in on the selling myself..)

Aug 4, 2001 at 2:48 AM Post #37 of 115

Originally posted by h@x!
If you can learn to dupe on diablo2, you'll have a free ride through college.

yeah no doubt... altho closed realm duping is still like extreme top secret thing.... I have a feeling the people who work in Blizzard or Bnet knows how and are the ones doing it.

I am willing to bet money that the people who owns

WORKS for Bnet( or blizzard)

only if I can find out....
Aug 4, 2001 at 2:50 AM Post #38 of 115

While this auction is questionable, I see he has the escrow option

"Escrow Tradenable is accepted if buyer pays fee "

Still too big of a risk to take. Arent the orpheus NUMBERED ?
While this auction is questionable, I see he has the escrow option

"Escrow Tradenable is accepted if buyer pays fee "

Still too big of a risk to take. Arent the orpheus NUMBERED ?

I know I shouldn't be thinking about this at all. I've never used ebay but when I looked to see the terms of Tradenable it sounds like it would be fairly safe (i.e., the buyer shouldn't lose more than 2-4% of $2,500, with the seller getting nothing if he doesn't come through). Am I missing something?
Aug 4, 2001 at 2:52 AM Post #39 of 115
HEY NOW holderlin~~

I didnt stutter in my original post


Aug 5, 2001 at 8:27 PM Post #41 of 115
I wish that bidder luck, and I am not jealous of that at all.

IF the seller is in USA ( which the Bidder is) then I prob feel a lil jealous about it. But still, jealousy only occurs with me when I can and want to buy something and miss out on it. Which does not apply in this case

I actually rather pay more buying from Headroom or Senn USA.

Aug 5, 2001 at 9:25 PM Post #43 of 115

Originally posted by jerikl
I wonder if that guy really gets the Orpheus... you can email him right? I don't think I would mind asking him myself...

when u email the bidder, you mind as well include this thread url

Aug 5, 2001 at 9:27 PM Post #44 of 115
My friend just email the bidder with this thread URL,

so let see if he/she shows up here.

Aug 5, 2001 at 9:28 PM Post #45 of 115

Originally posted by Tides

when u email the bidder, you mind as well include this thread url


I already did, so don't swamp him...I asked him to post if/when he got it, and please join this friendly community.

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