FS: Sennheiser Orpheus
Jul 31, 2001 at 11:45 AM Post #17 of 115

Originally posted by SumB
I wouldn't worry about it too much. With no feedback and no real photos it won't get any bids.

Dont be so sure.... we are talking EBAY here with
"Efools+a lot of money to burn " all over who are willing to overpay for an item !

I have made over $2200+ dollars under *20 days* on ebay selling ONLINE RPG Character ITEMS (computer gaming)
to a lot of silly people
. It started out as a joke when I put up the first auction, but I actually got the bids and It hit me right there that this EBAY is sillier than I thought... So I ended up putting a lot of these auctions and I racked in over 2200+ dollars in 20 days ALL WITH PAYPAL transactions. The payments were coming in SO FAST that I was forced to upgrade my Paypal account the 20th hour after I started the crazy auctions~!

Gotta love the internet, I actually made$ 2200+ from NOTHING ~! just playing the online game with friends ...
ROFLMAO I have my paypal transaction history log screen captured in several jpgs to back up my crazy auctions claim

Jul 31, 2001 at 2:33 PM Post #19 of 115
People have been selling items, for up to several hundred dollars, for games like Diablo 2, Asheron's Call, and perhaps Everquest. In time, there'll even be Anarchy Online items on eBay. I just recently learned that someone I knew sold a rare Diablo 2 bow (only 1 or 2 available) on eBay for $500+. Of course you have to put in the time/dedication to play the games.
Jul 31, 2001 at 4:24 PM Post #21 of 115

Next thing you know, people will be selling fresh air!!

(Hmm... that gives me an idea!!
Jul 31, 2001 at 5:05 PM Post #22 of 115
Duncan, people do sell fresh air
They're called oxygen bars, and a few are actually open here in the US. I think alot more are opening all around the world...pretty crazy huh
Jul 31, 2001 at 9:53 PM Post #24 of 115

Originally posted by Flumpus
Duncan, people do sell fresh air
They're called oxygen bars, and a few are actually open here in the US. I think alot more are opening all around the world...pretty crazy huh

They're suppose to be good for your health. But I doubt it
Jul 31, 2001 at 10:39 PM Post #25 of 115

This is the response I received from the seller:


Hi, thanks for your answer ...
The headphone I'm selling is brand new in its original box and has never
been used.

I'm sorry I'm not yet registered with Paypal and it takes a pretty long time
for foreigners.
What I suggest as a payment method is :
1 - send a Western Union Wire transfer (an ordinary money order takes about
6 to 7 weeks !)
2 - a bank certified check in Swiss francs.
3 - a bank tranfer in Swiss francs from your account to mine in Geneva, in
which case, I'll give you the most precise coordinates concerning my bank
Looking forward to hearing from you
Best Regards

Take it for what it's worth; he never did answer my question about shipping & the escrow option. I don't think I'll be bidding on this one, oh well.
Aug 1, 2001 at 12:02 AM Post #26 of 115

I doubt he want to go thru paypal, bank transfer my ASS LMAO~!

Once that money is transfer out from ur account, IT IS GONE FOR GOOD. NOTHING u can do about it, even if he does not ship u the item. Account to account transfer is ONE WAY. Once it is out, it is gone~!

it sounds like money laundry with all these transfers lol~!

WHOEVER bid on this is in for a shock of his life , and a lesson learned in a F*(#@ HARD way !

Aug 3, 2001 at 1:38 AM Post #27 of 115
Oh come on guys...

"The best hi-fi headphone ever made, only 3300 ex. made... Official list price actully : 11'000$ You can have it for a fraction of it. this headphone is brant new in the box together with the original directions for use and documents. Happy bidding !"

Would you seriously buy anything that has a description like that? But you say, it's brant new! It's brant new!

hehe... I really hope this guy doesn't get the money... he just didn't try hard enough... he probably spent about 2 minutes making the thing up... come ooon.
Aug 3, 2001 at 12:04 PM Post #28 of 115
Tides, "I have made over $2200+ dollars under *20 days* on ebay selling ONLINE RPG Character ITEMS (computer gaming)"

Sorry, i dont understand. RPG? Wer actually selling something? Are you saying you were selling characters or something for stupid money, when they're worth nothing much?

I aint a gamer as you can tell
Aug 3, 2001 at 4:11 PM Post #29 of 115
RPG = role playing game

But Tides, what game? And please, explain this to us in detail
You've just opened my eyes to the possibilities of Ebay - I think I might try to do what you're doing if it all sounds right and everything... and of course, if you're cool with that

$2200? If you did that for a couple months you could really buy an Orpheus, and then you'd be smiling like this ->
Aug 3, 2001 at 4:38 PM Post #30 of 115

There are online computer games, mostly "Role Playing Games", where you access your characters (via a password) from a secure company server. You spend time and effor creating, playing, and upgrading these characters in the game world, and, eventually, they get to be quite powerful in the game world. Then, you can go on ebay, and sell your password to the highest bidder, at which point that person now owns your characters, and has bypassed months of hard work that you did getting the characters powerful by paying real cash for them. If you want to know about this, search for "Everquest" on Ebay, and display it by the highest bidder first. Of course, some people who are looking for character TRADES put rediculously high minimum prices on them, as a way to advertise their character, but, just take a look at what people are actually paying for. Of course, there are other online games other than "Everquest" that this is done with, including "Diablo II" and "Asheron's Call".

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