Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
May 30, 2016 at 11:44 PM Post #6,676 of 12,089
Yeah, after going back and forth between a TH900, THX00 stock and THX00 Ebony the THX00 Ebony gives you the TH900 sub bass, the THX00 mid bass. The mids split the difference between the TH900 and THX00 and the highs are a smoother version of the THX00.

I'm thinking we start calling the THX00 with Ebony cups the THE00 for THE(bony)00. Rosewood THR00.

T-bones. Obviously. :wink:
May 31, 2016 at 12:01 AM Post #6,677 of 12,089
Yeah, after going back and forth between a TH900, THX00 stock and THX00 Ebony the THX00 Ebony gives you the TH900 sub bass, the THX00 mid bass. The mids split the difference between the TH900 and THX00 and the highs are a smoother version of the THX00.

I'm thinking we start calling the THX00 with Ebony cups the THE00 for THE(bony)00. Rosewood THR00.

I will add to the review my thoughts of the Ebony, as I compared with my stock Mahogany earcups (with DHC wiring), an E-MU Teak, and a TH-X00 with Ebony earcups.
I'm going to personally keep it at THX-00 since the "X" doesn't denote a letter of specific wood earcups (changing it might prove confusing for readers and non-Head-Fiers/owners and non-owners of the THX-00.  Since I went with a complete changeout of the internal and external cabling (stock to DHC Nucleotide V3) and a replacement of the earcups (stock Mahogany to E-MU Ebony), mine won't have any type of shortened name.  I would get loads of "what?"  It's already that way many times when I post the acronym "SCS".  Just to thwart any "what?"s after this post (unless someone still posts it, then it's clearly trolling), SCS stands for Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves.  The full name of my mods are in my profile, but for short I'll just call it TH-X00 modded with DHC and Ebony.
May 31, 2016 at 12:16 AM Post #6,678 of 12,089
Can I order E-MU cups somewhere guys ? Thanks

I would contact Chan/E-MU directly with this email:  Mind you, I did not obtain my Ebony cups this way - my friend got them for me when E-MU was exhibiting at Canlanta, but I would try that email.  Please let me know if you are able to purchase the earcups this way.
Thanks in advance.
May 31, 2016 at 12:55 AM Post #6,680 of 12,089
Just call em TH-X00 Customs. Problem solved.

Not in my opinion.  Not enough information for readers, but if you don't want to go into any detail about what is actually changed with the specific TH-X00, then calling it Customs or Modded, etc. is all good. 

May 31, 2016 at 1:00 AM Post #6,681 of 12,089
Yeah, I'm not going into detail about my customs every single time I mention them. First couple times when I'm sharing the work that was done, yes of course, but after that if readers want details when I say TH-X00 "Custom" all they have to do is ask. :)
May 31, 2016 at 1:04 AM Post #6,682 of 12,089
Yeah, I'm not going into detail about my customs every single time I mention them. First couple times when I'm sharing the work that was done, yes of course, but after that if readers want details all they have to do is ask.

True, you can name it however you'd like.  Wouldn't call it problem solved though as people who haven't seen your original post will be curious as to what TH-X00 Customs actually entailed.  I don't call mine anything too many times to warrant calling it something people would have no clue what I'm talking about.  Meaning, the very few times I may mention my TH-X00 by name, I don't mind explaining as I know a lot to most people would not know what I'm talking about if I name it something as general as simply Modded, Customs, etc. 

May 31, 2016 at 1:20 AM Post #6,683 of 12,089
Oh, I was just saying "problem solved" as to what to call all these different custom variations of the X00. There are already enough factory versions of these cans as is, so additional and unnecessary different names may confuse those who are new and unfamiliar as to which are official or not.

We are making the same point, just from different angles haha :)
May 31, 2016 at 2:53 AM Post #6,684 of 12,089
Oh, I was just saying "problem solved" as to what to call all these different custom variations of the X00. There are already enough factory versions of these cans as is, so additional and unnecessary different names may confuse those who are new and unfamiliar as to which are official or not.

We are making the same point, just from different angles haha

Personally I'm all about explaining to those who may not know what has been done, and for those that want to simplify it by saying "Customs" is fine, but I know that most people won't know exactly what went on and will need explanation after the fact of "Customs" being said (even if there was a post or review that explained what went on, since people either forget, didn't read the original review, or want up-to-date clarification, or a combination thereof).  Personally, I just explain it each time since I expect some to most users to not know what I'm talking about by keeping things general.  Calling the factory versions TH-X00 Mahogany, TH-X00 Purpleheart is all good for me as well, even if calling it TH-X00M and TH-X00P may seem easier to write from the start (but may need explanation from readers' questions in the future, negating the simplicity of the originally written acronym. 

Either way, I'm mostly happy with the E-MU Ebony replacement cups.
May 31, 2016 at 3:28 AM Post #6,686 of 12,089
  Why just mostly? What are you unhappy about?

Increased weight.  I'll go into it with more detail in the update of the review, but that's the main gist of it.
May 31, 2016 at 8:17 AM Post #6,689 of 12,089
I Got these THX00 recabled again. Now it is 8 conductor shielded cable with balanced XLR connector.
Materials: Neutrik XLR connector, Klotz TP414. 
I consider it endgame. I will post some pics shortly.

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