Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review
Jun 11, 2016 at 9:46 PM Post #6,931 of 12,089
The TH600 was widely considered a failure by Fostex, it sold almost nothing;

It certainly wouldn't have been the fault of the sound quality/signature of the TH 600, it is simply excellent. Yes, like the HE 400i as compared to the HE 560 the TH 600 is less refined as compared with the TH 900, but it is an excellent headphone. I was able to get an as new TH 600 for $450, and at that price it is easily the best headphone purchase I have ever made. Not sure exactly what happened to make the TH 600 so under-appreciated, but I can say for me it wouldn't be sound quality for sure. I owned a TH 900 and think the TH 600 is easier to handle treble wise. Bass on the 600 is less clean, but it is still exceptional so for my money, couldn't be happier.
Jun 11, 2016 at 11:56 PM Post #6,932 of 12,089
The better extension is where the TH900's greater magnet strength shows itself. It doesn't change the base signature or the efficiency at all, it allows for more accurate deep bass and ultra high treble. The TH900 also has tighter tolerances than the TH600/THX00/TH610/EMU Teak, so they're more consistent from unit to unit. However, the signature and soundstage of the TH900 is almost entirely due to the pads.

I think from what my friend found was that the TH-600 also has better tolerances than the TH-X00 due to differences they noticed in the 4 TH-X00 that they tried while there was no difference from one TH-600/900 to another.  Was not talking about changing the base signature or efficiency changing, but that the better the audio chain (DAC/amp) the TH-900/600 scales a little better than the TH-X00 due to the tighter tolerances.

Your last sentence states that the cups (shape/material) have almost no effect compared to pads, I find that hard to believe after building a bunch of SennGrados / woody grados with different wood types and shapes.  The wood types and shapes have a pretty large impact on the sound.  I doubt that the metal cup of the TH-600 has much if any variance while the wood used in the cups of the TH-X00 would have more variations due to wood not being a homogeneous material.
Jun 12, 2016 at 6:38 AM Post #6,933 of 12,089
I think from what my friend found was that the TH-600 also has better tolerances than the TH-X00 due to differences they noticed in the 4 TH-X00 that they tried while there was no difference from one TH-600/900 to another.  Was not talking about changing the base signature or efficiency changing, but that the better the audio chain (DAC/amp) the TH-900/600 scales a little better than the TH-X00 due to the tighter tolerances.

Your last sentence states that the cups (shape/material) have almost no effect compared to pads, I find that hard to believe after building a bunch of SennGrados / woody grados with different wood types and shapes.  The wood types and shapes have a pretty large impact on the sound.  I doubt that the metal cup of the TH-600 has much if any variance while the wood used in the cups of the TH-X00 would have more variations due to wood not being a homogeneous material.

Eh, I mean I've literally listened to the same exact EMU Teak headphone with 4 different cups when me and Chan were discussing this. Setup was a violetric stack. There is a difference with cup materials on these, but it's very small compared to pad swapping. The Teak cups made a more noticeable but still not very large difference, but it also has completely different internal dimensions, so it's difficult to exactly specify if it's the type of wood or the different cup shape. Rosewood, Ebony and maple sounded virtually identical. A guy at CanLanta had an otherwise stock TH600 that we put some THX00 pads on, and I didn't meet a single person who could reliably differentiate it with my ebony cup THX00. There are some differences, but they're beyond subtle compared to the very obvious differences the pads make.
Jun 12, 2016 at 1:35 PM Post #6,934 of 12,089
  I guess it could be a scaling issue...maybe. My sig is actually out of date now too, currently I'm running a Fiio e18 (through line out as a dac) to a Fiio k5, my ODAC needs to be repaired and I haven't gotten around to it. Still, I remember reading that the THX00 doesn't scale that well and the soundstage difference between the X00 and my A73 is pretty large out of the same system. I'm guessing it might be the earpads also playing a role in changing the sound sig from the well regarded staging of the th600. I tried out hm5 pads with cotton in front of the driver again and it seemed to improve the sound stage a little, but not incredibly.

So I swapped my Modi 2 out for the Progeny. My chain is now Wyrd -> Gustard U12 -> Progeny -> HD650
I used to use SonarWorks EQ to help out with sub-bass rolloff.  But I hook up the Progeny and holy cow.  HUGE subbass coming out of nowhere!  No longer need to use EQ, the bass hits very deep and hard.  I thought the HD650 was a bit light in the subbass region but maybe it was just the Modi.  Very happy with my purchase thus far.

This was posted in the Vintage R2R DAC thread. This was someone who went from Modi2 to R2R
Jun 13, 2016 at 10:47 PM Post #6,935 of 12,089
I just posted this on another thread regarding the TH500RP... Now hear me out...
The Fostex TH line of headphones have a round Dampening foam disk right under the Pads. That foam disk has a certain density, based on the headphone its in. I have both the TH500RP and the TH600. My friend has the THX00.
We compared the pads, and Foam disk of all three headphones and non scientifically found the following:
The THX00 Is like a fusion of the TH600 & TH500RP
The THX00 has the Foam dampening disk, and pads of the TH500RP, along with the drivers and general cup assembly (minus wood cups) of the TH600.
The foam dampening disk on the TH500RP is of much softer/lighter density than the TH600. And i'd need to search but on a discussion forum somewhere I remember reading that Will from Massdrop, said that (not exact quote) "Pro-tip, the destiny of the disk has to do with the tuning". Obviously the pads also change the  sound.
So I took the pads and foam Dampening disk of my TH500RP, and put them on my TH-600...And I **** you not, if there was a sound difference between my friends THX00 and my fusioned TH600, it was not audible. It would need to be truly measured to SEE a difference, because none of us could hear the difference.
I have ZERO confirmation on this and Im not trying to say I know what massdrop did as far as tuning, but my gut says that Fostex took pads and Foam dampening disks from their TH500RPs, and put then on a recupped TH600, and the THX00 were born.
Jun 13, 2016 at 11:08 PM Post #6,936 of 12,089
The THX00 is literally just the TH600 with mahogany cups and different pads. You can turn your THX00 into a TH600 for cheaper than the TH600 costs. The sound signature differences are 90% pads. I mean Foster/Fostex makes them both with the exact same specs, on the same line. If you've convinced yourself that the TH600 is a technically superior headphone, you're going against: general opinion of those who've heard both, objective measurements, common sense.

Does Fostex sell the TH-X00 pads separately?
Jun 14, 2016 at 12:18 AM Post #6,937 of 12,089
The THX00 is literally just the TH600 with mahogany cups and different pads. You can turn your THX00 into a TH600 for cheaper than the TH600 costs. The sound signature differences are 90% pads. I mean Foster/Fostex makes them both with the exact same specs, on the same line. If you've convinced yourself that the TH600 is a technically superior headphone, you're going against: general opinion of those who've heard both, objective measurements, common sense.

Does Fostex sell the TH-X00 pads separately?

TH-X00 pads = TH500RP pads and yes, Fostex has just recently begun selling them separately.
However unfortunately while Fostex International also has these replacement pads listed under respective headphone models, currently there is no obvious way to purchase them outside Japan.
Jun 14, 2016 at 1:53 AM Post #6,938 of 12,089
  SMC connectors are the old type of Hifiman connectors.  They work great.  Do not require enlarging the opening from the original cable.
Some folks do not like the screw on connectors.  Others do.
I prefer and used the 2.5mm on mine.
This is how they turned out...

That looks awesome.. almost want to do that with mine.
Jun 14, 2016 at 7:02 AM Post #6,939 of 12,089
  I just posted this on another thread regarding the TH500RP... Now hear me out...
The Fostex TH line of headphones have a round Dampening foam disk right under the Pads. That foam disk has a certain density, based on the headphone its in. I have both the TH500RP and the TH600. My friend has the THX00.
We compared the pads, and Foam disk of all three headphones and non scientifically found the following:
The THX00 Is like a fusion of the TH600 & TH500RP
The THX00 has the Foam dampening disk, and pads of the TH500RP, along with the drivers and general cup assembly (minus wood cups) of the TH600.
The foam dampening disk on the TH500RP is of much softer/lighter density than the TH600. And i'd need to search but on a discussion forum somewhere I remember reading that Will from Massdrop, said that (not exact quote) "Pro-tip, the destiny of the disk has to do with the tuning". Obviously the pads also change the  sound.
So I took the pads and foam Dampening disk of my TH500RP, and put them on my TH-600...And I **** you not, if there was a sound difference between my friends THX00 and my fusioned TH600, it was not audible. It would need to be truly measured to SEE a difference, because none of us could hear the difference.
I have ZERO confirmation on this and Im not trying to say I know what massdrop did as far as tuning, but my gut says that Fostex took pads and Foam dampening disks from their TH500RPs, and put then on a recupped TH600, and the THX00 were born.

What about reverse tuning: does TH-X00 with disk and pads of TH-600 sound like TH-600? Anybody tried it and could confirm? And is it possible to buy somewhere that disk and pads?
Jun 14, 2016 at 11:14 AM Post #6,941 of 12,089
  Does Fostex sell the TH-X00 pads separately?

no, but there are a lot of people who have converted theirs to something else who would be glad to get even $10 out of their unused THX00 pads
Jun 14, 2016 at 11:19 AM Post #6,942 of 12,089
What we tried and stopped at was the TH600 Pads, on the THX00, and the bass got sloppy. I think the very open/ Non dense foam disk, combined with the open pads of the TH600, may have gotten the bass to be out of control and not as tight.

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