Fostex HP-P1 Portable DAC for iPhone, iPod and iPad (With Built-In Headphone Amp) - Head-Fi TV, Episode 011

Sep 7, 2011 at 9:06 AM Post #46 of 129

qusp: Don't the Wadia and HRT act as transports for iDevices?

yes, but portable, small and not costing more than 300-400 are provisos. i have no need, or desire to use my iphone as my source at home, i already have a very good computer as source rig that does more than any of those could hope to. I use vy iphone and ipad as remotes for my rig at home, but they have nothing to do with the audio. There are numbers of home units, but that is of little consequence to me unfortunately. basically i want a solo or hp1 without the dac or amp sections
Sep 7, 2011 at 11:12 AM Post #48 of 129
The headphones for *Head*-Fi. Head-Fi is mostly for headphones, not just for sound equipment in general,  but those other things like speakers are welcome.
I just realized this, but why doesn't headfi have an audio (sound) logo?

Sep 7, 2011 at 12:11 PM Post #49 of 129
After 12 hours of burn in of the HP-P1, most of the mid range graininess is gone, but still present. I still can't decide which of the Stepdance or the SR71A is better for the Rev 1. With the Stepdance the sound is very very clean, but with the SR71A there is more body to it. Each time I listen to the Stepdance or ES5 I seem to prefer that amp I am listening to over the other. 
But for the mid range graininess, the Fostex DAC is no doubt a considerable step up over the CLAS. The sound is much more natural despite a bit grainy at times, but I think that is more with the recordings than the Fostex itself. The AKM DAC chip, which is widely used in Japanese Bluray players, and also in some very high end Esoteric DAC / CD players (they use a higher end model though), seems to have a sound which I prefer over the CLAS DAC chip. The separation of instruments and the placing of them is much clearer, yet at the same time it retains a bit of warmth which made its sound less "digital". It is like comparing the earlier generations of the Esoteric players with the current generation ones.
Tomorrow, I will spend my listening sessions (lunch hour and after office hours) solely with Filter 2 of the HP-P1, still with the LCD2 Rev 1. I promise I will dedicate my listening sessions to the ES5 and UE18 Pro next week.                                 
Sep 7, 2011 at 2:07 PM Post #50 of 129
Sep 7, 2011 at 9:58 PM Post #51 of 129

yes, but portable, small and not costing more than 300-400 are provisos. i have no need, or desire to use my iphone as my source at home, i already have a very good computer as source rig that does more than any of those could hope to. I use vy iphone and ipad as remotes for my rig at home, but they have nothing to do with the audio. There are numbers of home units, but that is of little consequence to me unfortunately. basically i want a solo or hp1 without the dac or amp sections

OH. Well, that would mean an on-the-go setup of:
iDevice -> Transport -> DAC -> Amp -> Phones
I know we talk about transportable rigs, but that's huge! It'd look like an electronic hamburger. Accordingly, the number of people willing to carry such a setup would be few; smaller demand = higher per unit cost, so I would imagine companies are unlikely to ever go into this extremely niche product...



I meant like this:​
(first 2 sec. of audio)

Still don't know what you mean.
Sep 7, 2011 at 10:27 PM Post #53 of 129
That would annoy me SO much after maybe two or three times.
Edit: In Head-Fi TV or just every time the website loads?
I think what he meant was a signature sound played every time along side the head fi logo

Sep 7, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #55 of 129
I like the term "electronic hamburger". I have two such hamburgers sitting in front of me on my office desk this very moment.
Sep 8, 2011 at 2:05 AM Post #56 of 129

After 12 hours of burn in of the HP-P1, most of the mid range graininess is gone, but still present. I still can't decide which of the Stepdance or the SR71A is better for the Rev 1. With the Stepdance the sound is very very clean, but with the SR71A there is more body to it. Each time I listen to the Stepdance or ES5 I seem to prefer that amp I am listening to over the other. 
But for the mid range graininess, the Fostex DAC is no doubt a considerable step up over the CLAS. The sound is much more natural despite a bit grainy at times, but I think that is more with the recordings than the Fostex itself. The AKM DAC chip, which is widely used in Japanese Bluray players, and also in some very high end Esoteric DAC / CD players (they use a higher end model though), seems to have a sound which I prefer over the CLAS DAC chip. The separation of instruments and the placing of them is much clearer, yet at the same time it retains a bit of warmth which made its sound less "digital". It is like comparing the earlier generations of the Esoteric players with the current generation ones.
Tomorrow, I will spend my listening sessions (lunch hour and after office hours) solely with Filter 2 of the HP-P1, still with the LCD2 Rev 1. I promise I will dedicate my listening sessions to the ES5 and UE18 Pro next week.                                 

Out of curiosity, when feeding the same amp, is there a difference in the output level between the two DACs?
Sep 8, 2011 at 2:38 AM Post #57 of 129
Four hamburgers:
Left back: CLAS + SR71A
Left front: McDonald's Shogun Burger
Center: Fostex HP-P1 with Meier Stepdance and Energizer 15V combo
Right: LCD2 Rev 1 with Audio Technica headphone stand 

Sep 8, 2011 at 2:40 AM Post #58 of 129
Not much difference in terms of output level, at least not that I noticed when I fix the amp volume and connect the same amp at the same volume level to the HP-P1 and CLAS.

Out of curiosity, when feeding the same amp, is there a difference in the output level between the two DACs?


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