Formula 1-fi (Read the First Post!)
May 31, 2016 at 6:15 PM Post #2,566 of 3,854
  Why not. Is not Hamilton responsible for his own actions? It has nothing to do with the pit crew. Ricciardo was much better during braking and he had it all under control obviously and didn´t cut the corner. 

Sure he is responsible for his own actions. He's not responsible for DeadBulls pit fiasco though.
Blue flag mania, allowing only one blocking move, these are new inventions of F1's powers that be and really add nothing to the competition itself. I fully understand that all that is there purely for safety measures, but it does curb the aggressiveness of the drivers in both the offensive and defensive positions.
Were those regs in effect we would never have seen the likes of this...

May 31, 2016 at 6:52 PM Post #2,567 of 3,854
Yes for sure I think I see what you mean.
I can´t see how blocking would endorse more side by side racing though. In that video it works because they do leave room for eachother. With some shunt here and there but had it been Nico or Lewis it would have ended in first corner had the other car not backed off :p
Jun 1, 2016 at 2:23 PM Post #2,568 of 3,854
Well really you cannot hold one person culpable for the incompetence of another teams pit crew.  On the chicane issue, I really have to wonder what the outcome would have been if he'd gotten heavy on the brakes there with Ric closing at a good rate of knots. There is not a whole lot of room on the outside there to go round.
 As the saying goes, thats racing, events rarely play out exactly as a driver wishes.

true. A win is a win....but the crew blunder still doesn't mean Hamilton beat him fair and square.
The only fair and square dueling was when the race truly started after the safety car came in; Ricciardo immediately opened up a gap on the whole field. That's fair and square; everyone was pushing, including Mercedes, in moderately heavy wet conditions, and the only way they got him was because the team shafted him. Again. I liked Martin's words to him at the podium, "You drove phenomenally all weekend; your day will come."
....and then Mr. Tie-Die Bieber stands there after the race and goes "you crushed it man!" ...apparently he didn't watch the race.
Jun 1, 2016 at 2:44 PM Post #2,569 of 3,854
Last year Ham did everything right and ended up 3rd... At least Riccardo ended up 2nd... Karma Baby Karma...

Jun 1, 2016 at 7:42 PM Post #2,570 of 3,854
  Yes for sure I think I see what you mean.
I can´t see how blocking would endorse more side by side racing though. In that video it works because they do leave room for eachother. With some shunt here and there but had it been Nico or Lewis it would have ended in first corner had the other car not backed off :p

Well. You got me to thinking (these days no mean feat so thank you sir) and while all the critics have been hammering at Pirelli, the engine regs the aero regs et all (and rightly so in my opinion) we have lost the criticism for how the races themselves are being run. An F1 event today is of a far different complexion than it was even 10 years ago. While I am all for driver protection and aligning the rules and penalties to ensure the safety of the participants, I cannot help but think that after the Bianchi fiasco that the powers that be are perhaps focused on areas or problems that do not and will not occur. Take the blue flag mania out of the mix and at the very least Vettel's team radio would become conspicuously silent

true. A win is a win....but the crew blunder still doesn't mean Hamilton beat him fair and square.
The only fair and square dueling was when the race truly started after the safety car came in; Ricciardo immediately opened up a gap on the whole field. That's fair and square; everyone was pushing, including Mercedes, in moderately heavy wet conditions, and the only way they got him was because the team shafted him. Again. I liked Martin's words to him at the podium, "You drove phenomenally all weekend; your day will come."
....and then Mr. Tie-Die Bieber stands there after the race and goes "you crushed it man!" ...apparently he didn't watch the race.

You have inadvertently or inadvertently hit upon why I now watch F1 Avidly as opposed to my lackadaisical boycott of the 90's.  It has become for better and usually for worse the microcosm of  world politics and social strata.  You have micro management, countries which are completely despotic vying for a race, old money races (bring back the French Grand Prix, dear god it was the founder of GP racing Monaco gets a free pass, give them the damn race for free),  Multinational teams playing economic poker (anyone think that DeadBulls shennanigans against Renault last year were anything but a bluff of the grandest scale?) Governing bodies falling out of touch with the field, drivers finally starting to show some backbone. Teams being paid to participate, while others go starving.
  While it may very well be the glam sport, it certainly manages to show the best and worst of human nature all at once. Rosberg who still manages to look like you just killed his puppy even when leading the WDC. Hamilton acting like a hip hop version of Dag Hammerskjold, Vettel like Angela Merkel sans boobs, Raikkonen weathering the storm in true Nordic manner, Alonso playing out the Spanish dream of once owning the known world and losing the empire,via some piss poor decisions, not co incidentally to Britain.
Harvard School of Business is missing out on one of the most pertinent examples of world economy played out in a controlled and microcosmic manner.
  To the race itself. Take a step back and look at it from the teams and managements perspective. The driver is a component of a race. We hire them because we believe they will make a rational choice in any given instance that will put our car in the best possible position when the race finishes. Fair and square took a backseat ages ago and ruthless capitalization lap by lap is now the rule. That means all the factors have to align and in Napoleanic terms you need a driver proven to be "lucky: (that alone is why Massa never got a WDC) We build the best car we can, we do everything in the race to give the driver the most opportunities possible and then we rely on him to execute the race about 10 percent ABOVE his known ability.
Ric has more than fulfilled his third of the equation. The Napoleanic luck factor is whats killing him right now. From a team perspective it is fixable. From a drivers point of view, luck is a quantity manufactured by hard work and personal development, when it turns against you, the first thought is that an outside entity is involved and you need to fix it or kill it off pronto.These guys know they have a limited career span and need to get the most out of every second behind the wheel.
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:00 PM Post #2,571 of 3,854
Sometimes it is hard to believe the kind of golden memes people came up with for F1 


Jun 3, 2016 at 5:23 PM Post #2,574 of 3,854
  Did you guys take city tour of Baku

Bugger, that looks a lot like the indy in Toronto.
In other news.
Gee pastor, with Manure being the epitome of the bottom feeders, just what team will hire you?  Wait a minute, you and Nelson Jr can use his daddys money to form your own team. Flav can manage it from afar, you can buy used Toleman chassis, mount em up to Renault engines, and spend a whole year walking round the grid after being shot out of Q4
Seriously, with the glut of young talent that cannot get a ride to save their souls, do these slayers of chassis really believe they can pollute a seat on the grid thesedays?
Jun 3, 2016 at 11:14 PM Post #2,575 of 3,854

  Bugger, that looks a lot like the indy in Toronto.
In other news.
Gee pastor, with Manure being the epitome of the bottom feeders, just what team will hire you?  Wait a minute, you and Nelson Jr can use his daddys money to form your own team. Flav can manage it from afar, you can buy used Toleman chassis, mount em up to Renault engines, and spend a whole year walking round the grid after being shot out of Q4
Seriously, with the glut of young talent that cannot get a ride to save their souls, do these slayers of chassis really believe they can pollute a seat on the grid thesedays?

They won't even be able to get within 107% of the pole lap time if they build their own car 

Jun 4, 2016 at 6:01 AM Post #2,578 of 3,854
  Actually within 107 percent of the fastest Q1 time is what counts.

Even so, I still doubt they can get within 107% of the fastest Q1 time should they build their own car 

Jun 5, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #2,580 of 3,854
  Bugger, that looks a lot like the indy in Toronto.
In other news.
Gee pastor, with Manure being the epitome of the bottom feeders, just what team will hire you?  Wait a minute, you and Nelson Jr can use his daddys money to form your own team. Flav can manage it from afar, you can buy used Toleman chassis, mount em up to Renault engines, and spend a whole year walking round the grid after being shot out of Q4
Seriously, with the glut of young talent that cannot get a ride to save their souls, do these slayers of chassis really believe they can pollute a seat on the grid thesedays?

I have myself a sensible chuckle every time I see a headline with Maldonado in it.
There are two reasons to chuckle: (a) His sell-by date was up years ago - he kept his seat only because he had a very specific sponsorship. Somehow he's disillusioned himself into thinking he stuck around due to some imaginary talent; and (b) F1 sites still run headlines pretending Pastor is still a thing? Really...?
He gets interviewed and talks as if he has an actual serious choice about a seat next year.

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