Formula 1-fi (Read the First Post!)
Mar 12, 2014 at 9:33 PM Post #796 of 3,854
I agree that I think the fuel limits are a bit silly - particularly when they still fly all their fuel-efficient cars about the world in old DC-10s and 747s or whatever - but I've also never believed in the concept of 100% for the whole race. I agree that a driver should be able to push 100% at any time in the race, but the strategy elements take some of the predictability of lining every driver up in order of how fast they can go all-out and then having them go all-out again. That was (from what I hear, I didn't watch at the time) what we had during the much ballyhooed refueling era. I don't have a solution, but there is certainly a problem.
Mar 12, 2014 at 9:40 PM Post #797 of 3,854
  I agree that I think the fuel limits are a bit silly - particularly when they still fly all their fuel-efficient cars about the world in old DC-10s and 747s or whatever - but I've also never believed in the concept of 100% for the whole race. I agree that a driver should be able to push 100% at any time in the race, but the strategy elements take some of the predictability of lining every driver up in order of how fast they can go all-out and then having them go all-out again. That was (from what I hear, I didn't watch at the time) what we had during the much ballyhooed refueling era. I don't have a solution, but there is certainly a problem.

I didn't work at all in the 80's so hey lets bring it back and run it up the flagpole again. Hope Airbags are next.
Mar 12, 2014 at 11:04 PM Post #798 of 3,854
It shouldn't matter that much in truth. Last year they didn't have fuel limits and teams still under filled the cars and ran fuel saving stints because it was the best bet strategy.

F1 has always been a mixture of strategy, tyre/engine/fuel management, and flat out pure speed (except during the crossover era when they had both re-fueling and tyres that lasted forever - which made for boring processional racing too). It's a marathon, not a sprint race. I liked the 80s turbos when a driver could crank it up for a number of laps for some extra performance, but only at the risk of blowing his engine (phrasing!). The cars today are far too reliable and the rules make it certain that all teams have to 'play it safe' with engines and gearboxes or suffer these ridiculous penalties. In a way technology and aero development have surpassed the sport and the tracks, and we get this contrived show as an attempt to make it less boring and predictable.

They need a budget cap, they need tougher restrictions on aero, and they need tyres that perform well at full bore for x (+/-y) number of laps and then fall apart. The energy recovery piffle, and the smaller turbo power plants are fine if it's the only way to keep the manufacturers interested in participating.
Mar 12, 2014 at 11:26 PM Post #799 of 3,854
Philosophical revelation. Please skip if you don't like philosophizing.

Everything in our life is becoming boring, because everything is getting standardized and becoming 'technologic'.
The less human involvement there is, the less our mind have to engage with, the more we become spectators, contemplating the reason of why we did all this in the first place.
Now, to think of F1, what have we gained by all this technology? More speed? Is speed really an objective here? Yes, the fastest wins, but the term 'fastest' implies relativism.
There was a time when sports we meant to be enjoyed live. Then changes were introduced to make them more TV friendly, even adding special elements only for remote viewers.
The thing is, being a 'spectator' doesn't only involve watching an event. You can't enjoy it unless you feel there's something in it that engages your mind. Modern sports don't have that in them, because all their techniques and strategies have been studied and analyzed so much that now they all seem like an algorithm, patterns emerging like video games.
Games like GTR2 and rFactor have demonstrated these principles excellently. The only difference is that of racing on the road vs in a good simulator setup.
From a spectator point of view, I'm pretty sure watching a full GTR/rFactor race and an F1 race would be the same.
So, real is being modeled by the virtual, and the virtual is making its way into reality.
Mar 13, 2014 at 2:13 AM Post #800 of 3,854
While we wait for the action to start with watering mouths, who do ya'all think have the best helmet designs?
Personally, I like really aggressive helmets so I think my favorites would be Kimi, Magnussen, Bianchi and Chilton - possibly the only ranking ever that will include both Marussia drivers and only one of the established top drivers

Also a nod to Kobayashi and Perez for intriguing designs. For least favorite it's pretty much got to be one of the Red Bulls or Rosberg, but I'm going to go for Vergne for having not only an uninspired design, but one that looks like it includes a terrified bird skull being head-butted by a bull. And that's not something you say everyday about an F1 driver's helmet.
Ironically, I think this is one of Vettel's weakest designs, and it's probably the one we're going to see for a while

Mar 13, 2014 at 4:41 AM Post #801 of 3,854
...possibly the only ranking ever that will include both Marussia drivers and only one of the established top drivers :wink: ...


I'll give Chilton the nod too, simply because his has good contrast and simple lines. All the modern helmets are too busy. I like the earlier ones like Coulthard's & Hill's - simple, clean, instantly recognizable. Now there has to be a sponser's name on every centimetre of exposed clothing.

Also I was really looking forwards to the Martini colours on the Williams, but find it a really uninspired and muted take on a classic colour scheme.
Mar 13, 2014 at 8:41 AM Post #802 of 3,854
Can´t go to far in term of tire management and fuel conservation no. But people got tired of the extreme predictability so dunno what´s best. I do feel allowing refueling would offer a bit better racing. Also F1 need to be relevant for the car industry for them to be willing to poor the money in. Anyway seriously if you want good true racing F1 is not the series. Try Aussie V8 or brasilian stock car racing. Cars that don´t have downforce which make close racing impossible and have more horsepower then grip so you get long braking zones and you have cars that tolerate quite a bit of banging doors. They are not to fast so amazing three wide racing is possible but still super cars and the cars is relatively close in performance though team always matter :)
Mar 13, 2014 at 1:57 PM Post #803 of 3,854
  Can´t go to far in term of tire management and fuel conservation no. But people got tired of the extreme predictability so dunno what´s best. I do feel allowing refueling would offer a bit better racing. Also F1 need to be relevant for the car industry for them to be willing to poor the money in. Anyway seriously if you want good true racing F1 is not the series. Try Aussie V8 or brasilian stock car racing. Cars that don´t have downforce which make close racing impossible and have more horsepower then grip so you get long braking zones and you have cars that tolerate quite a bit of banging doors. They are not to fast so amazing three wide racing is possible but still super cars and the cars is relatively close in performance though team always matter :)

Or WRC racing. But that would be another thread.
Mar 14, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #804 of 3,854
Anyone watch FP1? Neither Mercedes particularly near the top is a bit of a surprise. I didn't get a chance, so does it look like the order has genuinely shuffled or were they just running different programs? Alonso's out front by a big enough margin that it pretty clear it's not the pace advantage of the Ferrari (if any). How was reliability?
Mar 14, 2014 at 7:47 PM Post #805 of 3,854
I watched FP1 and part of FP2. Can't really tell who's got it together. Too early. I felt that the drivers were overall just feeling the cars, the braking (understeer) and the new tire compounds. So many things to learn. The biggest thing I miss is the old F1 car sound but I could get use to the new sound or lack of. I think these new cars are as fast if not faster than last year's. Just watch as the drivers learn to push them hard. This is the beginning of a new era in F1 racing.
Mar 15, 2014 at 2:31 AM Post #807 of 3,854
  I will once again repeat myself, posts,  from near the day McLaren signed him lately last year  .. Keep an eye on minimag..Kevin Magnussen.
A rookie with speed and talent..Not privately sponsored to be on the circuit or with a team, not purely, but there because he is super fast and just need too build experience, that he will pick up within a season or two.. His father was actually a way more a talented/skilled driver but had personal/team/technical issues etc. that took him away from performing at the level he could have, albeit his Le Mans records are quite acceptable..
Minimag will be on the podium at least a couple of times this season and he will help (internal competition etc.) J.B. to step up as well.
2015.. wait and see and we might have the first Danish driver win the F1 or end in the top three in a McLaren vehicle.. 
I will bet a few headphones on this to happen...:)

Wow bold claims there Jupiterknight, I like it! I would love to see a mid-pack team get another win this year, Force India, Williams, Sauber.....take some chances!

Time trials is on.. Yes.. I might be bold and bald, following it live right now but Mini Mag's got the second best lap time in Q1.. if he overall gets a starting position around #6-9 my claims still holds and I will stand by it.. Podium late in the season.  He is fast and technically a very skilled driver..  Just a Rookie on the F1 circuit..only 21 years old..
Mar 15, 2014 at 3:08 AM Post #810 of 3,854
Ricciardo #2, I guess Red Bull still have the pace required for a front row start..

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