For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?
Oct 31, 2023 at 1:32 AM Post #15,287 of 22,402
JRiver Media Center > Schiit Modi Multibit > Schiit Vali 2 (mullard 6DJ8) > Denon AH-D7200


No Quarter (1984) by Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - An MTV Unplugged (UnLedded in this case) live recording done in Wales, London and Morocco including a Moroccan string band and an Egyptian orchestra, plus various rock musicians forming the band. I think my favourite tracks are Gallows Pole, a wonderful version of Four Sticks with a distinctly North African feel and a very special version of Kashmir, which is just other-worldly. Went back to the Schiit stack for this as detail is not the most important factor when listening to Jimmy Page, it's tone all the way and the Denons just make it all sound rich and smooth and make my ears happy. :darthsmile:
Oct 31, 2023 at 4:54 AM Post #15,291 of 22,402
Ultrasone Edition Eleven|NeoTech UPOCC 4x 22AWG solid core copper . . . <--Hagerman Audio Labs Tuba|2x Russian 6N14N . . . <--S.M.S.L. M400|Pangea Audio optical out . . . <--NuPrime CDT-8 PRO|upsampled to 24/88.2 . . .

@pataburd I found out that depending on DAC the best results I had with CDT-8 while upsampling were either 96 or DSD128 settings, thus not every dac could handle more than DSD128 (it is also very input dependant). Only Rockna Wavelight always sounded amazing regardless of settings and when CDT has been connect to it I disabled upsampling altogether.
Oct 31, 2023 at 7:49 AM Post #15,292 of 22,402

Flying out to Colorado for a little vacation. Nothing like some Pat Metheny when soaring through the sky
KLH Ultimate One off my IPhone 14 with a dongle, way better than what the airline was just passing around.
Oct 31, 2023 at 8:53 AM Post #15,294 of 22,402
Back on the workstation with the DT990's:
Oct 31, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #15,295 of 22,402
I actually demoed the meze empy and the foctal clears today and i was suprised how damn close the 109 are to these. To a point i would just stick to the 109 gladly.
@csch92 a very interesting opinion: for me both Empys and Clear MGs present a different sound signature plus Clears can sound metallic sometimes which is not a case with Meze. Are you saying that 109 are somewhere in between those two headphones or are you saying that you can easily live with 109 without those two?

In the mean time: Tidal > ifi micro iDac2 > ifi Pro iCan (in tube mode) > Meze Advar (after finding out that Envy is too powerful for those great IEMs, Pro iCan as always being rescue the day amp while not being master of anything, still love old ifi house sound).

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 14.43.24.png
Oct 31, 2023 at 9:50 AM Post #15,296 of 22,402
Flying out to Colorado for a little vacation. Nothing like some Pat Metheny when soaring through the sky
KLH Ultimate One off my IPhone 14 with a dongle, way better than what the airline was just passing around.
@Cat Whisperer Bob great album, thank you for sharing. I needed something (a bit) different after:
Oct 31, 2023 at 12:22 PM Post #15,297 of 22,402
I actually demoed the meze empy and the foctal clears today and i was suprised how damn close the 109 are to these. To a point i would just stick to the 109 gladly.
Aside from similarities, which aspects do you find most different between the Clear--MG(?) or OG(?)--and the 109?

I have never heard the Meze 109, but did own the Empyrean for a brief while.

My allegiance(s) to the Clear OG has/(have) been on-and-off over 5 or 6 iterations of ownership. After getting accustomed to the Clear OG, however, I found the Clear MG inferior by comparison (lacking the OG's HF airiness and lustre).
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Oct 31, 2023 at 12:24 PM Post #15,298 of 22,402
Ier-m9<fiio m11

Recently really got into The Roots. This is their fantastic debut album, Organix. It's superb old school rap, underpinned with a strong jazz influence. Highly recommended.
Oct 31, 2023 at 12:28 PM Post #15,299 of 22,402
Aside from similarities, which aspects do you find most different between the Clear [MG or OG]?
I have never heard the Meze 109, but did own the Empyrean for a brief while. My allegiance(s) to the Clear OG has/(have) been on-and-off over 5 or 6 iterations of ownership. After getting accustomed to the Clear OG, I deemed the Clear MG a comparative sonic degradation.
i am bad at comparing stuff and only hat like 30 minutes before i had to go. either the clear og the empy where bad headphones and are worth the pricepoint. all of the headphones sounded fantastic. and the amp i tested it on was crazy good, sadly i forgot the name of it and i could not find it on their side (might be pretty new) . but i was by no means sad having to go back to my meze 109 again at home. but the day i get enough money i might even go for the liric since they are closed back but still have good enough soundstage. and also i freaking loved the design of the foctal clear(MG) and also was very comfortable and surprising lightweight i could imagine wearing these for hours without any issues.

but what noticed how good the top end/treble of the clears where, but never did sound painful

the amp had an very big volume wheel on the top of the case and a nice screen + Bluetooth
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