Foobar 0.9 out!
Mar 20, 2006 at 3:03 AM Post #31 of 124

Originally Posted by aphex944
And there's no way to get rid of the "Default" playlist tab from displaying, like in 0.8.3?

Seems like a ton of options have been taken out, no thanks!

I'm using Columns-UI 0.1.3. The default playlist can be removed.
Mar 20, 2006 at 5:41 AM Post #32 of 124
Does anyone know if a volume control slider plugin is available for this version? Also, does anyone know where I can find the foo_shuffle plugin for 0.8.3? I am trying to reinstall that version of Foobar and can't seem to find that plugin available for download on the web. Thx, Ron.
Mar 20, 2006 at 6:02 AM Post #33 of 124
So, with this version, you can choose either 16/24/32 bit output with no padding options. I'm assuming the way to go with the AV-710 is just straight 32 bit then? Will this work differently than 24 padded to 32 for the worse?

Everything else seems to be working fine except I can't make foobar live in the system tray, but I'm assuming that's part of the Columns UI thing. I'll give that a try.
Mar 20, 2006 at 6:28 AM Post #35 of 124

Originally Posted by Zenja
So, with this version, you can choose either 16/24/32 bit output with no padding options. I'm assuming the way to go with the AV-710 is just straight 32 bit then? Will this work differently than 24 padded to 32 for the worse?

Everything else seems to be working fine except I can't make foobar live in the system tray, but I'm assuming that's part of the Columns UI thing. I'll give that a try.

I've been using just 32-bit even for 0.8.3 so I don't find this version lacking.

You mean just the icon on the system tray? Mine works with columns-ui, so it's not the component's problem.
Mar 20, 2006 at 11:07 AM Post #38 of 124

Originally Posted by uzziah
what the **** did they improve?


That's a good question actually. To me, 0.9 feels more responsive. And I like the toned-down preferences in a way. But as long as there's no ASIO output plugin, it's as good as useless to me.
Mar 20, 2006 at 11:47 AM Post #41 of 124

Originally Posted by uzziah
what the **** did they improve?

Change log:

- Reworked UI structure, removed various redundant / rarely used features.
- New: Media Library, replacing old “database” functionality.
- Improved playlist management - better handling of multiple playlists, native multilevel undo and more.
- Changes in title formatting script (field remappings) to make common operations easier.
- New: Converter, replacing old “Diskwriter” component. Includes album image writing (cuesheet creation, direct encoding to MP4 with chapters), preview generation and multi-CPU optimizations. Most popular encoders are supported out-of-the-box; more encoders can be added using generic commandline encoder setup.
- Improved support for specific file formats: faster tag updates with MP3 and FLAC, new native ID3v2 support, rewritten MP4 support now including chapters, rewritten cuesheet handling with improved handling of embedded cuesheets, improved AAC streaming support, and more.
- Various speed optimizations, improved UI responsivity during time-consuming operations; better handling of overkill playlist scripts.
- New: file type associations page in preferences.
- New and improved ReplayGain scanner with proper multichannel support and multi-CPU optimizations; now with option to apply RG adjustment directly to audio data in MP3 files.
- Improved audio CD support, with simple secure ripping functionality.
- Rewritten network code.
- Improved security by replacing various third party libraries with own implementations.
- Various usability improvements.
- Dropped Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 OS support. Windows 2000, XP or newer is now required.
Mar 20, 2006 at 2:10 PM Post #42 of 124
If you read further into that Hydrogenaudio thread, the foobar2000 developer says that he simply hasn't integrated support for API (don't ask me what that is) yet, which is needed in order to create an ASIO plug-in, and he may even write one himself. I hope he doesn't read Head-Fi, because I doubt that harshly criticizing the latest beta release of his program will make him feel like doing it.
Mar 20, 2006 at 2:32 PM Post #43 of 124

Originally Posted by ilovesocks
If you read further into that Hydrogenaudio thread, the foobar2000 developer says that he simply hasn't integrated support for API (don't ask me what that is)

(A)pplication (P)rogramming (I)nterface. Basically a blueprint for software engineers that, in this case, details exactly how a plug-in needs to be coded in order to properly integrate with Foobar.
Mar 20, 2006 at 7:46 PM Post #45 of 124
I'm actually digging it. I've got it basically set up exactly like the old foobar, and it handles big playlists way faster.

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