Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV
Oct 15, 2023 at 4:11 AM Post #4,366 of 4,504
how it compare vs dan clark aeon 2 noire?
the noire 2 is much more energetic. Both Noir and Lyric are more energetic than the Stellia in my exerpeince. I was looking to get a more portable headphone than the Stellia, specially the Noir, but realized that with the brightness I wouldn't be able to relax while travelling.
Oct 15, 2023 at 10:16 PM Post #4,367 of 4,504
My favorite cable for the Stellia is the Danacable Lazuli Utra or the Lazuli Rhapsody. They are the same cable ble the new Rhapsody is now braided. It’s a Copper & Silver Hypid cable. It takes the Stellia to new heights.

But when paired with my Lazuli Nirvana on my main system it’s mesmerizing. They scale up so well.
Oct 20, 2023 at 4:31 AM Post #4,368 of 4,504
i got a cheap knitted headband for another headphone but it didnt fit so i put it on the stelia, make a comfortable headphone even more comfy. and protects the leather if you care about that, i dont but some do20230428_224142.jpg
Thats exactly what I have done with my stellia and elex
Nov 3, 2023 at 4:49 PM Post #4,369 of 4,504
Hey @Lelouch,

Congratulations on your purchase!

I've been EQing the Stellias for over a year, particularly to give them more shine and emotion as well as really pushing it too reveal the phenomenal resolution it has particularly exemplified in vocal "S" and "Shh" sounds. Just phenomenal potential in terms of resolution in these cans.

Attached is the latest EQ for the Stellia I have (though it is always a work in progress) ...and, yes, EQ is a matter of taste, but you might agree that it's worth a try right? Freely given after all and all that. I've tried Oratory1990's EQ, and I don't think that you'll find my EQ may find it has more bass than you're used too but I design my EQs to be easily customizable as per below instructions.

Important notes about P.E.A.C.E. (if you're using it)
My EQs go to the the hundredth decimal place of some Frequencies values as well as the hundredth decimal place of some Gain values. Unfortunately the Import function of the current PEACE v. does not import these decimal place values as they are in the txt file I've shared.

I wrote to PEACE creator Peter Verbeek and he has fixed this issue in beta version just for this fix! And he did it within 24 hours of my writing him!
This beta version is available at this link: PEACE Beta V.

1. Rename the downloaded exe file from Peace1650.exe to Peace.exe.
2. Copy the downloaded and renamed file to c:\program files\equalizerapo\config, overwriting the existing Peace.exe file (perhaps after renaming the existing Peace.exe file to Peace.bak just in case for safety.
3. In case you haven't already done this, change the Settings/Sizes And Amounts Settings - "Snap to dB gain" setting to 0.01 as in the following pic:

PEACE Settings.jpg

4. If you don't want to go through the trouble of downloading the BETA Peace version, you can always import the txt and just manually input the values of the gains and frequencies that do extend to the hundredth of a decibel place.

If you're into graphs and such, here is the my Stellia EQ's Compensated graph with the Harman 2018 graph overlay:

Jonne Haven Stellia FR 100223.jpg

Note that I've put in a lot of bass (compared to Harman 2018), which is not necessarily the Stellias strong point, but I wanted uniformity with my other headphone EQs. I know that bass is the most disagreed over and thus customized aspect of the frequency range so I've designed the EQ to make the bass easily adjustable to your if you would like less (or more) bass simply follow below instructions:

To adjust overall bass: Adjust gain value of Filter 5 to taste.
Be sure to re-adjust the pre-amp gain so that it does not exceed -0.1 to prevent clipping.


On a side note, my Stellias were actually gifted to me by a member of this forum who enjoyed an EQ I made for the LCD-XC 2021 so much that he went and bought the LCD-X 2021 just to try out my EQ for them. Later, that generous member gave me a pair of Stellias (which cost $3000 new here in U.S.) just so that I could EQ them and share that EQ with him. I've NEVER known a complete stranger to be as generous as this member who I do not know in real life, in fact we don't even have each other's emails!!! But since then he has also gifted me with a $1500 Sendy Peacock!

His example has driven me to give more freely of myself, including giving my EQs (which I work very hard at) to the world, even if I get hateful posts about them.

So that's why I'm volunteering this EQ for you! Though I may get some nasty posts about it...I hope not! :wink:

Blessings and Happy Listening to a GREAT headphone!
Thanks for sharing! Yours is the eq I've liked most so far for the Stellias
Nov 3, 2023 at 6:32 PM Post #4,370 of 4,504
Thanks for sharing! Yours is the eq I've liked most so far for the Stellias
Thanks a lot for taking the time to post that, @mikelaguirre!

That Stellia EQ was made using a slightly different and more inaccurate version of my Headphone amp...since then I got a pretty accurate version and adjusted the EQ is much better IMO and should respond better to transparent DACs and Amps as we engineers prefer!

Link to Graphs and Instructions on how to use Stellia EQ!

The latest EQ is Attached for your experimentation/enjoyment!!!



  • Jonne Haven Stellia EQ 102623 Shared.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 0
Nov 10, 2023 at 8:58 AM Post #4,372 of 4,504
i have a Bryston bha 1 ss amp and a monolith liquid platinum hybrid amp. i think Stellia's sound great thru either of them. 2 slightly different sounds both sound just right to me
Does Stellia tend to pair better with solid state or tube amp? Or is it just base on preference?
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Nov 10, 2023 at 4:47 PM Post #4,374 of 4,504
Does Stellia tend to pair better with solid state or tube amp? Or is it just base on preference?
I would say it depends on the taste of music and the source. I have an iDSD pro with tube modes (i.e not a real tube amp). This DAC is then commented with an iCAN or a V222. Sometimes I prefer the solid state mode and sometimes the tube mode(s). The Stellia's is great with either. (FWIW it is also great with the ifi Go Blu)
Nov 10, 2023 at 4:54 PM Post #4,375 of 4,504
Does Stellia tend to pair better with solid state or tube amp? Or is it just base on preference?
Solid state. 100% - It's very amp friendly, and it surprised me. Even a cheap Topping amp/dac sounds close to a Ferrum stack with Stellia (and only Stellia, lol).

I wouldn't recommend tubes for Stellia. It gets too noisy, and too muddy. That's with my upgraded Cayin HA-6A, which sounds best with Utopia and LCD-5.

Dont use tubes with Stellia.
Nov 10, 2023 at 4:56 PM Post #4,376 of 4,504
I would say it depends on the taste of music and the source. I have an iDSD pro with tube modes (i.e not a real tube amp). This DAC is then commented with an iCAN or a V222. Sometimes I prefer the solid state mode and sometimes the tube mode(s). The Stellia's is great with either. (FWIW it is also great with the ifi Go Blu)
Very different to real tubes, though. I used those presets before I bought a real tube amp, and it isn't even close. Tube emulation only adds a subtle harmonic distortion to SS, which is nothing.

Real tubes are a different thing. I love my tube-rolled HA-6A, and it beats the Ferrum stack in almost all headphones. But Stellia needs a solid state amp.
Nov 10, 2023 at 4:59 PM Post #4,377 of 4,504
To add - Focal Utopia was built for tubes. It sounds best on a tube amp. LCD-5 works best with tubes, but solid state isn't bad either.

Stellia was made for solid state. End of story. Tubes sound terrible with Stellia, and they simply don't work. Not to mention high sensitivity, meaning the tubes buzz and hum through the Stellia. Don't do it.
Nov 10, 2023 at 5:01 PM Post #4,378 of 4,504
Solid state. 100% - It's very amp friendly, and it surprised me. Even a cheap Topping amp/dac sounds close to a Ferrum stack with Stellia (and only Stellia, lol).

I wouldn't recommend tubes for Stellia. It gets too noisy, and too muddy. That's with my upgraded Cayin HA-6A, which sounds best with Utopia and LCD-5.

Dont use tubes with Stellia.
Thanks for that advice, confirming I am doing great without the "real" tubes :sunglasses:
Nov 10, 2023 at 5:20 PM Post #4,379 of 4,504
Solid state. 100% - It's very amp friendly, and it surprised me. Even a cheap Topping amp/dac sounds close to a Ferrum stack with Stellia (and only Stellia, lol).

I wouldn't recommend tubes for Stellia. It gets too noisy, and too muddy. That's with my upgraded Cayin HA-6A, which sounds best with Utopia and LCD-5.

Dont use tubes with Stellia.
This is a good point about using tubes with Stellia. I wasn’t a fan of the stellia when I owned it, but I only used it on tubes.
Nov 10, 2023 at 5:48 PM Post #4,380 of 4,504
To add - Focal Utopia was built for tubes. It sounds best on a tube amp. LCD-5 works best with tubes, but solid state isn't bad either.

Stellia was made for solid state. End of story. Tubes sound terrible with Stellia, and they simply don't work. Not to mention high sensitivity, meaning the tubes buzz and hum through the Stellia. Don't do it.
I have to agree, though I've never tried my Stellia through a tube amp, I do know what tube amps do to sound from an engineer's standpoint...the resolution and crispness of the Stellia (two of its strongpoints) would be negated by the effects of ANY tube amp, IMHO...

Just my two pennies,

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