Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV
Jan 5, 2021 at 9:32 PM Post #3,061 of 4,563
Night.......thanks for taking the time to record a detailed and thorough review. I am in the exact position as you. I replaced my 10-year old HD800 cans with the HD800s a few weeks ago, and have had the Stellia's for about 10 days for the same reason as you: as a compliment to the HD800s. I have loved that extremely revealing, true-to-the mix HD800 house sound for a long time. I am driving them with a Hugo2Go combo, and a HeadAmp GS-X mini amp, running Roon (with Tidal streaming) exclusively. Currently waiting on Arctic balanced cable to replace the stock Stellia cable. I probably have ~100 hours on the Stellia's, running them constantly 24x7 for burn-in purposes.

The Stellia's put vocals front and center like the HD800s-just the way I like it. Smaller soundstage (compared to the HD800s, what headphone isn't?!), but I really like that, especially for string quartet and small jazz group recordings (HD800s is the only way to go for full blown orchestral recordings). That smaller stage and the closed back design make me feel like I am listening in a small jazz club with no one else in the audience but me. The Stellia's are slightly less fatiguing than the HD800s-they still force your attention to the music but not nearly to the degree of the HD800s. With the Stellia's, I can more or less do other things while listening if I want to. The HD800s-well that's a full time job listening to those (not a complaint at all).

I have never listened to their most mentioned competitor, the Verite Closed, so I can't really compare and say whether the Stellia's justify their stratospheric price or not. I know they provide layering, detail, and plenty of clear low end more so than any other closed cans I have listened to before (including the Sony Z1R's). As you mentioned, they are a sight to behold, and just like my wife, they are not just another pretty face-these phones have serious game. I think the Stellia's are the perfect compliment to the HD800s, and they will be side-by-side on my headphone stands for many years to come.
Jan 7, 2021 at 9:57 PM Post #3,064 of 4,563
Night.......thanks for taking the time to record a detailed and thorough review. I am in the exact position as you. I replaced my 10-year old HD800 cans with the HD800s a few weeks ago, and have had the Stellia's for about 10 days for the same reason as you: as a compliment to the HD800s. I have loved that extremely revealing, true-to-the mix HD800 house sound for a long time. I am driving them with a Hugo2Go combo, and a HeadAmp GS-X mini amp, running Roon (with Tidal streaming) exclusively. Currently waiting on Arctic balanced cable to replace the stock Stellia cable. I probably have ~100 hours on the Stellia's, running them constantly 24x7 for burn-in purposes.

The Stellia's put vocals front and center like the HD800s-just the way I like it. Smaller soundstage (compared to the HD800s, what headphone isn't?!), but I really like that, especially for string quartet and small jazz group recordings (HD800s is the only way to go for full blown orchestral recordings). That smaller stage and the closed back design make me feel like I am listening in a small jazz club with no one else in the audience but me. The Stellia's are slightly less fatiguing than the HD800s-they still force your attention to the music but not nearly to the degree of the HD800s. With the Stellia's, I can more or less do other things while listening if I want to. The HD800s-well that's a full time job listening to those (not a complaint at all).

I have never listened to their most mentioned competitor, the Verite Closed, so I can't really compare and say whether the Stellia's justify their stratospheric price or not. I know they provide layering, detail, and plenty of clear low end more so than any other closed cans I have listened to before (including the Sony Z1R's). As you mentioned, they are a sight to behold, and just like my wife, they are not just another pretty face-these phones have serious game. I think the Stellia's are the perfect compliment to the HD800s, and they will be side-by-side on my headphone stands for many years to come.
I get the same feeling when I listen to George Benson's this Masquerade in MQA a jazz club vibe like being there.
Jan 7, 2021 at 11:40 PM Post #3,065 of 4,563
I get the same feeling when I listen to George Benson's this Masquerade in MQA a jazz club vibe like being there.
Thanks for the tip on this track! This Tidal MQA piece that includes Jorge Dalto and Claus Ogerman is most definitely part of my Roon library now. The added strings and percussion compared to the original recording of this tune through the Stellia's is just as you say, like sitting right in the middle of a jazz club. The instrument separation and crystal clear forward vocals are astounding. that wonderful chime-type percussion riff happening in my upper right ear...floating in space all by itself is so cool. Love Benson's vocals on this 8 minute version of the tune..
The Stellia's are so transparent with selections like this. Something I have just never experienced to this level with a closed-back hp. When I hear selections like this it makes me forget the insane amount of money I paid for these :)

Auditory heaven.....
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Jan 8, 2021 at 12:32 AM Post #3,066 of 4,563
I get the same feeling when I listen to George Benson's this Masquerade in MQA a jazz club vibe like being there.

Thanks for this suggestion, I've added it to my library. I realize not everyone is a fan of MQA but this track and a few others really shine. I'd like to send one your way. It doesn't have the stage setting nor vocals like the Benson track, however, the instrument separation and precision is incredible for something recorded in 1963 and sent to us streaming. Make sure you select the 24bit/192kHz version of Chitlins con Carne from Kenny Burrell's midnight blue. Worth a listen and if it's already familiar you will discover something new with the Stellia. Very thankful to own these cans.
Jan 8, 2021 at 3:29 AM Post #3,067 of 4,563
Try "Deep Within the Corners of my Mind'' track 4 by Melody Gardot from her Live In Europe Album. That sounds pretty sweet on the Stellias.
Jan 8, 2021 at 7:49 AM Post #3,068 of 4,563
I realize not everyone is a fan of MQA
i personally like MQA, there has been only 2 or 3 selections where i prefered the cd copy on Tidal compared to the MQA version
Jan 8, 2021 at 8:44 AM Post #3,069 of 4,563
George Benson's this Masquerade
Chitlins con Carne from Kenny Burrell's midnight blue.
Deep Within the Corners of my Mind' track 4 by Melody Gardot from her Live In Europe Album

Nice, I will try these track suggestions.
Jan 9, 2021 at 6:54 PM Post #3,071 of 4,563
This is nice on the Stellia too!


Love the drums/percussions on this album. So detailed and textured.
Jan 13, 2021 at 10:20 AM Post #3,072 of 4,563
Hey Guys,
This is my first post but have been lurking here for years.
Brand new Stellias on my head as I type this and wanted to share some thoughts.
First off, I really like these so far. Have had a blast re listening to old favorites and exploring new stuff on Tidal. My other (Nice) cans are both Sennheisers, HD6xx and HD800s. Fantastic bit of kit but needed closed back for certain scenarios. It's great to block out ambient noise while not disturbing someone near by "trying to sleep" :sweat_smile:
These are actually my second pair. The ones I got last week had a problem with the yoke and how it connected to the right ear cup. Nothing that effected how they sounded, just noticed it when putting them on / taking them off. Swapped em out and these new ones are perfect in that regard. I can confirm that burn in makes a difference, at least to my ears. An interesting thing I wanted to note is that this replacement came with an (updated?) rubber 4ft cord, similar to the one that comes with the Clear Professional, only in a rich chocolate color to better match the Stellias. I totally prefer this cable!! The longer balanced cable is the exact same as before and not my favorite. Using it now connected to THX789 and it's an obnoxious, tangled, stiff mess. A balanced aftermarket cable is on order from Periapt and looking into getting Heart audio cable as well.


Did anyone else's Stellias come with this cable? Just curious if it's a 1 off or Focal is shipping it this way from now on.

Jan 13, 2021 at 11:16 AM Post #3,073 of 4,563
This is nice on the Stellia too!


Love the drums/percussions on this album. So detailed and textured.

Thanks for the recommendation @Roasty. What a great album!
Jan 13, 2021 at 11:18 AM Post #3,074 of 4,563
This is nice on the Stellia too!


Love the drums/percussions on this album. So detailed and textured.
SACD has incredible detail, such great music
Jan 13, 2021 at 1:36 PM Post #3,075 of 4,563
This is nice on the Stellia too!


Love the drums/percussions on this album. So detailed and textured.
totally agree that from a sonic perspective, this is a great album through the Stellia's. The strings float on air, something I rarely find in a closed back headphone, and as someone mentioned, the percussion is fantastic. The vocals are prominently out front which I like, and she has a good voice. My only problem here is the content. IMO, there are just some things you don't remake because they were perfect the first time: anything by Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, James Brown,........and Led Zeppelin. I just can't get into these arrangements of their songs. But I really do enjoy the sonics through the Stellia's, and I am a sucker for any set that has strings prominently on display. I am listening to it from Tidal via Roon. Thanks for sharing!

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