Focal Elegia - what do you think?
May 24, 2021 at 1:09 PM Post #2,731 of 4,903
Gave these to my GF last week, and they are really good, especially for a closed back for 500 euros (!1&Search=elegia&sft=1&sa=0). I do agree though that the mids/highs are a bit in your face sometimes. I think the pads need some burn (wear) in. I completely agree with some other reviewers that sound better without glasses than with glasses though. The tuning does seem to assume a good seal, which doesn't happen with glasses with the standard pads. Maybe that is the gain of other pads? a seal around glasses?
May 24, 2021 at 2:39 PM Post #2,732 of 4,903
The sale is back on at Adorama. I finally picked up a pair since this is the only semi-affordable pair (<$500) of Focal headphones I've ever seen and I want to hear these super fast dynamics that everyone is mentioning.
May 24, 2021 at 2:59 PM Post #2,733 of 4,903
The tuning does seem to assume a good seal, which doesn't happen with glasses with the standard pads. Maybe that is the gain of other pads? a seal around glasses?
The pads are velour, and cloth pads always leak some bass pressure. That's why many of us switched out the stock pads for the Dekoni sheepskin pads.
May 24, 2021 at 3:12 PM Post #2,734 of 4,903
What's better? Does it still have the same amount of bass as the sheepskin pads?

The sheepskin still sounded a bit like can. That is completely gone. And the bass is not so present. Is more controlled.
And the Stellia pads have a part of textile like the pads from the celestee.


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May 24, 2021 at 3:39 PM Post #2,735 of 4,903
The pads are velour, and cloth pads always leak some bass pressure. That's why many of us switched out the stock pads for the Dekoni sheepskin pads.
Fenestrated or regular sheepskin?
May 28, 2021 at 2:36 PM Post #2,736 of 4,903
Question for people. I tried getting the Meze 2.5mm balanced cable, but no one has it in stock. Does anyone have any other suggestions for $100ish or below 2.5mm balanced cables that work well with the Elegia?
May 28, 2021 at 2:55 PM Post #2,737 of 4,903
May 30, 2021 at 10:26 AM Post #2,738 of 4,903
Just got my pair. I think I agree with a lot of what is said here. Great midrange focus and it can sound excellent with certain material (a quality recording is a must). The sub-bass is definitely there and the higher bass is definitely recessed. One song in particular has a bass note that is much more in the background on these than some other headphones I've used, but I've heard other songs that have a nice sub-bass kick. The highs can seem a little rolled off, though it depends on the track. Soundstage is good for a closed back. They look really nice. As far as comfort goes I would say they are okay. The clamp is a little too tight and the headband could use more padding. The ear pads are good, but not the best I've ever used. I think it's mainly due to the material. I'll have to try them with my PS5 to see how they handle gaming.
May 30, 2021 at 1:34 PM Post #2,739 of 4,903
Im only 80 hours in but enjoying elegias very much. Its what i was looking for to compliment mu zmf ori and he 560 v1. Great detail and imaging, good soundstage and satisfying range. Balanced pulls the mids back a bit and fleshes out the bass a bit. Over time the body of the sound gains strength. Vocals are top notch. I think it scales better than ive heard from others. Each amp ive tried leaves it mark on the sound. Better amp better sound. I ha-6 is my favorite with it but the old LC v1 has a more romantic signature with it. Worst was the LH labs SE. Well, it was better than out of a phone. Almost as thin sounding there.
Jun 1, 2021 at 5:31 AM Post #2,741 of 4,903
These are 3.5 mm though aren't they?
Question for people. I tried getting the Meze 2.5mm balanced cable, but no one has it in stock. Does anyone have any other suggestions for $100ish or below 2.5mm balanced cables that work well with the Elegia?

Headphone termination is 2x 3.5mm and termination to device is 2.5mm balanced (thats how the cable got named by Meze)
@alterndog Meze cable works fine for the Elegia (sold my Meze 99 series blanced cable already), but you can basically use any cable with 2x 3.5mm termination (Denon, Focal, Quad, etc.). I can recommend Hart Audio Cables if you are from the US.
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Jun 1, 2021 at 6:24 AM Post #2,742 of 4,903
Oh shoot, that's right. Thanks for the clarification.

Looking for a 2x3.5 mm cable on 2nd hand websites is a pain for this reason lmao. I just don't know what to search for.

Just looking for a cheapish cable for my clear MG and my girlfriends Elegia.
Jun 1, 2021 at 9:35 AM Post #2,743 of 4,903
Is this the 1st gen T5p or the 2nd gen T5p?

I presumed from the bass quantity that it was 2nd gen. The 1st gen was not that bad and I heard it - the bass was a bit underwhelming and the highs were a bit harsh but not unlistenable. The 2nd gen which I have is something of a masterpiece. I could be happy listening to nothing else but hiphop and rap on the 2nd gens they really have serious bass slam.

Elegia: better mid-range and detail retrieval, a bit more intimate in sound. Bass goes deep for a headphone in its league (definitely not bass lite like most reviewers said). Leaning on the bright side, but totally manageable (I am relatively treble sensitive).

T5p: More balance in sound. Good speed and clarity. Bass is more in quantity, but not sure it's that much better than that in Elegia. Definitely more open-sounding. A very comfortable can to wear, but not as comfortable as Elegia in my opinion.

I own both and am now happy with both. But if it comes to selling, I might let the T5p go in terms of personal preference.
I own the following headphones of the over-the-ear mid-to-HiFi "flavour":

Beyerdynamic T1 2nd Gen
Beyerdynamic T5p 2nd Gen
Sony MDR Z1R
Focal Elegia

For the most part, I second @alexlevn0791 remarks having only minor difference of opinion that in my view falls well within the acceptable variance range of "individual preference and difference in perception" (we're all built physiologicaly different after all in terms of our ears-heads etc).
My auditory system i.e. ears-head-brain (I don't wear glasses and use both with stock pads) gives me the following "view":
T5p v2 has the same detail retrieval capability with the Elegia.
Same holds true for separation and clarity.
Soundstage is very comparable between them and depending on the individual track one slightly edges the other out but they constantly switch places.

In terms of their tuning and the "timbre" they present, my conclusion after many months of listening with both, distilled in as few words as possible is:
T5p v2 is a very VERY good (if not excellent) implementation of a closed-back V-shaped HiFi headphone that further more can be portable and be driven very easily.
Elegia is an equally exciting headphone albeit in a different manner that COMES ACROSS IN COMPARISON as "flatter"/more "neutral" with vocals that are slightly more forward, is a tad more comfortable to wear and is equally easy to drive and transparent in terms of DAC/AMP. In all other aspects I find them equally capable/amazing.

For all of us that at times might find ourselves trapped in the following dilemma (that is also an illusion) "if only headphone X had the Y single characteristic of headphone Z, I would own it and never look back again or search for anything else", here's my humble opinion:

In engineering there is no such thing as "the perfect, bullet proof solution". Engineering, by nature is an exercise in compromise and carefully weighted priorities that result in trade-offs.
Designing, developing and finally mass manufacturing a headphone SYSTEM is an engineering project constrained by numerous limitations therefore requiring many compromises.
That's exactly why there will never be THE ONE headphone for any of us (if we want to be realistic and honest).
The sooner we realise it the quicker we'll be happy with a "collection" of headphones (the size of which is purely dependent on our personal preferences) rather with the hunt/chase of THE ONE.
THE ONE is quite frankly, simply a Unicorn.
I consider each headphone in my collection as a knife designed to cut, spread, chop, slice or peel a different type of food depending on what I feel like eating that day (vegetables, potatoes, fish, meat, fruit, bread etc etc).
All of them delicious in a RECIPE if prepared with the right tools... and the knife is just ONE of the needed tools.

Lastly, I leave this with you to ponder about:

Doesn't listening to music with more than one "very good" to "almost excellent but still slightly flawed" headphone, allow us to enjoy even more their individual character and along with it all the different tracks we love to come back to and will keep discovering for as long as we love to open ourselves to MUSIC?
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Jun 1, 2021 at 12:42 PM Post #2,744 of 4,903
Headphone termination is 2x 3.5mm and termination to device is 2.5mm balanced (thats how the cable got named by Meze)
@alterndog Meze cable works fine for the Elegia (sold my Meze 99 series blanced cable already), but you can basically use any cable with 2x 3.5mm termination (Denon, Focal, Quad, etc.). I can recommend Hart Audio Cables if you are from the US.
Thx I’ll look at Hart. As I mentioned I was hoping for the basic MEZE balanced cable, but no one has it is stock. Do you know anything about their silver balanced cable? That does seem to be in stock?
Jun 1, 2021 at 1:45 PM Post #2,745 of 4,903
Thx I’ll look at Hart. As I mentioned I was hoping for the basic MEZE balanced cable, but no one has it is stock. Do you know anything about their silver balanced cable? That does seem to be in stock?
Only had the basic "99 Series 2.5mm Balanced Upgrade Cable" for some time (used with Klipsch HP3, Quad ERA-1 and also Elegia), had a very good build quality and feel to it. The "99 Series Silver Upgrade Cable" is almost 2.5 times the price of the basic version - that is hard to justify, if you don't appreciate the different look. I doubt there is any audible difference between the two (and both are silver placed OFC anyway). I do use a custom cable made by Sky Audio Cables (UK) with my Elegia.

Side note: I do have the ridiculous expensive Silver Plated PCUHD Upgrade Cable 4-pin XLR that came with my Meze Empyrean bundle....its still factory sealed inside the case and I use a generic Hart Audio Cable with them :)
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