Focal Clear headphones
Dec 5, 2021 at 12:20 PM Post #10,171 of 12,664
I'd be interested to know if anyone has compared the Clears to the ATH-ADX5000?

I've not yet heard the 5000, but from what I've read, these are comparable to the Clears on an apples-to-apples basis for open backs. Slightly more expensive, but supposedly deliver a similar high level of resolution and separation, but with much larger soundstage. Not sure how dynamic the 5000 are, whereas the Clears have fantastic punch.
I have them both in the past, well in the bass presentation especially punchiness, clear is clearly superior, but for the other detail and extention, soundstage, treble, mid and airyness, adx more superior than clear, however in term of dynamic, depends on the song, clear sometimes better in my ear, in the end i sell my clear because i already have elear, i dont want to keep many headphones, elear for me is still inferior than clear but in my ears it's more warmer and less technical than clear which is enough for me, i go with adx to replace my hd800s which has same sound path, adx basically non colder version of hd800/hd800s, it's harder to drive than OG clear as well, need proper source to sound good too, best sounding analytical sound imo, adx also more brighter than clear, if u feel clear need more brightness especialy in upper mid, then adx is the one you should consider.

I used cma400i that time as source, some ppl said adx works better with tube amp which i dont have atm, hate tube because i dont have much desk space to store them, i keep it simple, but with my solid state amp now, adx no slouch either.

They can complement each other if u can afford them both, adx is basically technically superior except in dynamic and bass, adx weakness is its tonality, they're are not for everyone, you really need good source or perhaps "the right source" to make them really sing, its hard to describe in words, i suggest dont blind buy this before listening for yourself.
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Dec 5, 2021 at 12:28 PM Post #10,172 of 12,664
Interesting...what is the relationship between your Clears vs. your Planars with holding your hands up and cupped behind your ears?

I'm still only a few years into this hobby...learning every day.
Open Planar headphones are just as open on the front as they are on the back.
So If you bring a finger or two towards the back of them, the acoustics change, and the sound starts going hollow! like talking into a box, cupping your hands at the back chokes the sound, but completely open, they can have a sound that is like "music in the room and around" , basically a wide , holographic soundstage.
Focal Clears, have stndard drivers, but the back is open, but unlike Planars, they are neither sensitive about Hands nor they have that expansive soundstage comparably.
Now you just wait for "Focal Clear Fan Club" members to bite my head off, for that last comment! :beyersmile:
Dec 5, 2021 at 12:51 PM Post #10,173 of 12,664
Open Planar headphones are just as open on the front as they are on the back.
So If you bring a finger or two towards the back of them, the acoustics change, and the sound starts going hollow! like talking into a box, cupping your hands at the back chokes the sound, but completely open, they can have a sound that is like "music in the room and around" , basically a wide , holographic soundstage.
Focal Clears, have stndard drivers, but the back is open, but unlike Planars, they are neither sensitive about Hands nor they have that expansive soundstage comparably.
Now you just wait for "Focal Clear Fan Club" members to bite my head off, for that last comment! :beyersmile:
Ha! Well I'll leave you here with best wishes as to what our brothern are about to do re: your fingering critiques

I do understand the difference in headphone drivers. I have owned the aforementioned Sundara, as well as the Ananda, and of course the Clear OG (one of my two daily drivers).

I was just curious as to your "hand cupping" experiment between the Clear dynamic / other planar you own

Anyhoo....good luck with what comes next :wink:

(P.S.) --> I've read a few forums that advise against hand cupping over planar drivers.
Dec 5, 2021 at 2:15 PM Post #10,174 of 12,664

Adi-2fs came in yesterday and I have to say the pairing is a match made in heaven! The slight treble roll-off mentioned in my impressions are gone (was likely just the cheap amp stage of my apollo twin x). These headphones are really responsive to what’s in the chain so it can come across like a soft or overly bright headphone without careful attention to choosing the right source. The clears are also really responsive to what’s in the mix itself, so if the song isn’t just right in the treble it can occasionally sound a teeny bit rolled off at times to my ears. But man, oh man, get a good mix playing and the requency response is just PERFECT to me. For example, listening to the fray, I thought the cymbals were a little soft on some tracks, but listen to adele’s I drink wine and you can really hear the quality of the recording. The treble is just right along with everything else. It’s the perfect balance of air and texture for me, both for accuracy in music production and for personal enjoyment. They’re also really recording dependant for soundstage. I noticed it can be quite intimate (in a way I like without being congested), but when called for can expand in different places. It’s interesting to see just how responsive it is. I’ve never heard a headphone “move” the stage so much as this one throughout one song, for example as vocalists adjust the volume of their voice for a loud chorus, or vocal effects for example are suddenly turned on and the vocals magically pop out of your head. The stage can sort of flow forward, backward, and further and closer in width to a very distinguishable degree which really makes the wonderful imaging so noticeable. With a clean dac and amp that isn’t too warm or too cold in the wrong areas these headphones can really sing imo.
Dec 5, 2021 at 6:15 PM Post #10,176 of 12,664
How does the MG clear compares to the original? I have the original and is worth it to upgrade to an MG?
Not money I would pay, for sure.
Dec 5, 2021 at 8:26 PM Post #10,178 of 12,664
I've had my Clear Pros for a little over a year and I have no desire to try the MG model. I'm a happy headphone listener. :)
Stock pads / Dekoni pads?…
Dec 6, 2021 at 11:57 AM Post #10,181 of 12,664
I tried some Dekoni elite velour pads on my Clear OG's after they were recommended by a YouTube reviewer. I liked the increased bass for about two days until I realized it was boomy and out of proportion. Sent them back.

If you swap Clear pads....might want to consider the elite Fenestrated Sheepskin. Personally, I've always found the stock pads top notch, but I believe the sheepskin maintain the overall sound signature w/out bloom.
Dec 6, 2021 at 12:14 PM Post #10,182 of 12,664
If you swap Clear pads....might want to consider the elite Fenestrated Sheepskin. Personally, I've always found the stock pads top notch, but I believe the sheepskin maintain the overall sound signature w/out bloom.
My stock pads are still looking good and I have the extra pads that came with Clear Pros. When I'm ready for new pads I'll definitely go with the sheepskin.
Dec 6, 2021 at 2:18 PM Post #10,183 of 12,664
If you swap Clear pads....might want to consider the elite Fenestrated Sheepskin. Personally, I've always found the stock pads top notch, but I believe the sheepskin maintain the overall sound signature w/out bloom.
Do you mean "without boom"? If so, what advantage, other than price, do these Dekoni pads have over Focal's own replacement pads.
Dec 10, 2021 at 5:42 PM Post #10,184 of 12,664
I just posted a review of the OG Clear on my YT channel:


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