First winter with Zu Mobius - Shocking!
Dec 21, 2004 at 11:39 PM Post #31 of 38

Originally Posted by Anders
Last winter I had occasional problems with static charges on the Zu cable when using it on a place with ungrounded AC. I found that one reason was that I charged it myself when wearing clothes with synthetic materials, especially the sweater. No problems with pure cotton or wool. A little impractical though to dress for the headphone cable! But static charges -> bad sound, so it must be fixed in one way or other.

Dunno. I'm using a chart like the following...
The cable sheathing I'm aware of is made out of polyester (usually they are synthetic and not conductive). So in this case, wool is at the other end of the spectrum...

Dec 21, 2004 at 11:49 PM Post #32 of 38
I had the same problem with my ATH W-100's. I believe they were silk woven.
If I let the cable drag on the floor (like when changing CD's), I'd get a most unpleasant voltage through my ears. It really hurt.
Try zapping the cable with a Milty Zerodust...before use. Stay away from the drivers.

If 2 people are wearing them at the same time, could they become like a Tesla coil?
Dec 22, 2004 at 12:07 AM Post #33 of 38
This reminds me of the Stax phones I had in the 80's. A dry winter + thick carpeting + loud music = LIGHTNING BOLT to the EAR DRUM. At least that's how it felt and it was VERY unpleasant.
Dec 22, 2004 at 1:01 AM Post #36 of 38
Didn't think this would set off such a hullabaloo.
First off, plain ole cotton t-shirt would be my usual attire when I'm finally settled in for some listening. Second I'm probably already charged cause I will get zapped in these conditions when I touch metal, donning headphones or not.
I know some stuff about some stuff but electricity ain't one of em. I use my phones with an RKV amp, isn't the third prong on the power cord for ground?
Dec 22, 2004 at 1:43 AM Post #37 of 38

Originally Posted by WIJGALT
Didn't think this would set off such a hullabaloo.
First off, plain ole cotton t-shirt would be my usual attire when I'm finally settled in for some listening. Second I'm probably already charged cause I will get zapped in these conditions when I touch metal, donning headphones or not.
I know some stuff about some stuff but electricity ain't one of em. I use my phones with an RKV amp, isn't the third prong on the power cord for ground?

If your amp has three prongs, unless you are in an old house that doesn't connect this to earth ground (which is unlikely), then your amp is probably grounded fine. The fact that you are getting zapped kind of indicates that electricity is finding a path to ground somehow...

Dec 22, 2004 at 1:49 AM Post #38 of 38
Whenever you shut your car door in the winter, you get a nasty shock, and this never happens in the summer due to water (humidity) in the air. I usually use my elbows on the window to avoid it. Your tires are rubber and ground the car, but you still get a shock. Static electricity is different than 3rd prong grounding.

Interesting about the fish tank idea, though. I have a 38 gallon tank, and still have problems in the winter with LP's. Perhaps the cover is limiting the evaporation.

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