First Impression: Antique Sound Labs' Twin Head Mark II
Mar 18, 2003 at 8:57 AM Post #76 of 99

I don't want to make general statements, but usually the advantage of tube recification in the power supply is what gives the amp a larger soundstage, and extension in the high frequencies. But, sometimes this can come with a price; somewhat boomy bass. Do you think the TwinHead in any way represents what I am saying above, or does it keep up with good solid-states in the grip, and control department?
Mar 18, 2003 at 9:07 AM Post #77 of 99
[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally posted by CRESCENDOPOWER

I don't want to make general statements, but usually the advantage of tube recification in the power supply is what gives the amp a larger soundstage, and extension in the high frequencies. But, sometimes this can come with a price; somewhat boomy bass. Do you think the TwinHead in any way represents what I am saying above, or does it keep up with good solid-states in the grip, and control department?


Regarding your comment about tube rectification and soundstage: I'm admittedly not expert enough to confirm if this is why the Twin Head Mark II has such wonderful soundstaging, but regardless of why, it might be unparalleled in terms of headstaging (in non-crossfeed listening) in my experience so far. I'll have to take your word for at least part of why this might be.

As far as bass control: it has a firm grip on bass, and it seems to maintain very good control over the rather picky HD-600. It's not boomy at all.

If you can't already tell, I think this love affair's the real thing; but every time I try to hug it, those dang 6L6's burn my arms!
Mar 18, 2003 at 9:33 AM Post #78 of 99

Besides not matching up well with every headphone on the planet, having no crossfeed, and burning yourself when you give it a hug are there any real negative comments you can make? I guess I'm just trying to find an excuse not to buy it.
Mar 18, 2003 at 10:57 AM Post #79 of 99
Hey Jude,

I know how to stop it burning when you hug it. Buy the production version with tube cage just be careful of the wife...

In all seriousness you talked about the umbilical cord a few posts above. Is it hard wired? If so, what's the length etc?

Let me guess, you've ferrited it?
Mar 18, 2003 at 12:48 PM Post #80 of 99
Hi ! How about a full solid stage power supply just simplifier it to

CLC circuit ? May be I can made a power solid stage supply and send it to Jude later. Oh ! Twin Head seperated power not only benifite on noise but also Upgradable or downgradable
, kidding
by change of power supply. Oh ! May be I want to check the configutation on cable is it suitable for MG-Head Mark II. I try to steal money from your pockets.
Mar 18, 2003 at 5:03 PM Post #81 of 99
[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally posted by CRESCENDOPOWER

Besides not matching up well with every headphone on the planet, having no crossfeed, and burning yourself when you give it a hug are there any real negative comments you can make? I guess I'm just trying to find an excuse not to buy it.

[/size]I still haven't had a chance to try it with other low-impedance headphones, so I don't want to say too much yet about whether or not it's specific to the HP-1, or if it's something to do with low-impedance headphones in general. I'll say more about this as I try more headphones with it. The Grado SR-80 will be the next low-impedance headphone I try with it.

So far, in the positive column: Sennheiser HD-600, AKG K-340, Etymotic ER-4S.

In the good-but-not-great column: Grado HP-1.

Actually, it just occurred to me that I haven't yet tried the Sennheiser PX-100, PX-200 or PXC-250 with it, and the first two are 32-ohm.

Negative comments? Well, things that one must seriously consider with the Twin Head Mark II, of course, are price [size=xx-small](~$1900)[/size], size [size=xx-small](especially if you want to put some distance between the amp and power supply)[/size], weight [size=xx-small](I'm not sure how much the pair weighs, but they ain't flyweights)[/size], heat output [size=xx-small](I wouldn't recommend putting them in a closed cabinet)[/size], and power draw [size=xx-small](I believe the pair draws about 150 to 200 watts from your wall outlet)[/size]. Sonically [size=xx-small](other than the lack of crossfeed)[/size], with headphones that pair up nicely with it [size=xx-small](and, in particular, the HD-600, which is downright heavenly with it)[/size], I can't think of any negative sonic comments to make about the Twin Head Mark II. I'm going to be trying some tube rolling with it soon, because if it can get even better....

So far, it has shown itself to be a very impressive, standard-setting amp, and one I'd recommend without hesitation.[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally posted by evilcthul
Hey Jude,

I know how to stop it burning when you hug it. Buy the production version with tube cage just be careful of the wife...

In all seriousness you talked about the umbilical cord a few posts above. Is it hard wired? If so, what's the length etc?

Let me guess, you've ferrited it?

[/size]I generally don't care about how a piece of gear looks, but even I wouldn't dare cover these tubes up with cages! That would have to be considered some sort of aesthetic sacrilege.

The umbilical cords [size=xx-small](plural, as there are two)[/size] are maybe a few feet long [size=xx-small](I haven't measured these yet)[/size]. They are hard wired on the power supply side, but can be detached at the amplifier side, which, as Joe stated, will allow for power supply changes, which could be interesting. And, no, I haven't ferrited the cords yet -- can you believe that? Hadn't even occurred to me, but now that you brought it up....
I will place some ferrites on them later today.[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally posted by Joe Lau
Hi ! How about a full solid stage power supply just simplifier it to

CLC circuit ? May be I can made a power solid stage supply and send it to Jude later. Oh ! Twin Head seperated power not only benifite on noise but also Upgradable or downgradable
, kidding
by change of power supply. Oh ! May be I want to check the configutation on cable is it suitable for MG-Head Mark II. I try to steal money from your pockets.

[/size]I'm not sure what the sonic benefits of a solid state power supply would be [size=xx-small](if any)[/size], but I would be interested in trying it if you decide to make one, Joe. I would guess it would likely be smaller in size [size=xx-small](is this correct?)[/size], which could be one advantage for those who simply can not find the physical space for both the Twin Head Mark II and the PS1.

I want to commend you on the Twin Head Mark II, Joe -- you hit it clear out of the park with this one, man.
Mar 18, 2003 at 10:03 PM Post #83 of 99

I love the fact that the Twin Head Mk II is made to drive dynamic phones plus the AKG K-1000— this could severely simplify my system-building. (Just add a power amp and go. No tape loops, no double sets of speker binding posts for the AKG's, etc.) I have no idea how a pre-amplifier can power the K-1000— they are power hungry little monsters. But putting that aside, have you had the opportunity to audition the Twin Head / AKG K-1000 combo? If so, what say you?
Mar 18, 2003 at 11:58 PM Post #85 of 99

Originally posted by jude
I still haven't had a chance to try it with other low-impedance headphones, so I don't want to say too much yet about whether or not it's specific to the HP-1, or if it's something to do with low-impedance headphones in general. I'll say more about this as I try more headphones with it. The Grado SR-80 will be the next low-impedance headphone I try with it.

So far, in the positive column: Sennheiser HD-600, AKG K-340, Etymotic ER-4S.

In the good-but-not-great column: Grado HP-1.

Actually, it just occurred to me that I haven't yet tried the Sennheiser PX-100, PX-200 or PXC-250 with it, and the first two are 32-ohm.

Negative comments? Well, things that one must seriously consider with the Twin Head Mark II, of course, are price [size=xx-small](~$1900)[/size], size [size=xx-small](especially if you want to put some distance between the amp and power supply)[/size], weight [size=xx-small](I'm not sure how much the pair weighs, but they ain't flyweights)[/size], heat output [size=xx-small](I wouldn't recommend putting them in a closed cabinet)[/size], and power draw [size=xx-small](I believe the pair draws about 150 to 200 watts from your wall outlet)[/size]. Sonically [size=xx-small](other than the lack of crossfeed)[/size], with headphones that pair up nicely with it [size=xx-small](and, in particular, the HD-600, which is downright heavenly with it)[/size], I can't think of any negative sonic comments to make about the Twin Head Mark II. I'm going to be trying some tube rolling with it soon, because if it can get even better....

So far, it has shown itself to be a very impressive, standard-setting amp, and one I'd recommend without hesitation.I generally don't care about how a piece of gear looks, but even I wouldn't dare cover these tubes up with cages! That would have to be considered some sort of aesthetic sacrilege.

The umbilical cords [size=xx-small](plural, as there are two)[/size] are maybe a few feet long [size=xx-small](I haven't measured these yet)[/size]. They are hard wired on the power supply side, but can be detached at the amplifier side, which, as Joe stated, will allow for power supply changes, which could be interesting. And, no, I haven't ferrited the cords yet -- can you believe that? Hadn't even occurred to me, but now that you brought it up....
I will place some ferrites on them later today.I'm not sure what the sonic benefits of a solid state power supply would be [size=xx-small](if any)[/size], but I would be interested in trying it if you decide to make one, Joe. I would guess it would likely be smaller in size [size=xx-small](is this correct?)[/size], which could be one advantage for those who simply can not find the physical space for both the Twin Head Mark II and the PS1.

I want to commend you on the Twin Head Mark II, Joe -- you hit it clear out of the park with this one, man.


At CES Joe did switch the power supply from the MG Head Mark II with the PS1 and the Twinhead really lost some dynamics and impact.It worked well but I think the loss in performance is substantial enough to pass on the solid state power supply.

I was standing right next to Joe when Tash told him to add the tube cages and to eliminate the polished case on the power supply.I stated that I thought both ideas were bad and that lots of listeners do care about looks and the polished cases and exposed tubes are pleasing to the eyes of even non audio buffs.
Mar 18, 2003 at 11:59 PM Post #86 of 99

Originally posted by dave-the-rave

I love the fact that the Twin Head Mk II is made to drive dynamic phones plus the AKG K-1000— this could severely simplify my system-building. (Just add a power amp and go. No tape loops, no double sets of speker binding posts for the AKG's, etc.) I have no idea how a pre-amplifier can power the K-1000— they are power hungry little monsters. But putting that aside, have you had the opportunity to audition the Twin Head / AKG K-1000 combo? If so, what say you?

The Twinhead markII sounded awesome with the K1000 and I think it actually performs best with these phones.
Mar 19, 2003 at 1:37 AM Post #87 of 99

Originally posted by Tuberoller
The Twinhead markII sounded awesome with the K1000 and I think it actually performs best with these phones.


I THINK that I will also have AKG K1000's by the time the Detroit meet rolls around. I'll let you know in the next week.
Mar 23, 2003 at 3:31 AM Post #89 of 99

Can you expand on that? Is it the nature of the AKG K-1000's, or the way the Twin Head II powers them? Is there another amp that would make them "rock" more?

(As I mentioned in an earlier post, the Twin Head II was looking like my all-in-one solution to drive dynamic phones at a high level, drive the AKG K-1000's and serve as the center of a speakered system— just add power amp. If it falls short on the K-1000, another direction might make more sense for me).

Mar 23, 2003 at 4:22 AM Post #90 of 99
AKG1000 need more power but TwinHead is design to drive normal Headphone. It can drive AKG1000 with very good sound on soft music but It is not enough power to drive AKG1000 for ROCK & Roll MUsic !

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