Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions
Jan 28, 2020 at 10:07 PM Post #736 of 7,101
I don’t think anyone has said that the M5 has bad mids.

no no bad mids. definitely never said that. the v-shape makes things sound super exciting because the bass and treble is pushed in your face...but it's done very well.

i put the m5 equally at the top of my list for best iem i've heard:

a18 / m5 / elysium / erlkonig

no bad mids...

No, no you're misunderstanding me. What I meant was, when people read the reviews that state that the M5s are V-shaped, they might misconstrue this as the M5s having bad mids. Do you get me now? The average customer MIGHT think this, not saying that people HAVE said this.
Jan 28, 2020 at 10:15 PM Post #737 of 7,101
Nah, V-shape doesn't mean bad mids - just recessed mids.
However M5 mids are just slightly recessed. I would classify them as a slight V shape, not exactly V shape.
Jan 28, 2020 at 10:24 PM Post #739 of 7,101
No, no you're misunderstanding me. What I meant was, when people read the reviews that state that the M5s are V-shaped, they might misconstrue this as the M5s having bad mids. Do you get me now? The average customer MIGHT think this, not saying that people HAVE said this.

Nah i follow you, that’s why you always demo before you buy :p
Jan 28, 2020 at 10:39 PM Post #740 of 7,101
you should never judge 100% based on what you read.

listen, then judge.

if you're serious, especially about multi-thousand dollar iems, you need to listen to know what you think.
Jan 28, 2020 at 11:19 PM Post #742 of 7,101
Jan 29, 2020 at 12:05 AM Post #743 of 7,101
Yes, Bogdan addressed that in a previous reply :) What is the technology called though?

He said its not an open tia but same driver so lets call it the Tia Closed driver :L3000:

You all talk about V shape and W shaped, guys It looks like M5 is a slightly U shaped ! This should be more proper then, for example I found tia forte very U shaped so Id say more V shape is a good term for fortes
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Jan 29, 2020 at 3:46 AM Post #744 of 7,101
BTW what do you call fir's tubeless tech if 64audio calls theirs Tia?

We haven’t designated an official acronym for our tubeless tech yet. Though Bogdan and I had a codename early in development, Tubeless Harmonic Diffusion.
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Jan 29, 2020 at 4:10 AM Post #745 of 7,101
We haven’t designated an official acronym for our tubeless tech yet. Though Bogdan and I had a codename early in development, Tubeless Harmonic Diffusion.
Perfect name for that magical sound
Jan 29, 2020 at 4:12 AM Post #746 of 7,101
He said its not an open tia but same driver so lets call it the Tia Closed driver :L3000:

You all talk about V shape and W shaped, guys It looks like M5 is a slightly U shaped ! This should be more proper then, for example I found tia forte very U shaped so Id say more V shape is a good term for fortes
Actually, Bogdan mentioned he tuned it like the Fourte. Or at least similarly tuned :)
Jan 29, 2020 at 4:17 AM Post #747 of 7,101
It's what was discussed earlier. The M5 isn't a proper V shape, where the mids are recessed, but the bass and treble are both better in terms of quality than the midrange, to the point where they're both drawing your attention and giving you the perception of a V, as opposed to it actually being a V

Just my 2 cents, but I'm yet to hear any BA driver configuration that can really do a midrange well. They all lack the timbre to really pull of a good midrange, and if they do, it's usually because it's overly thick

Need to start a new cult, DDs for mids
Jan 29, 2020 at 5:24 AM Post #748 of 7,101
It's what was discussed earlier. The M5 isn't a proper V shape, where the mids are recessed, but the bass and treble are both better in terms of quality than the midrange, to the point where they're both drawing your attention and giving you the perception of a V, as opposed to it actually being a V

Just my 2 cents, but I'm yet to hear any BA driver configuration that can really do a midrange well. They all lack the timbre to really pull of a good midrange, and if they do, it's usually because it's overly thick

Need to start a new cult, DDs for mids
Like Lola and Elysium?
Jan 29, 2020 at 5:25 AM Post #749 of 7,101
Like Lola and Elysium?
For example yes. The Lola isn’t my personal favourite, I love the Elysium and the Acoustune 1695TI

The latter has a somewhat more vocal orientation, but the vocal texture is miles ahead of any BA vocal I’m yet to hear
Jan 29, 2020 at 5:31 AM Post #750 of 7,101
Idk, after having tried most mainstream TOTLs, and owned quite a few too, DDs are really the only thing that’s able to do what I need in order to consider it worthy of “personal endgame”

That isn’t to say I don’t enjoy BAs at all, but I just can’t help but feel something is missing every time I listen to a BA midrange

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