Finally taking the ER-4P plunge....
Feb 13, 2007 at 12:14 PM Post #16 of 49
You made a right choice. I got my ER-4P two months ago and never regretted getting them. They are worth every cent spent. It is however important that you get a good seal with the tips. I use Westone Comply tips with them and I have the best seal with them.
Feb 13, 2007 at 1:25 PM Post #17 of 49
congratulations on a purchase of a very good headphone!
i read about 'em here in the forumas, and i read they're a very good iem!
sorry for your wallet, though :p
Feb 13, 2007 at 1:37 PM Post #18 of 49
You will love every aspect fo them. I do suggest buying some Westone Comply tips. They IMO are much better than any tip other than custom. As previously stated, you may not like the sound at first (may sound a bit hollow) because what your used to listening to. These are designed to have a flat response and provide a significant amount of detail. Once you really start hearing the background noises of some songs, you will immediatly start to love them. Here is a link to the complys:
Feb 13, 2007 at 1:43 PM Post #20 of 49
I wanted to ask about the one problem I have heard about: cracking. Should this put me off? Can it happen to anyone, I got the impression it was not the result of abuse but rather a design flaw
Feb 13, 2007 at 2:14 PM Post #21 of 49
love mine, if you have an amp, might want to consider picking up the ER-4p to ER-4S impedence cable...

I use these mainly for traveling on planes, sometimes with an MP3 player(I don't like the cable noise much) home though, these can't compare to my DT880 2006 my ER4p hasn't had much use
Feb 15, 2007 at 6:29 AM Post #23 of 49
yeah, the thing that i heard a long time ago was about the design flaw in the er4's which totally blew me off and so didnt get them. even now, i have no clue if its still there, or if they at least made it better to where it isnt prone to cracking as it "used to."

if they did fix it or whatever, i may as well give them a try

oh, and to go back to the topic, lucky u for taking the plunge
Feb 16, 2007 at 4:51 AM Post #24 of 49
Tracked my package this evening with Amazon and my Etys should be in any day now, maybe even tomorrow. I ordered a 8GB Nano from them and it came in about four days, so I'm hoping I see that amazon box on my porch when I get off work. Let the 3-Day weekend BEGIN!! HOOHAH!!
Feb 16, 2007 at 6:29 AM Post #25 of 49
Hi! I just ordered the ER-4P from amazon today! Tell me how you like yours when you get them.
Feb 17, 2007 at 5:43 AM Post #26 of 49
They're here! The box was waiting by the front door for me when I got home from work this evening! My initial impression: WOW! The triple flanges are awesome. When I put them in they fit extremely well and the isolation is impressive. I have only been listening to these amazing headphones for about an hour now, and already am hearing things in the recordings that I've only heard when listening to my Sennheisers. Again, these are only first impressions, but I'll say this also: this is the only IEM headphone that I need. My other headphones I'll keep around for when I need to listen without much isolation, but for my serious listening, the Ety's ARE IT!!

I've read some comments and questions about wanting Etymotic to come out with a new headphone. In my opinion, they don't need to. These sound amazing and have stood the test of time for one good reason: they sound great and get every ounce of the recording to your ears, and they do it well. If it aint broke, don't fix it, and these babies don't need no fixin'. I'm glad it's a three day weekend, 'cause I'm about to be up for a while rediscovering my recordings. Guess I'm officially an Ety fanboy.
Feb 17, 2007 at 5:41 PM Post #28 of 49
Congrats on your IEMs!
Feb 17, 2007 at 8:10 PM Post #29 of 49
As I stated in my earlier post, I am very impressed with the triple flanges that come with the ER-4P. The isolation is superb, and I find that I don't have to jam them very far in to get great bass. As a matter of fact, the further I try to stick them in my ears, the worse the sound gets. I've not yet tried the foamies that came with them but I will soon just to compare the two. And one thing I noticed right off was that they sounded great right out of the box. No break in needed for these at least not to my ears.
Feb 17, 2007 at 9:31 PM Post #30 of 49
Congrats on the ER4P. They are my choice for portable listening, they sound amazing with my iPod and Supermini amp

I used bi-flange tips for a few months when I had only the Shure E4, I never even considered using the foam tips for some unknown reason, then I tried them after reading a thread here. Now I only use foam tips. They sound smoother, more neutral I guess. They're also much more comfortable to me.

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