Fiio X5 3rd gen || 2x AKM 4490 || Balanced Out || DSD || DXD | DTS | Android || Dual Card Slot
May 25, 2017 at 10:00 PM Post #9,257 of 15,899
If you will connect Sennheiser HD800S to Sansa Clip quite possible you hear ... nothing :) Too big impedance :)
If you are going for good player, you need good headphones. And vice versa.
In HiFi 2Xprice not means 2X better sound. Most of us are crazy paying 2X just for 2% increase of sound quality. :)
I am sure that there is more than 2% increase in the sound quality. :)
May 26, 2017 at 1:54 AM Post #9,258 of 15,899
Hi All

I'm using Fidue A83 IEM's with my X5iii. I've tried the IE800, Fidue Sirius A91 and Shure SE846 with a Questyle QP1R. Can anyone offer their experience on what they would sound like on the warmer X5iii?

I'm also open to other suggestions as well. I live in Jersey, a small island between England and France with no dealers, so have to narrow my choices down by others opinions and website reviews.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Darren. After numerous testing and researching for an end game IEM to pair with my X5iii, I pulled the trigger on the A91. The choice was between the A91 and the CA Andromeda. Since I listen to mostly blues, classic rock and metal, the hybrid A91 simply gave me more slam and immediacy. The CA Andromeda was more detailed and and accurate but I found it rather "slow" with the warmish X5iii-even on the High gain setting. With the A91, I could shuttle between the X5's Low and High Gain settings depending on my mood. Last week I was listening to mostly Dio and Albert King, and I had my gain settings on Low. This week its mostly Megadeth and more Megadeth on High gain. Hope these helps. Good luck.
May 26, 2017 at 3:06 AM Post #9,259 of 15,899
@FiiO When are we getting some more shuffle options like Shuffle by Album as promised before?
Or is this added already and am I missing something?
Dear friend,

You can select a certain song from an album and turn off the play through floders option from settings first.

And then switch the play mode to shuffle in now playing interface to see whether it helps?

Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
May 26, 2017 at 4:15 AM Post #9,260 of 15,899
I am a happy user of the X5iii for now 3 months, but the only section that I am not satisfied with is the function to read file on my NAS using DLNA:
in particular the X5 does not display the album cover and other information from the file (running & total time, type and sampling rate of the file etc.). Do you plan to enhance the DLNA functionality ?

As well, I would like to know if more Themes will be available in the future ?
May 26, 2017 at 4:20 AM Post #9,261 of 15,899
+ 1 on the themes and yes something still needs to be done about the play/pause issue.
May 26, 2017 at 4:45 AM Post #9,263 of 15,899
Dear friend,

You can select a certain song from an album and turn off the play through floders option from settings first.

And then switch the play mode to shuffle in now playing interface to see whether it helps?

Best regards

Seems like it keeps playing tracks of that album in a random order without going to another album.

What I would love to see is to have the following option:
Shuffle By Albums when playing a genre (the albums play in the right trackorder: handy for gapless albums).
Old iPods have that shuffle mode [Album shuffle]. Other shuffle modes like Shuffle By Artists are welcome too.
It's featured in Rocket Player [but that app won't see both SD cards].

Shuffle by albums [as in Rocket Player].jpg
May 26, 2017 at 6:31 AM Post #9,264 of 15,899
At first some reviewers need to stop writing reviews while listening mp3 (officially dead format) files :) For start no need for super expensive equipment - just to change mp3 files at least to flac.

I've read your posts the last couple of weeks - and while I disagree with most of them quite a bit, I've refrained from replying. You've called the X5iii veiled, sounding bad - quite honestly I'm not sure why you've been repeating the same thing over and over. If you don't like it, then I'm surprised you haven't moved onto another thread yet. I don't find it veiled or bad sounding at all - in fact of all the DAPs I've tested so far (including +1K L&P LP5), the X5iii is the most configurable and best sounding DAP I've had the pleasure of testing. The fact that it is only $400 is for me nothing short of incredible. But its OK that we differ.

What I object to is your statement above. I've reviewed a lot of gear - and for most of my portable I use aac256 as a format. Its indistinguishable from lossless in a blind volume matched test on the best gear I have, let alone using it in a portable environment. Its a pity I'm so isolated down in this little corner of the world. I'd love to set up some properly monitored tests for those who make claims like the one you posted. At the very least it might be an eye opener for those making the claims ....
May 26, 2017 at 6:41 AM Post #9,265 of 15,899
I've read your posts the last couple of weeks - and while I disagree with most of them quite a bit, I've refrained from replying. You've called the X5iii veiled, sounding bad - quite honestly I'm not sure why you've been repeating the same thing over and over. If you don't like it, then I'm surprised you haven't moved onto another thread yet. I don't find it veiled or bad sounding at all - in fact of all the DAPs I've tested so far (including +1K L&P LP5), the X5iii is the most configurable and best sounding DAP I've had the pleasure of testing. The fact that it is only $400 is for me nothing short of incredible. But its OK that we differ.

What I object to is your statement above. I've reviewed a lot of gear - and for most of my portable I use aac256 as a format. Its indistinguishable from lossless in a blind volume matched test on the best gear I have, let alone using it in a portable environment. Its a pity I'm so isolated down in this little corner of the world. I'd love to set up some properly monitored tests for those who make claims like the one you posted. At the very least it might be an eye opener for those making the claims ....

In a similar vein, I find Spotify Extreme which I believe is 320Ogg format just as good as Tidal HiFi FLAC for most tracks. Its only if I'm sat pure listening in a quite room that I can really notice the slight improvement of FLAC or DSD music.

For me, once you get to 320kbps and above, the earphones & DAP play a greater role than the music format itself, that's not saying I can't hear the difference between a 320kbps & DSD of same album playing through my Chord Mojo. Difference not as discernible with my Fiio X5III.
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May 26, 2017 at 7:34 AM Post #9,266 of 15,899
I've read your posts the last couple of weeks - and while I disagree with most of them quite a bit, I've refrained from replying. You've called the X5iii veiled, sounding bad - quite honestly I'm not sure why you've been repeating the same thing over and over. If you don't like it, then I'm surprised you haven't moved onto another thread yet. I don't find it veiled or bad sounding at all - in fact of all the DAPs I've tested so far (including +1K L&P LP5), the X5iii is the most configurable and best sounding DAP I've had the pleasure of testing. The fact that it is only $400 is for me nothing short of incredible. But its OK that we differ.

What I object to is your statement above. I've reviewed a lot of gear - and for most of my portable I use aac256 as a format. Its indistinguishable from lossless in a blind volume matched test on the best gear I have, let alone using it in a portable environment. Its a pity I'm so isolated down in this little corner of the world. I'd love to set up some properly monitored tests for those who make claims like the one you posted. At the very least it might be an eye opener for those making the claims ....

Dear Brooko,

With all respect, but I can't agree with you. The most precious device I have - my ears. Pity, they are not certified and never will be reviewed :) Some experience in sound engineering, DJ and HiFi trained my perception of sound. If you can't discern lossy from lossless .... How to say it polite? Well... How then you can discern sound from good player or bad? Only with good recordings you are able to judge in real capabilities of equipment - at this point everything starts. By my opinion nowadays most of portable gear sound it is tuned for lossy files to sound them more or less good.
Why I still on this thread? I believe that FiiO it is listening and FiiO X5 III have potential to sound better. My ears are in use for custom tuning we do here.
Hope, some positive critic will be good for all.
Yes, I am critical. And will be :)
Peace and music. Let's enjoy. And seek for best - great gear for fair price.
May 26, 2017 at 7:40 AM Post #9,267 of 15,899
In a similar vein, I find Spotify Extreme which I believe is 320Ogg format just as good as Tidal HiFi FLAC for most tracks. Its only if I'm sat pure listening in a quite room that I can really notice the slight improvement of FLAC or DSD music.

Dear psikey,

For me, once you get to 320kbps and above, the earphones & DAP play a greater role than the music format itself, that's not saying I can't hear the difference between a 320kbps & DSD of same album playing through my Chord Mojo. Difference not as discernible with my Fiio X5III.

Good quality recording need good gear and ears. Thanks for confirming that "Difference not as discernible with my Fiio X5III" - it MUST be, because hardware it is capable to reproduce in the way you will hear difference (as you do with Chord). You confirm my opinion that sound on FiiO XIII still it is tuned for average listener of mp3 files.
May 26, 2017 at 8:19 AM Post #9,268 of 15,899
Good quality recording need good gear and ears. Thanks for confirming that "Difference not as discernible with my Fiio X5III" - it MUST be, because hardware it is capable to reproduce in the way you will hear difference (as you do with Chord). You confirm my opinion that sound on FiiO XIII still it is tuned for average listener of mp3 files.

I can't deny DSD sounds better on Mojo then X5III. More "Alive" like your in the room and greater purity/space/separation. I still find the X5III more enjoyable than the Sony ZX2 I had and as a single device more useable than linking Mojo with a smartphone, and in its price bracket nothing to touch it if you want large storage and Spotify support.
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May 26, 2017 at 8:53 AM Post #9,269 of 15,899
I guarantee the DSD will be a different master psikey - thats the difference you hear. Also DSD converted to PCM is often slightly different volume level (I've done those tests too).

And Mr Petka - I love the inference that if I can't tell the difference I must be hearing impaired. I'll look you up next time I get to Europe. Lets set up that blind test. Like I said earlier - take the other senses away, volume match - I think the differences will be less obvious. We've run informal tests with people in early 20's with perfect hearing - one of them was on a Stax 007 rig. Unsurprisingly he couldn't tell the difference either. In the meantime, I'll agree to disagree - and you can carry on thinking I'm deaf (or at least impaired). It can't be my gear - the HD800 I can assure you is very revealing (so was the T1). I suggest you ignore my reviews.
May 26, 2017 at 9:24 AM Post #9,270 of 15,899
I guarantee the DSD will be a different master psikey - thats the difference you hear. Also DSD converted to PCM is often slightly different volume level (I've done those tests too).

And Mr Petka - I love the inference that if I can't tell the difference I must be hearing impaired. I'll look you up next time I get to Europe. Lets set up that blind test. Like I said earlier - take the other senses away, volume match - I think the differences will be less obvious. We've run informal tests with people in early 20's with perfect hearing - one of them was on a Stax 007 rig. Unsurprisingly he couldn't tell the difference either. In the meantime, I'll agree to disagree - and you can carry on thinking I'm deaf (or at least impaired). It can't be my gear - the HD800 I can assure you is very revealing (so was the T1). I suggest you ignore my reviews.

Welcome to Lithuania! Here we have Eargasm headphones fans club (about 250 members) and you will be warmly welcomed.
I do not question your hearing abilities, Brooko. I own several Staxes and few good headphones/amplifiers too. Problem is that most of people are listening lossy formats and manufacturers well know it. By my opinion most of players are tuned to output lossy formats to sound them pleasant. You stated previously, that you are listening mostly 256 formats on portable gear. Why?
What it is good for lossy, bad for HR. I want to listen my HR files on the go. And I want more people to hear music not pixelised, but organic and alive.
Ignore your reviews - no way :) I like your stile. You are sweet. I am salty. But there is no place for anger - we have main thing in common - music. We can argue, disagree, but afterwards we can go to enjoy music. Coffee/tee. Maybe beer. O cigar :)
P.S. I don't like HD800. Too clinical for me :) Even Stax 007 can't beat old Lambdas. But that's my ears :)

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