Fiio X5 3rd gen || 2x AKM 4490 || Balanced Out || DSD || DXD | DTS | Android || Dual Card Slot
Mar 29, 2017 at 9:36 PM Post #6,361 of 15,899
This is the sort of post I really don't understand.  The Mods moderate on the posts according to the rules.  I happen to like the X5ii - in fact of all the DAPs I've ever tried, it would be second in SQ behind the LP5 Gold, but first in terms of features offered, and miles ahead of anything I've ever tried in terms of value for money.  Yes - for me it is that good.  But I would never stop people from having a valid opinion voiced.
What gets my goat is the amount of "noise" on this thread.  There is the occasional user (and I say this compared to the actual amount of owners!) who has posted with an issue which pertains to them, and maybe some others.  Someone will have an issue with crashes - so one or two jump in and the cry becomes "the UI is buggy and incomplete - we're being used as beta testers".  Yet we don't know if those one or two are because of their cards, or their files, or a myriad of other things they may be trying to do which may not be the norm.  I can only quote myself and Chris (HBB) - haven't had a crash yet for the last 4-5 software updates.  It's pretty much flawless.
The issue is people who have not held the product, used the product, heard the product - making noise in the thread, and perpetuating claims that their are serious issues with it.  That is the ongoing noise.  And its frustrating - because its drowning out the reality.
My reviewing career is coming to an end because of my work load.  I will buy this from FiiO, and I'm quite happy to return all their other DAPs once I pull the pin.  But this is the one.  My end-game.


Hearing that from you means quite a lot actually given the large amount of DAPs and other equipment that you own and heard 

I never thought the user base to be beta testers and as far as I am concerned, the unit was flawless in its operation 

Also, I agree about the noise. We should calm down and just enjoy what we have, what we're offered and be happy!  
Mar 29, 2017 at 9:37 PM Post #6,362 of 15,899
Paper clip straightened and bent. I am embarrassed to say it, but I completely ignored the included tool...had no clue why it was there. The only thing I have used is a formed paper clip. Straight for maybe 1/2 inch  (~14 cm) then 90 degree angle to allow some pressure to be applied

​The SD card is in the FIIO without the tray, he isn't talking about a normal card ejection problem. He needs to strong pointed picks, needles, nails etc. to get under the edge of the card and pry up.
Alternatively if you had really steady hands and aim, a bit of super glue on the end of a paper clip or other object could attach to the top of the card and after it set you could pull. When I did mine I didn't have super glue so I picked.
Mar 29, 2017 at 9:37 PM Post #6,363 of 15,899
can you help me please ?
Hi Fiio,
first congratulation, Great Job!
In Folder View, when i use the RH slider to select one letter, the display change to it.
it works only with folders and .mp3 files.
with .ogg or .wav files the display not show the selected letter.
Sorry for my english, its not my native language.

Dear JRH1,
Do you mean that this alphabetical list would disappear in ogg or wav folders? 
You can click the 3 dots botton and switch to this option to see whether it helps?
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 9:45 PM Post #6,364 of 15,899
Agreed.  We should probably stop venting now.  The mods might not like it.



My reviewing career is coming to an end because of my work load.  I will buy this from FiiO, and I'm quite happy to return all their other DAPs once I pull the pin.  But this is the one.  My end-game.

I'm going to miss your reviews. Please try and squeeze in some if possible. I am a very satisfied X5 III user too. Count me in but dare I say this is my end game :)
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:23 PM Post #6,365 of 15,899
​The SD card is in the FIIO without the tray, he isn't talking about a normal card ejection problem. He needs to strong pointed picks, needles, nails etc. to get under the edge of the card and pry up.
Alternatively if you had really steady hands and aim, a bit of super glue on the end of a paper clip or other object could attach to the top of the card and after it set you could pull. When I did mine I didn't have super glue so I picked.

Yes, true.  And I don't have steady hands at all.  I may try the super glue and paper clip or nail or something.  Also, a buddy has some jeweler's tools he is bringing in to work tomorrow.  Man, I know I made a mistake, but this seems rather foreseeable (especially for us prior Fiio users) and a pretty messed up design.  Even when using the slot properly, having to eject it with a tiny pin seems silly for a $400 machine.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:37 PM Post #6,366 of 15,899
  dear @FiiO
I have a Bug to report: Im on the Artist View (all my music is on a SD) Two diferent artist have an album named the same "greatest hits", and if im playing something from this "artist1-greatest hits" and want to change the song to something from "artist2-greatest hits", it keeps playing and changing from the first "album1-greatest hits". it only corrects if i choose to play something else and retry to play what i wanted to
It only happen when the albums are named the same.
Also, if i have the screen lock settings on NONE, and play some music, it keeps locking and have to swipe the screen >=(
The first bug is quite anoying, but please try to made the changes on the next firmware please

Dear Marco Angel,
I have a Bug to report: Im on the Artist View (all my music is on a SD) Two diferent artist have an album named the same "greatest hits", and if im playing something from this "artist1-greatest hits" and want to change the song to something from "artist2-greatest hits", it keeps playing and changing from the first "album1-greatest hits". it only corrects if i choose to play something else and retry to play what i wanted to
--If the artists is different, even though they have songs in same albums, the songs by other artist may not be displayed in the same album of current artist in artists category. Do you mean that you want something like this?
If you want to play the album including different artists, you can go to album category and play this certain album to see whether it helps?
Also, if i have the screen lock settings on NONE, and play some music, it keeps locking and have to swipe the screen >=(
Do you want that the screen would never lock?
You can go to settings(Andriod mode)--Display--Sleep--Never to see whether it helps?
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:40 PM Post #6,367 of 15,899
Hi @FiiO ,
I greatly appreciate the feedback, not just to me, but to all the Head-fiers that you've replied too, really excellent customer service. 
Since my post I've updated to 1.1.4
1. Most of my songs are AIFF, WAVE some Flac and DSD. The issue is less prominent since upgrading, occasionally a 1-3 second delay. 
2/3 A member pointed that out to me, but thank you for the information.
4. I experience the click with my other dacs so its not really a huge issue, was just curious if you had a solution and if it was normal to the X5 player.
5. Since the firmware update there seems to be less heating (this may be subjective).
An additional question and perhaps something to add to the next update - Is there a way to add songs to a cue/play next? I haven't been able to find this function. Maybe you can add that option in when swiping right on track or long press. It would be great to be able to add songs to a cue without having to make a playlist. 
Many thanks,

Dear Krisna,
Thank you for the feedback. We will report to our enginneers about the issue and suggestion.
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:42 PM Post #6,368 of 15,899
Yes, true.  And I don't have steady hands at all.  I may try the super glue and paper clip or nail or something.  Also, a buddy has some jeweler's tools he is bringing in to work tomorrow.  Man, I know I made a mistake, but this seems rather foreseeable (especially for us prior Fiio users) and a pretty messed up design.  Even when using the slot properly, having to eject it with a tiny pin seems silly for a $400 machine.

Really now? So a 1000$ iphone and having to eject the sim with a tiny pin is silly? :wink:

I honestly don't think a tray design is silly, it's actually quite classy and seamless. Tray inserts have existed for a while and work great.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:42 PM Post #6,369 of 15,899
Trying to figure out: when in an artist's folder, is there anyway to configure the individual albums to display by year of release, instead of alphabetically?

Dear uncle b,
We will report to our engineers about that and consider about this.
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:45 PM Post #6,370 of 15,899
  @James / @Fiio, Could you tell me how many official Fiio dealers are in Mexico? Do you cover 1 year warranty for these distributors? Thanks.

Dear Basstio,
Here is the seller in Mexico. And yes, it covers the 1-year warranty.

Audiofilia Mexico

Address:Marcelino Dávalos No. 83 1er Piso local 8 (Audiofilia)

Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 10:58 PM Post #6,371 of 15,899
Really now? So a 1000$ iphone and having to eject the sim with a tiny pin is silly?

I honestly don't think a tray design is silly, it's actually quite classy and seamless. Tray inserts have existed for a while and work great.

​Actually the design on the X3ii where you push the card in and push to release it is far better. All it needs is a cover to keep dust out. The tray is flimsy at best.
Mar 29, 2017 at 11:02 PM Post #6,372 of 15,899
​Actually the design on the X3ii where you push the card in and push to release it is far better. All it needs is a cover to keep dust out. The tray is flimsy at best.

You're entitled to your opinion. I personally hate the clipping sockets on older models. It looks cheap, it's hard to unclip to me and as you said, needs a cover.
Mar 29, 2017 at 11:04 PM Post #6,373 of 15,899
  Riley said:
"Fiio should have done more lengthy and thorough and proper testing before releasing this product"
Couldn't have put it better myself. We the customers are doing their beta testing for them. I'm sure everyone expects there to be some "Snagging" of the firmware, but not to the extent of the X7 and the X5iii. The X1ii is supposed to have problems. I'm not following that thread myself, just what I gather from FiiO's own forum.
Like I've said before, it makes me sad because I love FiiO and their excellent value DAPS, but they let themselves down with their firmware. If we can spot the bugs, why can't they?

Dear Darren Cotter,
Thank you for the support to us. 
We did have a testers group in China and also some testers abroad.
However, due to different using habits and that some of the problems may only happen in rare conditions, we could not detect all the problems during our tests. But we're working on to improve this situation now. 
One of the benefits of Android system is that we could keep adding new functions by firmware update. Therefore, the smart phones or other smart devices could be upgraded continuously during their product cycles and get more and more playability with each update.
Besides, in the light of customer-oriented principle and to improve user experience, we also added some functions mentioned by our users which we didn't plan to add before. 
Your kind understanding would be highly appreciated.
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 29, 2017 at 11:11 PM Post #6,375 of 15,899
  first off, after upgrading to the most recent firmware I am loving this thing. I use it as a stand alone portable, line out to a schiit Asguard head phone amp, car stereo, and a Yamaha receiver.  I use a FiiO Multifunction Dock (DK1)
The one problem i have found that i have not seen mentioned is when using the DK1 it works perfectly when first plugged in. When paused for a few minutes and then I return to play the volume is muted half strength, the unit has to be uplugged from the stand and plugged back in for normal line out power. This happens to both my DK1's. This is in pure music mode.
anybody else notice this? not a big deal but not perfect.
Edit: this dock (DK1) works fine with my X1 and X3ii

Dear spanner43,
Thank you for the feedback. We have contacted our engineers about that. We will fix it in next firmware. Sorry for bringing inconvenience to you.
Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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