[FiiO Q5s Type C ‖ Q5s] Bluetooth DSD-capable Amplifier,AK4493x2,768k/32bit
Jul 26, 2019 at 10:34 AM Post #439 of 3,243
@FiiO, is a leather case for the Q5S in the works or is the LC-Q5 compatible with the Q5S?

.. thanks for the giveaway btw!
I would suspect the same case should work on the Q5s, as the design is nearly identical.
Jul 26, 2019 at 10:40 AM Post #440 of 3,243
BTW, my Aliexpress order just shipped this morning and I ordered on the 24th, for what is worth. Hopefully next week will be here. I asked the support guy on Aliexpress (Chris Lee if I remember correctly) and he said that the declared value on the parcel is going to be 50 USD if this is of your concern regarding customs. I was also going to wait for Amazon USA, but they are probably going to get it latter on August on even in September and since I am on Mexico I will still pay customs, plus shipping and the full MSRP. So at 346 USD shipping included was a no brainer for me.
Jul 26, 2019 at 11:08 AM Post #443 of 3,243
Jul 26, 2019 at 11:08 AM Post #444 of 3,243
I pre-ordered the Q5S along with the AM3D from Audio46. Hoping they ship soon, too! :)
Jul 26, 2019 at 11:21 AM Post #446 of 3,243
So this device + AM3D is $550. That's pretty expensive. Talk about a money grab, at least give some customers the option to buy the amp native with the AM3B THX module.

Why in the world would anyone want the AM3E?
Because that's how FiiO works. They want all your money and it's sad really because they could give there customers the choice but choose not to because it's all about there bottom line not ours.
Jul 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM Post #447 of 3,243
Because that's how FiiO works. They want all your money and it's sad really because they could give there customers the choice but choose not to because it's all about there bottom line not ours.

Fiio, Ibasso and others do this and have done it for several years. At least you know it up front so you can make you choice.

Not defending Fiio, but of course they do it for the money, they are a company not a charity.
Jul 26, 2019 at 12:41 PM Post #448 of 3,243
Has anyone owned both the original Q5 and the Chord Mojo at the same time? If so, how would you compare them. I've been looking at the Q5s for quite a while at this point and am unsure if I want to lay down the money for the AM3D and the Q5s. I mean at the overall price of this package I could almost get the ifi Micro idsd BL. Which brings me to my other question of if the Q5s (with the AM3d amp) is of better value than the idsd BL. Obviously since no one has received theirs yet we can't have a great comparison, but making the assumption that it will sound at the level of the M11 (which I haven't had the chance of trying sadly) would you think that the Q5s is a good investment if you already own the Mojo or if you have the funds to fork over for the idsd BL. Thanks all!
Jul 26, 2019 at 12:52 PM Post #449 of 3,243
Fiio, Ibasso and others do this and have done it for several years. At least you know it up front so you can make you choice.

Not defending Fiio, but of course they do it for the money, they are a company not a charity.
Actually FiiO use to let you buy the X7 without the amp. I didn't say they were a charity but they could allow us to choose which amp we want paired with the Q5s and charge accordingly. Instead they pair it with an amp many may not want.
Jul 26, 2019 at 12:52 PM Post #450 of 3,243
Because that's how FiiO works. They want all your money and it's sad really because they could give there customers the choice but choose not to because it's all about there bottom line not ours.
That is how capitalism works, the system that likely is responsible for your financial well-being and everybody you know. Why would FiiO a for profit company that operates within a capitalistic system (China is fully embedded within global capitalism) not be looking after their bottom line? I don't think the combined price is absorbent at all. For that $550 people get a very well designed, battery or USB powered device, dual DAC/dual amp design with killer Bluetooth, two amp modules able to drive 3.5 single ended, 2.5 and 4.4 balanced. Plus, the amp modules can be changed for added future flexibility. All of this is portable and the device can act as a stand-alone DAC. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

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