Fiio FT5
Apr 10, 2024 at 1:08 PM Post #346 of 403
I like the FT5's, but I do wonder about their long term viability. They don't come close to my HE6se V2's or my newly acquired Arya's in a planar kind of way.

They have a Very different sound signature and are super easy to drive. To me, the closest comparison are the iBasso SR2's. I find these two similar, but the SR2's bring out the mids more.

I have to do a lot more HE6se V2's VS Arya's and FT5's VS iBasso SR2's.
Nice problems to have though. :L3000:
Apr 15, 2024 at 11:46 PM Post #347 of 403
Hey all, would the Fiio M15 run these bad boys well? I’m happy with how it runs me HD800s’s as a point of reference
Apr 16, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #351 of 403

I hadn't seen that. Long, but fun, as usual.
I just put mine back on today. Right now I am bouncing through an INXS playlist. :thumbsup: :L3000:
Apr 19, 2024 at 1:42 PM Post #352 of 403
I'm wondering if this would be the upgrade I was looking for.
Right now I own DT900 pro x and FIIO Q3 mqa, the sound signature is not bad apart from the treble which I EQd, but I miss some extra texture, rumble and impact from the bass.
This seem to have a throughout warm sound which i also don't want but I can EQ them around 180hz - 500hz like someone suggested here.

What I really wanted to understand is, can they rumble and have impact without having to crank the volume up like my DT900 pro x?

I also I'm considering the models (budget around 500$):
Sony MDR MV1
HD 490 PRO
Edition XS (probably won't because of comfort and build)

Would appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback on them and/or even your opinion on the options 🙏
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May 10, 2024 at 12:01 PM Post #353 of 403
well I am loving the FT5 and I imagine it is hard to beat for the price. Been a bass player all my life and can say that hearing Dave Holland's bass on the Joni Letters was a revelation. I have had in the past high end Beyer's, sony's and AKG's and still have DT770's. Also have done a fair amount of studio recording. Now I have become a sort of mid-fi guy, not willing to spend 4-5 k on any component. So I am sure there a better ones out there but these do it for me.

I am trying them now with a A&K SE300. very fluid and musical sound. So am very happy with the combination.
May 11, 2024 at 6:08 AM Post #354 of 403
I love mine too, using it with the unfamous suede pads. I tried and know that the leather pads a little bit crisper in the upper mid section and has more punch in the midbass section, but the suede is more balanced, more cohesive, more like a HD6xxx line sounding. Plus, i just like much more the breathable texture of the suede in contrast to the warm, sweaty leather. Comfort comes first i could say. So yeah it a very balanced stuff, with one of a kind accessories and build quality in its price bracket or above. (really just show me any headphone under 2K $ where u get this good cable out of the box with versatile hot-swappable connection options and premium carrying case)
May 11, 2024 at 7:02 AM Post #356 of 403
I'm also thoroughly enjoying my unit, and even more so after I have discovered crossfeed! It's absolutely fantastic, music has never sounded this great!
May 11, 2024 at 7:20 AM Post #357 of 403
I love mine too, using it with the unfamous suede pads. I tried and know that the leather pads a little bit crisper in the upper mid section and has more punch in the midbass section, but the suede is more balanced, more cohesive, more like a HD6xxx line sounding. Plus, i just like much more the breathable texture of the suede in contrast to the warm, sweaty leather. Comfort comes first i could say. So yeah it a very balanced stuff, with one of a kind accessories and build quality in its price bracket or above. (really just show me any headphone under 2K $ where u get this good cable out of the box with versatile hot-swappable connection options and premium carrying case)
I eventually ended up buying the FT5, but also already returned them because the metal headband was more curved in one of the sides, it had some minor scratches, and the pre-installed pads were the leather ones instead of the suede what I also find weird.

Sound quality vs the DT900 pro:
First they are more open, they let more sound in and out, I feel like the DT900 is more like a semi-open then an open HP.

They sounded more detailed and have better quality/resolution, better bass with less distortion when EQd when comparing to DT900, I felt like the DT900 was kinda muffled sounding in comparison (maybe due the thick foam on each driver ?)

Less treble harshness for my ears but good detailed.

Even after saying that I still preferred the DT900 pro x in some tracks.

I also much prefer the FT5 in terms of comfort the ear pressure on the DT900 cause me some discomfort sometimes.

It didn’t wow me but nevertheless, I would say that the FT5 are a step above the DT900 in sound quality but the improvement is not proporcional to increased price.

Take this with a grain of salt, and take also into account that I used the Fiio Q3 to drive this, I read that the FT5 would scale with a better amp/dac (can’t confirm)
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May 11, 2024 at 7:24 AM Post #358 of 403
If I had one wish, it would be:
The spring steel headband is a bit very angular.
It would be very nice if the sharp edges could be sanded, just like the base of my Silvercrest headphone stand

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May 11, 2024 at 12:05 PM Post #359 of 403
I love mine too, using it with the unfamous suede pads. I tried and know that the leather pads a little bit crisper in the upper mid section and has more punch in the midbass section, but the suede is more balanced, more cohesive, more like a HD6xxx line sounding. Plus, i just like much more the breathable texture of the suede in contrast to the warm, sweaty leather. Comfort comes first i could say. So yeah it a very balanced stuff, with one of a kind accessories and build quality in its price bracket or above. (really just show me any headphone under 2K $ where u get this good cable out of the box with versatile hot-swappable connection options and premium carrying case)
I also prefer the suede, definitely more comfortable and I found the bass to be more defined. I do listen to a lot of jazz and classical.
May 12, 2024 at 8:46 AM Post #360 of 403
I eventually ended up buying the FT5, but also already returned them because the metal headband was more curved in one of the sides, it had some minor scratches, and the pre-installed pads were the leather ones instead of the suede what I also find weird.
THIS! I had the same problem with my first unit, as u said a little curved headband + default pads were the pleather ones not the suede. After i got an exchange from the local shop, the second one doesnt have these problems.

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