[FiiO FD7/FDX] 12mm dynamic driver with its diaphragm using pure beryllium, with an outer-magnet field, up to 1.5 Tesla magnetic flux.
Oct 17, 2021 at 2:23 AM Post #496 of 1,603
I found the perfect nozzle/tip combo for my taste. It shows more details, much bigger stage and more holographic imaging. Treble nozzle + large flipped inside out KZ Starline tips (they are horn shaped then). Absolutely perfect for my taste! It sounds so incedibly realistic. :)
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Oct 17, 2021 at 11:28 AM Post #498 of 1,603
I'm using mine with balanced nozzle and Azla Xelastics tips. Perfect. These are so wonderful- amazing detail, soundstage. The sense of size of stage is best of everything I own or have heard, that subtle echo that is lost to almost all sets. Plus they fit so well, nice and small and wire is so manageable and supple... happy camper.
Oct 17, 2021 at 1:01 PM Post #499 of 1,603
I'm using mine with balanced nozzle and Azla Xelastics tips. Perfect. These are so wonderful- amazing detail, soundstage. The sense of size of stage is best of everything I own or have heard, that subtle echo that is lost to almost all sets. Plus they fit so well, nice and small and wire is so manageable and supple... happy camper.
How do you compare the Mest mk2 with the FD7?
Oct 17, 2021 at 1:15 PM Post #500 of 1,603
After over a week of steady listening and breaking in, the FD7 has pretty much settled into its sound. If it changes any more in the future I'm not sure I'll be able to hear the difference. But anyways, my quibbles are few (mostly having to do with where the bass emphasis lies). Mostly I flippin love the sound. Best tuned beryllium 1DD I've ever had the pleasure of hearing, really manages to control that mid-bass bloom allowing the sub-bass to come though and not clogging up the lower mids. The FD7 sounds great with my 3rd party iPhone dongle DAC but scales shockingly well with my desktop setup. I think the interesting note about the sound is that it's very detailed and dynamic but not very fatiguing from an air mass motion perspective. It seems like the venting and pressure control worked. It may not have that leading edge slam that you get from other high end dynamic full-size headphones like Focal, but it won't make your ears get tired from that constant pummeling either. The FD7 is still friendly to "speedy" genres like metal. I'd be very curious to match this against something like the Timeless, unfair or not.
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Oct 17, 2021 at 1:43 PM Post #501 of 1,603
I found the perfect nozzle/tip combo for my taste. It shows more details, much bigger stage and more holographic imaging. Treble nozzle + large flipped inside out KZ Starline tips (they are horn shaped then). Absolutely perfect for my taste! It sounds so incedibly realistic. :)
How do you insert/wear the starline tips when they are flipped inside out? Do you have a pic?

I'm using mine with balanced nozzle and Azla Xelastics tips. Perfect. These are so wonderful- amazing detail, soundstage. The sense of size of stage is best of everything I own or have heard, that subtle echo that is lost to almost all sets. Plus they fit so well, nice and small and wire is so manageable and supple... happy camper.
These are probably the best fitting and comfortable IEMs I own. Shell, tip, and design is great. Fit perfectly out of the box and super comfy. The curved MMCX connectors really help hold them in place too.
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Oct 17, 2021 at 2:31 PM Post #502 of 1,603
How do you insert/wear the starline tips when they are flipped inside out? Do you have a pic?

These are probably the best fitting and comfortable IEMs I own. Shell, tip, and design is great. Fit perfectly out of the box and super comfy. The curved MMCX connectors really help hold them in place too.

You have to push the stem into itself and fold down the tip-lips (i don't know what these calls like).

This tips are now a fusion of the spinfit and a horn shaped tip. Very nice pairing with the large nozzle.


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Oct 18, 2021 at 2:41 PM Post #506 of 1,603
Can't give a comparison but as a new owner of IE900's I'm blown away by their versatility if nothing else. They represent every genre I've thrown at them with skill and enthusiasm. I think Sennheiser have acheived perfect tuning for achieving a balance between emotional engagement and detail/reference presentation.

I'm a sucker for the Fiio FA1's mind you. 🤫
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Oct 19, 2021 at 11:54 PM Post #507 of 1,603

Out of the box impressions:
The FD7's reproduction of believable instrumental timbre for the violin, cello, double bass, flute, trumpet, oboe, piano, and timpani really helps the illusion of live symphonic music along, as does the way the FD7 portray the time elements of music like tempo, melody, and rhythm. Vocals are wonderful and powerfully emotive. Driver seems to have lightening fast transient response with a very low distortion, as FD7 can play at very loud levels without my ears shutting down. The Bass response is very well controlled which gives me the visceral and musical experience.
tldr: Absolute coherent sound, all frequency range evenly balanced, detailed and tonally near neutral for my taste but not fatiguing.

As I put the FD7 in my burn in station, I am thinking "Where the heck do I go from here?"
Well.. nowhere. I think I am finally done searching for a single DD that I can live with and love for the long haul.
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Oct 20, 2021 at 7:25 PM Post #508 of 1,603

Out of the box impressions:
The FD7's reproduction of believable instrumental timbre for the violin, cello, double bass, flute, trumpet, oboe, piano, and timpani really helps the illusion of live symphonic music along, as does the way the FD7 portray the time elements of music like tempo, melody, and rhythm. Vocals are wonderful and powerfully emotive. Driver seems to have very low distortion, as FD7 can play at very loud levels without my ears shutting down. The Bass response is very well controlled which gives me the visceral and musical experience.
tldr: Absolute coherent sound, all frequency range evenly balanced, detailed and tonally near neutral for my taste but not fatiguing.

As I put the FD7 in my burn in station, I am thinking "Where the heck do I go from here?"
Well.. nowhere. I think I am finally done searching for a single DD that I can live with and love for the long haul.
Thank you for your impressions. I really respect your opinion as you love classical music so much, as do I. I don't venture into that price range for something that won't be a "partner" for many years. You, and the other posters, with their impressions might be tipping me over the edge... But I need a Fender Jazz bass!
Oct 20, 2021 at 10:28 PM Post #509 of 1,603

Out of the box impressions:
The FD7's reproduction of believable instrumental timbre for the violin, cello, double bass, flute, trumpet, oboe, piano, and timpani really helps the illusion of live symphonic music along, as does the way the FD7 portray the time elements of music like tempo, melody, and rhythm. Vocals are wonderful and powerfully emotive. Driver seems to have lightening fast transient response with a very low distortion, as FD7 can play at very loud levels without my ears shutting down. The Bass response is very well controlled which gives me the visceral and musical experience.
tldr: Absolute coherent sound, all frequency range evenly balanced, detailed and tonally near neutral for my taste but not fatiguing.

As I put the FD7 in my burn in station, I am thinking "Where the heck do I go from here?"
Well.. nowhere. I think I am finally done searching for a single DD that I can live with and love for the long haul.
I have to agree with your findings, acoustic guitar is also sublime, the speed, detail, finesse and timber the FD7 brings to the table is unreal for the price I doubt I will have need for another iem any time soon.
They just keep getting better and scale extremely well.

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